Daily Rome Shot 1206 – Fishwrap’s spittle-flecked nutty

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Rick from Oregon

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In churchy news…

Fishwrap is having a spittle-flecked nutty about Pres. Trump’s appointment of Brian Burch (of CatholicVote) as Ambassador to the Holy See. HEH… er um… HERE. Moreover, there is a sustained whine about women “rethinking their relationship to the church” – yes, small c. TDS is clearly on display, but it’s more than that. This one exemplifies much of what is aberrant in Fishwrappery. HERE. Another, is Madame Defarge’s hissy attack on Edward Pentin and Diane Montagna for writing about papabili cardinals. HERE

Some years ago a cardinal of my acquaintance told me that because Francis didn’t call the cardinals together in consistories, they didn’t have an opportunity to get to know each other. That was a way to control and to manipulate regarding a future conclave. This piece by Sandro Magister addresses that. HERE

Fr. David Nix has an interesting round-up about whether or not Russia has been consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the way that MARY wanted Russia to be consecrated. You can guess the conclusion. Interesting information compressed together. HERE

In chessy news… HERE

White to move and mate in 4.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. White to move and mate in 4.

    [NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.]

    I read at ChessBase that chess will be included in the Esports World Cup in Riyadh for US$ 1.5 million prize pool from 31 July to 3 August 2025. The time control will be 10 minutes with no increments. Twelve players will qualify through the Champions Chess Tour in two online events in February and May and a Last Chance Qualifier. That competition is open to amateur and professional players.

    Today… OTB for me?  Maybe.

  2. Lurker 59 says:

    RE: Fr. Nix

    We must remember that God is not legalistic while the devil is. Consecration isn’t a magic spell that must be, to the syllable, precise. That said, you are not allowed to mix and match categories, like St. JPII did. However, I do think that Pope Francis’ consecration of Russia is, at the very least, more what Our Lady asked. I notice that Fr. Nix doesn’t address that consecration.

    Additionally, at the end Fr. Nix states “Russia must be converted to Catholicism, not Russian Orthodoxy”

    This is factually false. The Russian Orthodox Church is a real Church not an ecclesial community. The Church exists in a state of schism not apostasy. Should the ROC rejoin the Catholic Church it is done by ending schism NOT by accepting a new Faith. The ROC would not cease to be the ROC (unlike the Anglicans ceased to be Anglicans when their groups BECAME the Ordinariate by leaving behind the Anglicanism and becoming Roman Catholic).

    Additionally, the process of Russia being restored to the household of God necessarily flows through the ROC. People have a right to the Apostolic Faith of their fathers. As we fight to be able to have the faith of the fathers of our Roman Church, we must not deny others their right to have the faith of their Church. The restoration of the ROC under Putin really is nothing short of a minor miracle.

    (Side Note: Americans, even traditional Catholics, have drunk deeply of “separation of Church and State” and find the way modern Russia and the ROC pull each other along to be verboten, but that is really only because we are children of the enlightenment, and not really students of Catholic political thought.)

    And yes, I get that the ROC can be needlessly antagonistic towards Roman Catholics, but as Fr. Nix shows, so too can Roman Catholics.

  3. GHP says:

    From NCR: ….Kathleen O’Brien, who works in ministry in northern California, said the election results have her questioning her vocation.

    “I don’t know if I want to be part of this institution anymore,” she said. “As I see it aligning itself more and more with conservative Republican ideology, the Catholic space is no longer a spiritual space for me. It feels tainted by the larger political culture.”….

    Well, as Curly Bill said in “Tombstone”

  4. BeatifyStickler says:

    I wonder how many dozens of readers and their ages the writings of Mr. Winters reach?

  5. A.M. says:

    That we didn’t get the whole Third Secret, and that we continue to be lied to about Fatima, is shown by the fact that nothing published about Fatima up to now contains any mention by Our Lady of an ecumenical council or a new Mass. It beggars belief that she could have remained silent about the biggest earthquake to strike the Church in our time, leading to a cratering of her life in every metric. If Our Lady warned against an ecumenical council and a new Mass, that would perfectly explain why the Secret was supposed to be published in 1960, the year after the Council was announced, and the real reason it was buried instead.

    As for whether the collegial consecration has ever been properly done, all we need to do to figure that out is look around. If we think the world we are now living in represents the triumph of the Immaculate Heart, we must think Our Lady sets the bar awfully low.

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