Francis and the Lambs

Pope Francis went to a parish and allowed a lamb to be put over his shoulders.

Is there is a better way to smell like the sheep than that?

What I want to know is whether or not Pope Francis blessed lambs today, as Popes do, on the Feast of St. Agnes, so beloved of the people of the Roman diocese.

As you know, the lambs’ wool is eventually shorn and used in the making of the archespiscopal pallia distributed to Metropolitans in the Vatican Basilica on the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul.

VIS says that the lambs were “presented” to the Pope. HERE Zenit says they were blessed at at the Basilica on the Via Nomentana, but that doesn’t mean Francis couldn’t do it. HERE

I have no photo of Francis blessing lambs today … yet… so here is Pope Benedict:


Ant. Stans a dextris eius Agnus: nive candidiorChristus sibi sponsam et martyrem consecravit.

℣. Adiutorium nostrum in nomine Domini.
℟. Qui fecit coelum et terram.
℣. Dominus vobiscum.
℟. Et cum spiritu tuo.


Omnipotens et misericors Deus qui per Moysem famulum tuum Pontificibus tabernaculos servientibus, indumenta instituisti: et per sanctos Apostolos tuos Sacerdotibus et Pontificibus Evangelicis vestimenta sacra providisti: effunde tuam sanctam Benedictionem + super hos Agnos, de quorum vellere sacra Pallia pro Summis Pontificibus, Patriarchis, et Archiepiscopis conficienda sunt: ut qui eis utuntur una cum plebe sibi commissa per intercessionem B. V. et M. Agnetis (super cuius tumbam oramus) ad æternam benedictionem perducantur: Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.


Deus qui infirma mundi eligis ut fortia quæque confundas; concede propitius ut qui Beatæ Agnetis Virginis et Martyris tuæ solemnia colimus eius apud te patrocinia sentiamus. Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum Filium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti Deus, per omnia sæcula sæculorum. Amen.


There are some photos of Francis with the lambs.  Some visual indication that he may have blessed them (there is a book).  HERE

He sure knows how to make an occasion seems special, no?


And from a Belgian site HERE

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Geoffrey says:

    The Vatican News Facebook page has posted some pictures of His Holiness Pope Francis blessing the lambs earlier today:

  2. Fr AJ says:

    Perhaps it’s a page from the Papal copy of the Book of Non-blessings?

  3. Fr. A.M. says:

    Here is a link to a short film of the blessing (I presume), from a Belgian news website:

  4. Jon says:

    Yes, I mean…No.

  5. Magpie says:

    Informalism, the order of the day. How sad.

  6. HighMass says:

    Remember the children’s poem where o where can my little lamb be….when one see’s the picture of Pope Benedict XVI blessing the Lambs, The hurt of you not being Pope anymore just seems to not want to go away… I am without mental stability, it is You Dear Santita are missed beyond words….how we wish you would have stayed….you did such a wonderful job as supreme Pontiff, bringing back TRADITION in the Church that had been lost the past 40-50 yrs….

    Oh how we miss you!

  7. Fr. Pius, OP says:

    Apparently they were merely presented to the Pope and not blessed by him. The article from Vatican Radio says:

    “Tuesday was the feast day of St. Agnes and Pope Francis was presented with the lambs which had been earlier blessed in the Roman church where the saint is buried.”

  8. Vincent says:

    On the Rome Reports site there’s a video – he definitely gave them a blessing, as is shown.–en

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