Of Radio D.J.’s, chainsaws, and an abortion clinic in Rockford

This is from LifeSite about the abortion clinic in Rockford, IL, about which WDTPRS has posted before (here and here).  The people who run this clinic are particularly creepy.

My emphases and comments.

Abortion Clinic Owner Responds with Chainsaw as Radio Blares: ‘God Bless Pro-Lifers!’

By Kathleen Gilbert

ROCKFORD, Illinois, July 9, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Staff at the Rockford abortion mill, which has been blaring the radio through its speakers to drown out pro-life counselors for several weeks, got an unpleasant surprise Friday morning when a local D.J. found out what his show was being used for.

LifeSiteNews.com has reported numerous times on the bizarre Rockford abortuary, which has taken to taunting pro-life witnesses with signage and other paraphernalia mocking Christianity and Jesus Christ, and even directing personal insults at local pro-lifers. (See coverage here)

The facility’s latest form of harassment, blasting a radio talk show through its outdoor speakers to keep women from hearing the message of pro-life counselors gathered outside, backfired when D.J. Doug McDuff’s scheduled talk show guest cancelled, and he opened the phone lines for comment. [Excellent.]

Seeing his chance, Rockford pro-life veteran Kevin Rilott whipped out his cell phone and was on air within seconds, loud and clear outside the abortion centre where he was standing. Rilott took the opportunity to explain to McDuff and his listeners how the radio station, WNTA, was being used to silence pro-lifers’ attempt to help mothers in need. [God bless the creator of cellphones!]

McDuff, none too pleased, decided to take matters into his own hands. "God bless pro-lifers! God bless pro-lifers! God bless pro-lifers!" the D.J. shouted. [!]

One of the staff members, who was walking from across the parking lot at that moment, was so aghast, Rilott told LifeSiteNews.com, that "I thought she was going to have a heart attack."

"The abortion mill nurse who heard this began waving her arms around her head like she couldn’t believe what was being broadcast over the abortion mill public address system," related Rilott. "The look of almost terror and confusion on her face was priceless as she scrambled into the mill."

The D.J. then gave Rilott airtime to explain how those who keep vigil outside the Rockford mill come "to offer love, help, and hope to mothers in need," and to request prayer for mothers in need and an end to abortion.

[But wait! There’s more!] The landlord of the abortion mill, still determined to drown out both the radio and the pro-lifers, charged outdoors with a chainsaw running. [!] But even that was not enough to prevent at least one mother from hearing the message and choosing life for her baby.  [Do you suppose the chainsaw might also have had an influence on that decision?]

Rilott said that a woman who had entered the clinic earlier in the morning left after the incident, before the abortionist arrived for the day. "She certainly heard it inside the clinic, and when she left she gave us a big smile and thumbs-up, and she left before the abortionists arrived," he told LSN. "So it was a good day."



About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. doanli says:

    Wow! Praise be to God!

  2. Tradster says:

    This is priceless! God sometimes shows His sense of humor while He works His miracles.

  3. Servant of the Liturgy says:

    Amazing! Deo gratias!

    But seriously, can someone out there look into those crazies that run that place?

  4. JackG says:

    I just love it when a plan comes together (with apologies to Hannibal and the “A” team).

  5. Frank H says:

    Outstanding! You can see a video clip here…


  6. EnoughRope says:

    I was recently arrested for praying outside of an abortion clinic in Chicago, but thankfully no one threatened me with a chainsaw!

  7. JohnE says:

    Yeah, even if I was a young woman who believed that abortion was “only a medical procedure”, I have to think the blaring music, chainsaws, profanity, and anti-religious bigotry might make me stop and think about what I was doing.

  8. AnAmericanMother says:

    A chainsaw? Running? Holy cats! That sure sounds like terroristic threats or aggravated assault to me . . . .

    Seriously, the earlier articles about the signs and yelling and so forth indicate to me that the people in this clinic are deranged and quite possibly dangerous.

    They’re obviously feeling the pressure and might snap.

  9. Catherine says:

    I can just picture St. Michael the Archangel and his cohort waging battle at this site! That’s what I pray for when I stand at our abortion mill each week. This was definitely a battle of epic proportions. Thanks be to God!

  10. bookworm says:

    Wow! For those of you who don’t know, Doug McDuff is a longtime, well-known radio personality in the Rockford area. He recently marked 50 years (that’s right, 50 years) in broadcasting, 30 of them in Rockford, and the governor issued a “Doug McDuff Day” proclamation in his honor. That alone tells you what kind of standing he has in the community. God bless HIM for standing up for the pro-lifers!

  11. I have to ask and I’m sure there is a very obvious answer, but just what the HELL is a chainsaw doing at an abortuary in the first place?

  12. Athelstan says:

    “I have to ask and I’m sure there is a very obvious answer, but just what the HELL is a chainsaw doing at an abortuary in the first place?”

    Do you really want to know?

  13. spock says:

    I was there last Friday when the chainsaw was running and the radio was blaring. The radio has been on for many weeks. We can only suppose that God and the people are having an effect. Kevin works very diligently and deserves our prayers.

    Thank you Father Z for the blessing! I worked on cellphones for 8 years at Motorola. God Bless You Too !

  14. Mrs McG says:

    A CHAINSAW?! I suppose it’s nice when they do our work for us by exposing themselves for what they are. Yikes!

  15. jmoran says:

    Instead of coming out with a chainsaw running, why didn’t he just change the radio station?

  16. irishgirl says:

    The abortionists used a CHAINSAW? Whoa!

    Thank God for the inventiveness of pro-lifers! Way to go, you guys!

  17. Random Friar says:

    Well, they would have a chainsaw for the same reason all of our priories have some: to do arboreal maintenance of their property.

    I am going to assume that brandishing it in public, either to drown out unwanted radio noise or scare someone away, is not covered under the manufacturer’s list of approved uses and safety guidelines. But as others noted, if it caused potential abortion clients victims to reconsider, then I say let them brandish it every day outside of the abortuary! That would make the abortion mill a much safer place.

  18. Jerry says:

    “A chainsaw? Running? Holy cats! That sure sounds like terroristic threats or aggravated assault to me . . . .”

    The chainsaw was on the ground on the other side of a chain link fence from the pro-life advocates. Watching a video of the episode, there was clearly no threat to anyone (other than to their ability to communicate verbally due to the noise).

  19. AnAmericanMother says:


    I’m glad the pro-lifers were safe, but sorry there’s not grounds for a prosecution of some kind.

    These people do sound unhinged to me. Obviously they didn’t consider the train of thought a chainsaw would set in motion . . . .

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