ROME DAY 25/01 04: Cringe

I slept in this morning, so I was not aware of the sunrise at 07:24.  I will surely see the sunset at 17:22.

I won’t hear the Ave Maria Bell, which should ring at 17:45 in this cycle. It changed.

However, The Parish™ is – I think – ringing it at the precise time for the Ave Maria, rather than at a fixed time in a cycle.  I should be there in the evening and I will listen for it.

Yesterday I went to visit St. Philip Neri, to thank him for his intercession and favors and to ask for a few more things.

A dim Chiesa Nuova in the late afternoon.  The decorative drapery is up.

The chess guys were out, bundled up, but playing and vigorously kibbitzing.  When I walked up they were just beginning what turned into a QDA, which is a little odd.  The black player got into trouble trying to defend his pawn, right on schedule.

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BTW… if you like the photos, thank long-time reader DM who provided the upgraded phone last year.  Thanks DM.

I don’t know what this is, but my first thought was… I’d rather not write it.

UPDATE: Apparently the emeritus of Washington was there. THAT figures. Studied liturgy in Rome at the worst place at the worst time. Couple that with nearly limitless power and no accountability and you get this sort of B as in B, S as in S. I don’t want to be rash, but I suspect the poor guys (maybe seminarians?) dragooned into this wished they were elsewhere. They are free to write to tell me, “Hell, yeah! I loved that! It was grooooovy!” But in Washington, seminarians have been “dragooned” in the past.

There were once men…

Card. Pell, pray for us!

This is interesting from Larry Chapp with Mat Fradd. He touches on the hyper-papalism of the papalatrous and also Taurina cacata.

Meanwhile, the great Card. Zen asked a good question:

In chessy news…

White to move and mate in 3.

[NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.]


German entrepreneur Jan Henric Buettner, the head of Freestyle Chess, has fired back at the International Chess Federation’s (FIDE) threats of legal action, labeling it “blackmail,” and alleging that FIDE demanded $500,000 for the rights to use the world championship title. He says he’s ready to take the case to court.

The conflict between FIDE and Freestyle Chess, which has five high-level Chess960/Fischer-Random tournaments scheduled in 2025, is heating up. On Tuesday, the chess world governing body released a statement threatening legal action if the tour planned to crown a ‘world champion’ without FIDE’s approval.



About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. EAW says:

    I couldn’t agree more with Cardinal Zen. Regarding the video from DC, just about everything is off. Father “Look at me, I’m a cool guy,” the cheesy music, the uneasiness of most people in the pews, and those seminarians (dragooned in, most likely). Even if some of them think now this is cool, they are likely to be embarrassed about this when they are older. Not to mention how everything clashes with the beautiful church. Shenanigans like this are a major reason why many people don’t want to have anything to do with the Novus Ordo.

  2. BeatifyStickler says:

    The first kid that declined to join in is all of us! It’s actually gross and fake.

  3. Benedict Joseph says:

    As bad as the performance in DC was … and it was grotesque … what would I have done if that guy stuck that microphone in my face? Well, just a couple weeks ago we were treated here, in the middle of nowhere desert southwest, to “Go Tell it on the Mountain” which hadn’t assaulted my ears in over fifty years. Grateful I am it was substituted for an authentic recessional so I could split before I roared.

  4. PostCatholic says:

    I think St. Matthew’s has a contemporary choir service on Sunday evenings and this was possibly that service. The main Sunday morning masses have a professional schola cantorum and use the excellent “new” organ. I married my beloved in that church wayyyy back in the last century.

  5. ajf1984 says:

    Re. the Jubilee Mascot, our friends at Lutheran Satire summed it up nicely: “I thought you were the Catholic Church’s mascot!” (Martin Luther to Pope Francis)

  6. TonyO says:

    and alleging that FIDE demanded $500,000 for the rights to use the world championship title… threatening legal action if the tour planned to crown a ‘world champion’ without FIDE’s approval.

    I have no special legal knowledge of naming rights, but at least in the U.S., I don’t think that an entity can have or acquire legally exclusive rights to a phrase like “world champion X”, neither as a trademark nor as some sort of copyright title. I think that NFL and AFL showed that back when they were separate entities (and before they played a final game between them to decide the “world champion”, i.e. before 1966). And there are multiple “world champion” boxing titles awarded by multiple boxing entities.

    Unless Freestyle contractually agreed to some constraints with FIDE to abide by FIDE’s exclusive assignment of “world champion” language, it seems difficult to see why FIDE’s theory of what makes someone the “world champion” somehow controls what some other entity should think makes someone the world champion. The fact that FIDE perhaps got there first is irrelevant.

  7. Christophorus II says:

    Pray, what was the occasion for the drapery.


  9. I suspect it was for Christmas and the beginning of the New Year.

  10. A.S. Haley says:

    Where have all the chess aficionados gone? I’ve waited four days for someone else to post the solution to Fr.Z’s nice chess problem, involving a Queen sacrifice, but no takers. So here goes:

    1. Qh8+! KxQ
    2. Nf5+ Kg8
    3. Nh6 mate

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