Too many people today are without good, strong preaching, to the detriment of all. Share the good stuff.
Was there a GOOD point made in the sermon you heard at your Mass of obligation for this 7th Sunday after Pentecost, or the 14th Sunday of Ordinary Time?
Tell about attendance especially for the Traditional Latin Mass.
Any local changes or (hopefully good) news?
A couple thoughts about the sign of the cross: HERE A taste…
For the Christian, there is no way around mortification, acts of self-denial of the urges of the flesh, our appetites which are disordered because of Original Sin over which our will must seek control. Moreover, our efforts at mortification must be conscious. The determination to diet, for example, for the sake of losing weight is a good choice that requires the will. However, that is not the same as mortification, which has a higher and more lasting goal. In a sense, mortification through a strict diet, intentionally directed primarily for the sake of control of the flesh in view of life in Heaven, can result in a special kind of weigh gain. As St. Augustine wrote in Confessions 13, “amor meus pondus meum… my love is my weight”. Augustine understood by his 5th century science, which knew nothing of the force of gravity, that the weight of a thing was caused by an interior property constantly seeking to go to the place it belongs. This is why hearts can’t be at peace when given over to any created thing, or as Paul would place it, the flesh. Properly aligned hearts, indwelt by the Spirit, strive with all their interior weight to go to God.
Newly ordained FSSP priest at the Houston branch office, today. Did a nice job of explaining today’s parable, which I always forget the meaning: be as wise as the secular, mammon world in planning ahead, without getting sucked into their corruption. Good turnout considering we just went through a hurricane, not even natural disasters can keep a Trad down for long. Good preachin’ and proper worship will do that.
TLM, FSSP, 3 masses on Sunday. 7 AM mass was packed even more than usual. Fr. preached on the gospel and also on being always prepared for death through frequent confession, talked about venial and mortal sins and their effects on the soul. He mentioned several examples of people who died unexpectedly. We know not the hour. Be ready. We said prayers for President Trump and our nation after mass and after the usual post-mass prayers.
I preached about God the Father – “Abba.” Our Lord came to reveal the Father. We all need a relationship with Him.
At our FSSP parish we attended the 8:30 AM Mass which is usually a low mass but on the 2nd Sunday of the month it is a Missa Cantata. Packed as usual with families of all ages especially lots of younger families with several children. I still haven’t gotten used to the contrast with my old NO parish that was 90% older women and hardly any children. A newly ordained priest who is helping out while our pastor is away gave the homily in which he asked whether we plan ahead as the dishonest steward did in our spiritual lives. He also mentioned after the sermon he would be in the confessional until communion time.