I bring to you attention a new book published by Emmaus Press, a branch of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology.
On The Demonic by Archbp. Fulton J. Sheen.
US HERE – UK HERE (not yet)
I brought it along and intend to finish it during my travels.
The forward explains that, toward the end of his life, Sheen was ever more convinced that we are living in a demonic age and that we may be seeing the “first cells of the Anti-Christ”.
He wrote that he wanted to write a book about the demonic, but he passed away before he could accomplish it. The editor of this book has gone through all of Sheen’s material and collated what he found about the topic.
The volume includes not only excerpts from known published works but also from Sheen’s own handwritten notes, kept in his archive, for conferences, etc.
This book is
the closest thing the world will ever see to the long-lost book that Fulton Sheen promised to write on the demonic, all in Sheen’s own words.
This is a taste…,
I’m well beyond this point but I circled back to give you some idea of the book’s urgency.
More later
I wonder if perhaps cleaning is becoming less a thing again. I always – as before – bring wipes. This is after I used a couple. The rings are better but not gone. What else isn’t gone?
I’m just sayin’.
Next leg.
Meanwhile, I was challenged to caption this….
“Soooo, the horsies go… BACKWARDS?”
One of the improvements through technology in modern day flying are the texts you get when your bag has been put on the plane!
Starophobia, fear of the cross! Something the Olympics’ opening ceremony grossly displayed. For this coined phrase alone Sheen deserves our admiration. But unfortunately also something to do with the scandal of New York’s Fulton Sheen casket handling. Quite like Cardinal Pell’s desecration also, as was recently revealed.
As always, thanks for another excuse to support you via Amazon purchases. Cannot wait to read this book (in the daytime, though).
The current imbroglio concerning Holy Mass is a perfect example of this. I am a convert from Protestantism, and a more recent convert to the Extraordinary Form. I say that to explain that I have long associated with myriad Christians who are deeply uncomfortable with the Cross. From “Risen Jesus” crucifixes to empty crosses, from “Easter people” to those who prefer to think of the Holy Sacrifice as just a communal meal shared with friends, we see all sorts of ways to claim to be people of faith without spending any time at Golgotha. I realise that Holy Mass encompasses the entire Pascal narrative, from the Upper Room Heavenly Banquet, but there is such a lack of emphasis on what lies between those two things that one cannot but attribute it to starophobia. Jesus didn’t just come to be with us, but to die for us, and to show us in turn how to die to self. That’s what the “double agents” soft pedal (or hide altogether) — which is setting us up for a very rude awakening.
Going to purchase.
Amazon says the book is Temporarily Unavailable. I sent email to Emmaus customer service to explain. I was going to order multiple copies.
Video (37 min. 28 sec.) Anthony Armstrong-Jones (Lord Snowdon) BBC documentary ‘Snowdon on Camera’ part 1 – Late 1980s
At around 14 minutes into the video, there is an interview with photographer Yousuf Karsh, who made the portrait of Archbishop Fulton Sheen used on the cover of “On the Demonic”. You are likely to smile when you see which of his many famous images was reproduced the most.
What the late Fr. Malachi Martin repeatedly stressed as well.
Good to hear about luggage. A few months ago my bag missed my flight. Turned out the baggage handlers placed it on the wrong cart. Anyway, Southwest Airlines paid a courier service to drive my bag on the graveyard shift three hours to my hotel. Got a call from the front desk during the wee hours that my bag arrived. I appreciated the service.
I am wondering if I should do the tracking in the future – I know Delta does something like that.
I tried to order, but the book is sold out. I used the link and then logged into my account. Father, will you receive credit that way when the book is available? I didn’t know if I needed to log in as a guest or something.
Sold out… they can probably thank me for that.
Sheen’s book is now available on St Paul Center’s website:
They have it nicely hidden amongst all their other numerous releases and no search function. Go figure. At least maybe they know you featured it here.
The St. Paul Center website does have a search function. It is the bottom entry in the Menu drop-down menu (upper right corner of the screen). The entries in this menu have an organizational principle that is not apparent to the casual observer. I do not recall seeing this unhelpful interface innovation before.
I bought the ePub version of “On the Demonic” from the St. Paul Center website, and plan to bring to their attention the strikingly unattractive way that the italics are displayed when Apple’s Books application is used to read the book.