Save The Pizza – Save The World?

I’m unsure how to proceed with this.  My head tells me not to get involved, but my heart tells me otherwise.

I heard recently a news story that the gummint idiots in New York City are trying to implement some sort of clean air thing that would serious hamper, if not wipe out some food businesses, for example pizza makers.

Mind you, I personally wouldn’t care about the loss of New York’s pizza, which has in general left me unimpressed.  It’s not that I dislike it, as I do the Yankees and most modern art.  My experience of pizza in NYC… meh… yawn.  Where’s the pastrami?

With that in mind, I received this note, slightly redacted…

Sia lodato Gesù Cristo! Reverendo ‘Z’!

I have written before (I hope you don’t think I’m a nut), and before going further I renew invitation up to Northeast Italy when you return to Italy! Fr. ___ would enjoy you immensely, and maybe you’d like him too (for references you could ask Fr. ___)! ….
But my message is about something else. Maybe you have seen already the enraged ‘pizzaiolo’ [a pizza maker] throwing slices of pizza into New York City Hall on account of stupid ecology laws. Well, maybe you will like this idea and know a Priest there who can organize it in a truly Catholic spirit. Sant’Antonio Abbate is the Patron Saint of Pizza or Pizzaioli rather. It’s not just pizza that’s at stake but the whole sanity of that poor city–and the world. [Save The Pizza – Save The World?] And maybe if this thing is done in N.Y., it will be copied around the world and we will finally get free of the ‘reset’ mafia. Every Borough needs to have a procession (parade) with banners, flags, statues of Sant’Antonio. [I’m for that.] These can be made in most copy shops that do color printing on material. The best image of S.Antonio is with a bonfire (“representing” the pizza oven), and him holding a staff with a bell and he has a pig. He’s also always pictured with farm animals. [One feast of Sant’Antinio I stood outside the church and blessed pigs and horses.] He’s the perfect Saint for “taking out” all these nuts who want to eliminate real live-stock and give us fake beef instead! The pig is very important (here in the land of prosciutto they’re trying to get rid of pigs!!!) and I would encourage participants in the Procession (singing the Litany of Saints and reciting prayers as for the Rogazioni) to have little pigs on leashes, and even horses, dogs, chickens, mules–whatever is allowed in city ordinances. The event must be a solemn liturgical function (how wonderful if done by traditional Priests) (and in the most glorious vestments, lots of incense, etc.) but still, there ought to be euphoric festivity  with lots of food booths like for San Gennaro.
Stalin saved Russia from Nazi destruction because he listened to a monk who had had a vision of the B.V. Maria who said (among other things) that Stalin must make public processions with Her image in order to save Russia from the Nazis. And Stalin did what She said! To the letter! [This is not something that I have heard before.] This is what we need to do in these crazy times: processions, processions, processions! May God bless you! I hope we might see you in October! Devotedly in Our Lord Jesus Christ!

Meno chiacchiere!  Più processioni!

Perhaps we could enlist also the help of the legendary Pizza Rat, so determined to save its slice.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Charivari Rob says:

    Ah, yes – the movement against burning wood. And coal. And installing gas stoves in homes.

  2. Ariseyedead says:

    Pizza Rat should be the mascot for this initiative!
    May the meek pizzaioli humble the powerful!

  3. elijah408 says:

    I wonder when these climate change activists will seek to ban incense used in churches. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re already thinking about it.

  4. Not says:

    I went to College in Utah. I did not go to Brigham Young, but went to Mass with alot of people who did. BYU made all students sign a pledge not to drink alcohol.
    Catholic students were threatened with expulsion because the Priest uses wine at Mass. The Bishop had to explain to BYU that everyone doesn’t drink wine at Mass, only the Priest and it is water and wine.

  5. maternalView says:

    I love me a Catholic procession. And pizza? Where do I sign up?

  6. hwriggles4 says:

    Hmm…I wonder what Tom Monaghan would say.

  7. Anneliese says:

    Chicago can reign supreme, deep dish for the silly tourists and the regular style from mom and pop restaurants for the locals.

  8. JonPatrick says:

    Every day thousands of cars and their noxious fumes pour into New York City. Their transit system is the red headed stepchild and is chronically underfunded. Yet they go after pizza ovens. Good to see they have their priorities straight.

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