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White can mate in 3.
NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.
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In Zagreb, Fabiano won the Rapid portion and now they are on to blitz. My guy Wesley is in 2nd but is 3 points behind… a big margin.
In about 15 minutes, I am off to OTB, late but late is better than never. My expectations are low, but if you learn something, you win.
1. Rh4# puts Black in a quandary: he has to capture the Rook, since he cannot move his King to any safe square. But how should he capture it? If
1. . . . pxR, 2. Qg6# is mate. And if he captures with his King?
1. Rh4# KxR
2. Qh7# Kg4, then
3. Qh3# is mate as well.