S. St. Paul, MN – St. Augustine’s Church: Triduum – 1962 Missale Romanum

Sacred Triduum will be celebrated with the 1962 Missale Romanum at St. Augustine’s in South St. Paul, MN.

Holy Thursday – 8:00 pm
Good Friday – 7:30 pm
Vigil of Easter – 11:00 om 

I think because the priests for St. Augustine also staff another parish, Holy Trinity, the Good Friday liturgy is a little later than one might expect.

Yours truly was asked to act as subdeacon for Holy Thursday and the well-known Fr. Robert Altier, a friend of many years, will be celebrant.  I think I will be celebrant for Good Friday and the Vigil Mass.

Father says the servers have been working hard to learn the complicated rites.  I think I had better start brushing up myself!  There is a lot to do and remember.

Driving directions.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Petrus says:

    Sounds awesome! I won’t be attending a 1962 triduum this year unfortunately. I’ll be at the National Shrine in DC, I doubt there will be much Latin either.

  2. Geoffrey says:

    How wonderful. I hope to be able to attend the liturgies of the Triduum in the Extraordinary Form one day. From what I’ve read, they seem beautiful… and long! What is the average length of time for the Easter Vigil?

  3. Joe says:


    Look up the Old Church of St. John the Evangelist and you’ll find more information for the Good Friday liturgy and the Easter Mass. St. Mary’s in Northeast DC will likely offer the TLM for Easter.

    I hope that helps if you’re looking for the TLM in the Triduum.

  4. Julie says:


    I’ll be at the Cathedral with our 35 new Catholics on the Vigil- thanks be to God! Someday a TLM there, if enough interest is shown. Our priests are open. Father Joseph Johnson is of course fluent in Latin as is Father Andrew Cozzens and Father John Paul Erickson is better than he will admit. I imagine the training could be accomplished relatively quickly. That being said, I do believe we have one of the most reverent and lovely NO’s in the Archdiocese.

    Speaking of Saint Paul, they put a new Crucifix in at the Saint Paul Sem… and did I mention that Dr. Janet Smith is prof. in residence next fall? http://spsseminarians.blogspot.com/ The guys posted in appreciation for the added visits they received from your blog. Thanks, Fr. Z.

  5. PAT says:

    Here is what I have from email for the Washington/Baltimore Triduum schedule:

      Here’s the traditional Latin Holy Week (Triduum) schedule for the
      Washington/Baltimore region. I think most of the regular TLM locations
      will have Easter Sunday Masses.

      * Maundy Thursday; 20 March; 7:30 p.m.; Saint Mary, Mother of God church
         in Washington, D.C.

      * Good Friday; 21 March; 12 noon; Old Saint John’s / Our Lady Queen of
         Poland church in Silver Spring, Md. (Stations of the Cross at 11:30
         a.m. will precede the 12:00 noon Good Friday liturgy at Old St. John
         the Evangelist Church (Our Lady Queen of Poland), Silver Spring, MD)

      * Holy Saturday; 22 March; 7 p.m.; Saint Alphonsus church in Baltimore,

  6. PAT says:

    I should add, too, that there is an Easter Sunday Extraordinary Form Mass scheduled for Old St. John the Evangelist in Silver Spring, MD. No special time is given, so it should be at the usual time of 8 AM.

  7. Dave Deavel says:

    It’s nice to see a vigil starting at 11 PM. Though I’m not a stickler for hitting midnight, it’s always irritating when we go to our Easter Vigil which starts in broad daylight.

  8. Dr. A says:

    I’m happy to hear this since my wife and I will be moving to St. Paul this Fall and so presumably we’ll be able to take advantage of this next year. However, I’m confused. I thought St. Augustine’s was officially a regular diocesan parish and the motu proprio specifically allowed for the 1962 Triduum to be celebrated only in 1962 Latin Mass parishes. What have I misunderstood?

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