The 9.9 Gigapixel Apotheosis of St. Ignatius

From Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit this news:

The 9.9 Gigapixel Apotheosis of St. Ignatius

Another breathtaking italian fresco

HAL9000 Srl, under the artistical direction of the Inventory Office – dept. Cultural Property of Diocese of Novara, realized the high definition digital picture of the Apotheosis of St. Ignatius, a fresco painted on the barrel vault of the St. Ignatius church in Rome, Italy property of “F.E.C.- Fondo Edifici di Culto” of the italian “Ministero dell’Interno” and conducted by the Jesuits order. The church is located in the ancient Rome near the Pantheon and Trevi Fountain.

The fresco was painted in the last years of the 17th century (1685-1694) by Andrea Pozzo, an italian baroque architect and painter who entered the Jesuits order in 1668.

The fresco is considered a masterpiece of perspective; from the center of the church appears another order of columns leading to the Holy Trinity and St. Ignatius that reflects the light of Jesus all over the world.

Link (here)

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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