In Queens… really good cheeseburger. I usually have one of these when I come back from Italy. Why wait?
Bun: buttered and grilled, as God intended. Salad instead of starches, although my dining companion shared an some of his onion rings. Cheese: pepper jack. Salad dressing: Balsamic vinaigrette.
Life doesn’t have to be complicated all the time.
This is something uncomplicated too… not as good as a cheeseburger photo, but something you should know about.
Cardinal Robert McElroy was told in detail about Theodore McCarrick’s predatory activities and said nothing publicly. His appointment to Washington is a disgrace. Me in this week’s Spectator:
— Damian Thompson (@holysmoke) January 24, 2025
I’m all for saving the environment, aren’t you?
The real danger for humanity today, Cardinal Müller said, “consists in the greenhouse gases of sin, the global warming of unbelief and the trans-humanist decay of morality, when no one any longer knows or teaches the difference between good and evil.” @NCRegister
— Edward Pentin (@EdwardPentin) January 23, 2025
This is too cool not to post. Elon announced that soon we will have mobile/cellphone to Starlink satellite service. HERE We live in amazing times.
Please remember me when shopping online and use my affiliate links. US HERE – UK HERE WHY? This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc.. At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.
If only…
It’s official, guys.
Time to learn your Latin, padres.
— Eric Sammons (@EricRSammons) January 24, 2025
In chessy news… Tata Steel Chess Tournament is taking place from 18 January until 2 February in Wijk aan Zee, but – to your great disappointment, I’m too busy to write about it because I have an international flight in a few hours and I have stuff to do, like find a work-around for the portable monitor delivered today: it doesn’t work with any port but USB C which is my power-IN port! See the problem? This laptop always struggles in Rome with cooling, etc., and I think it may be it’s last trip so that I can dedicate it to the live daily Mass stream from the Chapel of the Two Trinities.
Time yourself.
Black to move and mate in 2. Can you get it in under 30 sec? (Me? 2)
[NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.]
Now I am craving a cheeseburger.
Interesting to see how this will all pan out. I hope some clarity for the countless people who would enter the Church but have encountered this massive stumbling block of abuse and corruption.
I’m sorry, did you say “chessburger”?
Queens! The place of my birth and youth (and advancing age). Where did you go, Father?
After 30 minutes’ study, Father Z, I see a mate in 4, but not a mate in 2, despite trying out every other move for Black. Perhaps you would enlighten us patzers with your mate in 2 discovered so quickly. Meanwhile, here’s my humbly submitted mate in 4, with a Queen sacrifice:
1. Qh1+ KxQ
2. Rf1+ Qg1
3. Bc6+ Rg2
4. BxR mate
You are right. Sack the Queen. Mate in 4 not two.
Sorry about that. It’s what you get when working from a phone instead of a big screen.