From “The Private Diary of Bishop F. Atticus McButterpants” – 2019-08-05 – Moolah

August 5th, 2023

Dear Diary,

Some nice gals wrote to tell me they are giving me their annual award! So sweet of them. It’s called – I copied it down – the “μύλος” award.

As if Latin wasn’t hard enough, this thing’s in Greek! They said it’s pronounced mooloows so I figured like moolah. They called me to follow up, and the award dinner is on September 14th, the day of the exultation of the Cross. Well, I was exulting for sure! It really is great to be appreciated for all your hard work.

They didn’t mention just how much moolah. They don’t sound like big bucks people. But Greek. Greeks have a lot of money from their diners and things. I’m sure that in addition to whatever they want to donate there’s a speaker’s gift or an honorary something. I usually get those at events like this, and it always makes me happy. Nice! They said they are looking forward to my speech. Have to prepare something inspiring. But short. Where’s Fr. Tommy when you need him. Gotta get on that. Sounds like they’re laying out a nice spread, and I’m always starving after I have to preach or give a talk. If these are Greek ladies hosting this shindig I know the food will be great! God love ’em. I always tell my brother bishops that in spite of all the headaches here, I’m a lucky guy.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. JPCahill says:

    Oh, dear. One hopes the event isn’t being held at a seaside location, say, one of those restaurants located at the end of a pier.

  2. amenamen says:

    Oh dear. His Excellency should refresh his Greek, and look up Matthew 18:6 for the reference to a great mulos.

  3. Charivari Rob says:


  4. Liam says:

    Will these kind ladies be placing the ????? around his Lordship’s neck at this dinner on the Exaltation of the Holy Cross? (Lest we forget 09/14/2007.)

  5. Not says:

    I believe Fr. Tommy will tell the Honorable Bishop that it means STRIPES. A referance to the Scourging. Bishop McButterpants may try in his way to show up in a striped shirt, hoping there will be a striped cake if chocolate and vanilla, and stripes of those delicious lamb skewers.

  6. TheCavalierHatherly says:

    As the others, I get the obvious part of the joke. But if “mulos” is an amusing and clever mispelling of something else, I’m afraid there is too much “Horace” in the horatian satire, Father, and just like reading Horace I need a scholiast to explain the joke.

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