All eyes are turning to S. Montana – a beautiful area to be sure – where tens of people might attend a special conference for those recovering from being traditional. The Trad Recovery conference is for people who had bad experiences and therefore need some… I dunno… bucking up and a place to vent. There is on the slate at least one kooky speaker. The others I haven’t heard of. I’m sure they are nice.
At Crisis Dr. Janet Smith reposts with another conference proposal: for people disillusioned by the Church since the 1960s.
Of course such a conference would, as she observes, need a large sports stadium (or two) instead of a miniscule church in the middle of nowhere although a beautiful area to be sure.
Dr. Smith’s piece is funny. She really takes the mickey out of the other thing. She lists here own topics and break out sessions for those hurt by the modernist Church.
As I think about this… only because comments prompt me, otherwise it is sort of forgettable… wouldn’t it be great if several hundred “glad-trads” signed up and attended? Just to add some cordial balance to the proceedings?
From college students…
If I may be permitted to take up and modify the rather infamous phrase of Dr. Jordan Peterson:
“I choose to live my life as though it were the case that the Novus Ordo did not exist.”
The tranquility. The bliss.
Ha, I told my wife the same thing. Who cares, there will be 14 people at it anyways. Janet Smith’s article is correct. I want reparation for the 2000 schoolmates I went to Catholic school with who lost the faith because they went to Catholic school and had school masses with guitars! I want a recovery conference for my wife’s siblings who have lost the faith after attending mass their entire lives and now have dog children! Will there be a recovery conference by these same folks who are deeply affected by the large scale closures of American and Canadian parishes?
Mary Eberstadt in her book on contraception and a great chapter on the “will to disbelieve”
This conference should be renamed the will to disbelieve conference. Deny all the destruction in the rest of the Church because someone along the way made you feel bad or silly at the Latin Mass.
We knew a woman who cried and was angry at how a Priest made her “feel” at a traditional parish. A few years later, the same woman now only attends the Latin Mass. Without going into detail, the traditional Priest was right and was seeking to save her soul. I’m glad, she didn’t take her pride, and will to disbelieve and run off to a recovery conference. She now has a large family and is very clear about the Church’s teachings and loves and defends them. This lady, our friend, was morally recovered by a Traditional priest. She would be the first to tell you that there should be a modern church recovery conference because she found the truth at a traditional parish after a lifetime in the modern Church.
Dr. Smith is a very admirable lady, met her many times at the Toronto Oratory.
My wife says that if I ever got her a maniple, she’d strangle me with it. Or words to that effect. We are a family who love tradition. Yes there are weirdos. Yes, we could do better.
Some people need to get over themselves and not be so self-centered.
This conference smacks of “me me me” by very entitled people.
*chapel veil. Not maniple. Sheesh. What was I thinking? ?
Saying “Trad recovery” is akin to an alcoholic going to the bar for “sobriety recovery”.
Gee, I am wondering if I can seek recovery from doing hand motions to music at youth Masses from years ago, as well as participating in skits in place of homilies at certain college Masses where a makeshift coffee table was the altar. The sign of peace in those days was “huggy-kissy.”
There would be a fair number at both places I think. There is more than one Steve Skojec out there.
What were you thinking? Perhaps because you were having her sent to a Carthusian Convent, and she really didn’t want to.
(It would definitely constitute a liturgical abuse at the profession were strangulation to occur, I think.)
Janet Smith is extremely funny! I enjoyed that piece so much!
I can add another one:
Wondering how a parish with 1000 families i.e. around 3000 people, can manage to provide confession (required by the Church at least once a year) when it only offers it for 30 minutes each Saturday (3000 / 52 = approx 58 people have to receive the sacrament a week in order just to get everyone in once a year).
Speaking of confession, I recall one parish I was at where the new priest decided to “have the light on” for Lent and when they went to open the confessional found it full of brooms and mops, apparently it hadn’t been used for a while.
Well the organizer is a friend of mine and tells me that they have 450 registrants so far.
@TheCavalierHatherley I suspect given we have four kids, she’d jump at the chance to just have some peace and quiet (go to a convent, not to strangle me!)
As I think about this… only because comments prompt me, otherwise it is sort of forgettable… wouldn’t it be great if several hundred “glad-trads” signed up and attended? Just to add some cordial balance to the proceedings?
JonPatrick 30 March 2024 @ 07.34
Re confession times.
I’ve just read a parish bulletin from Scotland, which advises the parishioners that as the Priests of the Parish have had a busy Holy Week, there will not be any confessions until 8th March in order that the priests can recover from their busy week!!
Is there a conference for Recovery from Happy Clappy Hippy Crappy “liturgical” music, Poor grade school/high school/college/university Catechesis, Illiterate and/or soft spoken Cantors of the 1st and 2nd readings, Hand-holdings during the Our Father, Standing during the Consecration, and Tepid and/or non-Orthodox Homilies? Asking for a friend.
From college students…
This is being hosted by one of the best priests in Montana. His homilies are excellent and has probably one of the only organically growing parish on Montana, at least in the diocese of helena. This conference is almost certainly being done as a counter point to the dinner held last year by the sedevecantist priest father Altman and Peter Kwasniewski who held a conference bashing the papacy, the Church and her lawful liturgical rites.
Father Gilbaugh is far from spirit of vatican ii or liberal hippie Dippin nonsense. He celebrates mass in a very reverent manner and there have literally been families move from out of state just to love near his parish. I would be cautious in judging this lroest to be something other than a good, faithful and very successful priest for the salvation of souls and the good of the Church.
Adding to Carter Farrier‘s comments, I was wondering the same after visiting the conference website. The proposed priest speaker is wearing very traditional garb and the nun is wearing a very definite pre-VII habit. Don’t know quite what to make of it.