A reader’s First Confession report!

From a readerette:

I know you are always urging people to go to Confession, so I thought you might like my first confession report. You can share this with readers.

How did it go? Not as scary as advertised! I prepared as best I could and wondered if it would be kind of grueling, but when I got there it seemed to go very fast. Did I feel some huge sense of relief right after? Not really. Instead, I have been thinking off and on since then, when certain things come up in my mind, “Wait – I’m forgiven!” [big grin]. That’s even better, I think.

So, pull on your big girl dress or big boy pants and go to Confession, everyone!

Keep up the good work, Fr. Z! I mention you in my daily Rosary for priests.

Great news and thanks for report and the prayers. They are appreciated.

And you all heard what the lady said: “Go to Confession, everyone!”

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Jason Keener says:

    Nice post. People are often nervous about going to the Sacrament of Confession, but I’ve been fortunate to have always come across very kind and good confessors who did not belittle me or berate me for my sins. Priests are human beings too who have to make use of the Sacrament of Confession, so have no worries about bringing your own sins to the priest. I also remember a good old time priest telling me years ago that he was taught in the 1950’s to be a lion in the pulpit and a lamb in the confessional. Seemed like good advice for future priests.

  2. flyfree432 says:

    I went to confession yesterday and the priest said “great, now come back more often.” :)

  3. Sissy says:

    I, too, had the privilege of making a First Confession this past week. I was extremely nervous, particularly because I am in a fairly “loose” parish where ad libbing is common. Because of the many helpful posts about confession on this blog, I knew to listen for the words of absolution. It was such a relief when I heard those sweet words and knew for sure that my sins are forgiven! I left feeling very light and joyful; that feeling has stayed with me in the days since. I plan to go often!

  4. xsosdid says:

    I feel a great sense of comfort to be able to say that I got all four kids (18,16,12 and 10yrs) and my wife (and me too!) to confession this lent. I have also talked them all into going to the TLM here for Easter Sunday! They are all fine with it and I am really looking forward to it.
    Keep telling it like it is, Fr Z!

  5. Jbuntin says:

    There were 29yrs between my 1st confession and my baptism, and I was 22 when I was baptised…The thing I remember being the hardest was examining my conscience for weeks, so I wouldn’t forget anything, and that was painful considering I had been leading a pretty sinful life.

    The priest who herd my confession was just the best. I went face to face because that was pretty much how we were taught. I remember when I would say something shocking the poor priest would tighten his closed eyes and shake his head a little, like he was in pain. It’s funny now but at the time it wasn’t.

    Now I go behind the screen and it feels good to kneel while I am telling Jesus my sins.

  6. Choirmaster says:

    @Jbuntin: You’re making me remember the times I went “face-to-face” because that was pretty much how I was taught! Last face-to-face confession was in the 1990’s. I also received communion in the hand because of that!

    Maybe it’s because I’m an American, but I very much support the anonymous, “box” style confession. There’s no need to have to see the priest’s face while you’re telling him horrible sins, and there’s no need to make the priest self-conscious about his face while he’s trying to do God’s work (same goes for Mass versus populum). Also, the confessionals that I’ve been in look to be much more comfortable for the priest. I usually see them leaning on the screen to get their ear really close with the hand of their propping-arm over their eyes or face. Whereas the face-to-face priests are sitting uncomfortably in what was usually a waiting-room chair.

    Jbuntin, you also remind me of the anecdotes of a priest-friend of mine that has since gone to his eternal reward. He said that the second graders who made their first confession to him went face-to-face, but then told their parents that “Father was sleeping” during their confessions! LOL!

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