Daily Rome Shot 736

This will sub for a shot of Rome since it is … wonderfully Roman Catholic.  It came with this note:

We attend a Novus Ordo ad orientem mass. This was in the pew in front. Absolutely Awesome. Although St. Joseph is not known to have said anything, this kid seems to be convinced that his reply was “SURE”!

Kid art!

Yesterday the final matches to determine the 1st champions of the Global Chess League were held. There were 6 players on each team, therefore six boards, from highest rated to lowest with two board played by women and one by juniors.  They played two rounds of Rapid (15+10), switching colors in the matchups. There was a tie, so they went to two rounds of Blitz (3+2). There was a tie! They went to sudden death going pair by pair drawn by lot, using playing cards. First game, draw. Second game, draw. Third game, draw.  Fourth game …

Here’s the end before the the final moment which I bookmarked. These are the most junior players on both teams, the last Board, 6. From the beginning of the game HERE. NB: 3 minutes on each clock with only 2 second increment, so this goes pretty fast. Watching the whole thing is advised. But the end. Wow. The Indian commentators get a little screechy as they get excited.

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There’s a back story, too.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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