Your Sunday Sermon Notes: 5th Sunday after Easter (N.O. 6th of Easter) 2024

Too many people today are without good, strong preaching, to the detriment of all. Share the good stuff.

Was there a GOOD point made in the sermon you heard at your Mass of obligation for the 5th Sunday Sunday after Easter?  Novus Ordo – 6th Sunday of Easter.

Tell about attendance especially for the Traditional Latin Mass.

Any local changes or (hopefully good) news?

A taste of my thoughts from the other place: HERE


When we are given this image of the eye and of light, we should be immediately reminded of what the Church, and ancient philosophers before her, advised about custodia occulorum, custody of the eyes.

I will be blunt.

Purgamentum init, exit purgamentum.  Garbage in, garbage out.

We should not look at things that are evil or which arouse passions.  Our vision is perhaps the most powerful of all the senses for shaping our inward selves.  It is a common trait of us fallen human beings that we tend to desire what we see.  Remember the temptation of Eve by the serpent in the Garden at the Tree of Knowledge in Genesis 3: …


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Prayerful says:

    The priest who was hearing Confession preached the sermon for whatever reason rather than the priest offering the Mass. Basically Fr concentrated on the Epistle of James where those have faith but be not a ‘doer of the work’ then their ‘religion is vain.’

  2. grayanderson says:

    Attendance was about where I’m used to seeing it (100-110) at the 1330 Mass. This was actually a pleasant surprise – I didn’t know if some folks would have been diverted to the First Eucharist service at the 1100 (Sung) Mass. Anecdotally, the parking lot was slam full when I got there but a bit emptier as I left – I believe a few families probably had a celebratory picnic after the 1100.

    We had a wonderful homily discussing the necessity of good works alongside faith (and discussing Luther sidelining the Epistle of James because it didn’t fit his views). I’ve got to say, I’m actually enjoying getting solid theological discussion from the priests in their homilies. It’s not something I’ve really been used to over the years.

  3. JonPatrick says:

    NO Mass. Love is not a feeling, it is an action towards others, as Jesus act of dying on the Cross for our sins, a sacrificial act of love.

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