Sometimes you’ve just had enough of the stupid

Yup. Nice tackle. Holding? Nah.

I hope her whole community is like this.


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Crysanthmom says:

    Now that’s a Warrior for Christ!!!!

  2. Kathleen10 says:

    We’ve watched it multiple times, we can’t see it enough. The man who does the Kennedy Report said he taught rugby, and it was a “pursuit drill”, I think he called it, and picture perfect in it’s execution. The angle she got him, the take down. He wondered if she had rugby experience. I love that even though they went over into a pit, she just hung on and was matter of fact. She gets up and just walks away.
    Hilarious. Yes, you get sick of it all and have had enough. She was the nun who wanted to be left alone.

  3. Grant M says:

    I have to congratulate the nun on a swift, effective, safe and legal tackle. She would be a clear asset to any rugby team.

    I remember someone quoting the late, great Michael Davies to the effect that occasionally trads need to take a break from worrying about the crisis in our church, and follow the rugby. (For Welshmen like Davies and for Kiwis like me it’s rugby. I guess others can substitute the sport or pastime of choice.)

    True to his word, I have been ignoring most of the news about the WTF to concentrate on following the RWC, the Rugby World Cup, that is. While the Synod meets in Rome, I have been following the more exciting action taking place in Paris and other French cities. This Friday New Zealand meets Argentina (hah!) in a semi-final. The final coincides with the conclusion of the WTF. Providential.

  4. redneckpride4ever says:

    This is best complimented with a quote from the great Bocephus:


  5. WVC says:

    Send her to the Synod, immediately!!

  6. JerseyCatholic says:

    An alpha male would be thoroughly embarrassed by being taken down by a nun, but a beta male, which I’m sure this guy is, will probably whine to his therapist and the media that the nun hurt his feelings and he will need some time in his safe space to try to cope with the opressive victimization.

  7. damez35 says:

    Hello Fr. Z and all! My husband and I had a good chuckle seeing this!
    We are really enjoying your blog!! Fantastic. So glad to have found it.
    God bless you Fr Z.

  8. Grant M says:

    Beta male: Foul play!
    Official: Nah mate, watch the video in slo-mo. There’s a clear attempt to bind below the shoulders, she releases you as you hit the ground and rolls away. All perfectly legal.

    PS: If the synodal church was a rugby game, I think the sin bin would be banned and no conversions would be allowed.

  9. OssaSola says:

    Sweet takedown. I’ll bet she grew up with a slew of brothers!

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