Pray for the Subprior of Clear Creek Monastery in Oklahoma

From a reader:

The Subprior of Clear Creek, Dom Francois de Feydeau, recently underwent an operation in which the doctors removed three cancerous brain tumors.  The guestmaster, Father Bethel, has told me on more than one occasion that he does not know how they could ever have made the foundation at Clear Creek without Father de Feydeau.  He is enormously talented in so many ways – a superb artist, an able builder & amateur engineer, an authority on Romanesque art, architecture, & spirituality without equal in the Western Hemisphere, above all a perfect model of a Christian following the Rule of St Benedict.  I received a note from Father Prior, excerpts of which are below, asking that friends of the monastery join in this novena to Bishop Valdes, beginning TODAY, Tuesday the 2nd.



Dear Friends of Clear Creek Monastery,

Father Abbot of Fontgombault composed the attached novena prayer.
Bishop Francisco Valdes was a Capuchin bishop from Chile, who befriended Fontgombault in the early 1980s.  He ordained Father de Feydeau (and Father Bethel) to the diaconate.  Since dying in the odor of sanctity in 1982, his diocese of Osorno has begun the procedure to obtain his possible beatification.

Father de Feydeau is recovering very well from his brain surgery, but his cancer is medically incurable.  This is why we are asking you to join in our novena for his cure, by the grace of God and the intercession of Our Lady, St. Benedict, St. Francis and the holy Bishop Valdes.

In Our Lord and Our Lady,
Brother Philip Anderson, Prior of Clear Creek Monastery


+ Special Novena
(June 2-10 2009)
Composed by Dom Antoine Forgeot, Abbot of Fontgombault

Bishop Francisco Valdes, our friend, we know through experience the power of your intercession; humbly and with confidence we pray to you on behalf of another Francis, severely stricken in his health: obtain for him a complete and prompt healing, for the good of his soul, the service of his community and the glory of God.  Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in Thee.
Our Lady, Health of the Sick, Pray for us.
Our Lady of Lourdes, Pray for us.
Our Blessed Father, Saint Benedict, Pray for us.
Saint Francis of Assisi, Pray for us.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Louis Ullmer says:

    Sorry to hear this. We’re actually travelling to Clear Creek this weekend for the priestly ordination of my uncle on Sunday.

    Father de Feydeau will be in our prayers.

  2. Dr. Eric says:

    I offer my prayers through the intercession of St. Benedict.

  3. Sal says:

    I’ll certainly pray for Dom Francois. I’m
    sorry to hear about this.

  4. Nick says:

    Fr. Z,

    Thank you so much for posting this. Fr. Subprior is an amazing man, a true son of St. Benedict. I would never have known of his condition had you not posted this.

    I am reminded of when I got to work with him at the saw mill. A giant blade chewing through big logs, screeching with horrendous noise–all w/Fr. Subprior calmly behind the controls in a spirit of recollection.

  5. Joe says:

    Our family stayed there this past weekend. Life changing experience. Recommend a visit to all and any readers.

  6. Kaneohe says:

    Thanks for the news – Dom Francois and the Clear Creek community are in my prayers.

  7. Mary Conces says:


  8. Willa says:

    As a college student my son visited Clear Creek for Easter Vigil in 2008. I will be praying for Father de Feydeau.

  9. RickMK says:

    Even though I always go to Clear Creek a few times a year (my next trip will be for the Assumption), I still don’t know most of the monks by name. But I’m sure I’ve seen him many times, and I’ll remember him in my prayers.

  10. RBrown says:

    Even though I always go to Clear Creek a few times a year (my next trip will be for the Assumption), I still don’t know most of the monks by name. But I’m sure I’ve seen him many times, and I’ll remember him in my prayers.
    Comment by RickMK

    I gave some theology lectures there a few years ago, and he was in the class. A really good guy.

    Follow this link to the ordination of a deacon. You will see him in black habit and surplice on photo #2 (lower right), #3, #4, #5, #9, #10, #11.

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