ROME: The faithful defend the family. Where were the bishops?

In Rome there a vast throng of lay people turned out to defend the family and human ecology in the public square… in front of Rome’s Cathedral, St. John Lateran.

Some snaps from The Great Roman Fabrizio™.

Perhaps has many as 1 million people.


There were no bishops.

There were Jews, Muslims and even homosexual groups!

There were no bishops.

Marco Tossati has some point comments.  HERE

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. iPadre says:

    If enough of us continue to beseech Him, He will wake and calm the storm!

  2. ckdexterhaven says:

    Where are the US bishops? They should be defending bakery owners, wedding photo shops and pizza shop owners who were targeted for their religious beliefs. American bishops should have been leading rosary rallies, or given interviews on tv against the Supreme Court and homosexual marriage. Their silence is truly stunning. The faithful need their shepherds to lead them. Maybe they’ll send an email out.

  3. Eugene says:

    I believe it was Bishop Fulton Sheen who said the church will be saved by the laity.

  4. marcelus says:

    Well , PF was clear onn this issue a day after the march:

    (From Cruxnow)

    VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis on Sunday stressed the importance of children having heterosexual parents, just a day after Rome’s gay pride march demonstrated the changing attitudes about same-sex couples outside the Vatican walls.

    Addressing around 25,000 followers from the Diocese of Rome, the pope said the differences between men and women are fundamental and “an integral part of being human.”

    The pontiff likened a long-lasting marriage to a good wine, in which a husband and wife make the most of their gender differences.

    “They’re not scared of the differences!” the pope said. “What great richness this diversity is, a diversity which becomes complementary, but also reciprocal. It binds them, one to the other.”

    Heterosexual marriages not only ensured couples’ happiness, the pontiff said, but were deemed essential for good parenting.

    “Children mature seeing their father and mother like this; their identity matures being confronted with the love their father and mother have, confronted with this difference,” Francis said.

    But the priests of Rome may face difficulty in bringing the pontiff’s message to their communities, which are increasingly showing their openness to same-sex unions.

    Francis’ address came a day after the city’s mayor, Ignazio Marino, marched alongside tens of thousands of people at the march.

    The event’s success marked the shifting attitudes in predominantly Catholic Italy about same-sex couples, who currently have no legal status in the country.

    Politicians from the political left and right have however agreed to start debating the legalization of civil partnerships, although marriage and gay adoption remain off the table.

  5. comedyeye says:

    The bishops are on their way to Washington to discuss climate change with the president.

    “I’m not sure that we have the humility yet not to stray into areas where we lack competence, and
    where we need to let the laity take the lead…..we need to listen more than we need to speak.”
    -Bishop Earl Boyea to the USCCB plenary assembly 2012

  6. Genna says:

    I asked the same question as I scoured the pictures. The default position of the bishops, whenever the laity defend the Faith and Christ’s teaching, is silence.

  7. aviva meriam says:

    Most thoughtful people of all affiliations recognize the Roman Catholic Church as the last, best defense against the forces of evil today. Not surprised there were Jews and Muslims …. Not surprised there were people representing different groups.
    Only sad the Bishops neglected to participate….

  8. AnthonyJ says:

    The Italian prime minister is trying to push through legalization of same sex unions in Italy. Has the Pope or any one in the Vatican said anything about this? I know he was in Turin today, but did he have a prepared statement read in support of the pro-family marchers in Rome today?

  9. donato2 says:

    When Pope Francis met with the Italian Bishops Conference in May he told the bishops that the laity had no need for a bishop to act as “vescovo-pilota” (“bishop-pilot”) in political battles. This was understood to mean that they should stay out of the looming battle in Italy over civil unions and the teaching of gender ideology in the schools. Rumor has it that Pope Francis told this to the Italian bishops directly in a closed door session.

  10. juergensen says:

    Does apostolic succession assure us of worthy successors of Judas? With each passing day, it looks more and more like it.

  11. albizzi says:

    This exactly how it happened in Paris in 2013.
    There were no bishops except Mgr Vingt-Trois for only 1/4 hour engaging in a small talk.
    I saw muslims, one gay organization, Jews, many young couples with children, many old people too, a lot of priests, monks and nuns in their religious habit.
    Anyways so huge was the protest for one full day, the law was voted and enforced.
    It will be the same in Italy, and the silence of the Vatican will help.

  12. ChrisRawlings says:

    At this point I almost think that bishops’ participation does more harm than good. When a million lay Catholics and others lead the movement it looks like an authentic political and social movement (which it is). If the bishops lead the way it looks like a religious pep rally (which it isn’t) where the clergy are trying to drag the laity into a political battle. For what it’s worth I understand that the bishops played a notable role in preparing and organizing the rally. Frankly, clericalizing a broad Italian social movement plays right into the hands of the “get the Church out of politics” bandwagon pushing gender ideology in the country. Italians probably ignore their bishops much more enthusiastically than their friends and neighbors and perhaps the absence was a shrewd calculation and not a lapse of courage on the part of the Italian episcopate.

  13. Traductora says:

    To my knowledge, the Pope did not send a message to them or say anything about the demonstration or the issue. His speech in Turin today was a long rambling attack on people who manufacture or invest in weapons, who he said cannot call themselves Christian. At the same time, he attacked the Allies for not having bombed the train lines to the concentration camps. Oh well, consistency is the hobgoblin of feeble minds, as his no doubt hero Thoreau said.

  14. Peter Stuart says:

    “The bishops are on their way to Washington to discuss climate change with the president.” … of course they are. Guess that’ll continue to keep them a lot of them too busy to pry the door open in their dioceses so the Courage Apostolate can lend a hand to struggling Catholics with SSA.

  15. FrAnt says:

    Where are the bishops ? They’re hiding. This is the outcome of the church of nice. They’re pooping their pants.

  16. MouseTemplar says:

    Where are the bishops? It was devastating to meet so many as I read through Dante’s Inferno.

    Really, I hope they’re all busy tying up the Pope’s phonelines trying to help right the ship. Or perhaps they collapsed from heat stroke after giving up their air conditioners…

  17. FrAnt says:

    He said to them, ” Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith? Mk 4:40. They judge themselves.

  18. drohan says:

    I fear we have many in the hierarchy that does not have the Faith. There are a lot of them that are probably miffed that there are still enough faithful who stood up for traditional values. Many of them are rank modernists. Look at the Germans as an example. Not too hard to see it in Italy.

  19. marcelus says:

    AnthonyJ says:
    21 June 2015 at 3:34 PM
    The Italian prime minister is trying to push through legalization of same sex unions in Italy. Has the Pope or any one in the Vatican said anything about this?

    Yes he did the day after in his homily-check out my prior post

  20. transparent2one says:

    I question why I continue to read the comments anymore.

  21. Spade says:

    Pope was too busy telling the people who arm the Swiss Guard that they aren’t Christians.

    Because sometimes I guess you can judge.

  22. gracie says:

    Oh goody! The bishops are playing Hide and Go Seek with us. So let’s all close our eyes, slowly count to 10 and then go find them: 1 . . . 2 . . . 3 . . .

  23. Bishops probably weren’t there because they are distracted by the folly of hobnobbing with politicians to “win” their favor, gain popularity, and feed their vanity. There is nothing to be gained by swooning for leftist politicians and only loss to incur. The families are the first victims. Parents are now compelled by forced from governments to pay for our own daughters’ abortions – on our own plans, mind you, without parental consent, schools brainwashing our children into the ways of homosexuality, not to mention the other brainwashing of accepting rampant promiscuity as “facts of life.” Where are the bishops there? They have been absent and silent far too long. This demonstration unfortunately would only fall on ears of deaf bishops, completely enamored with vanity and political popularity among politicians, who they regard as “peers.”

  24. Gratias says:

    The Bishops were told that there was too much emphasis on abortion and euthanasia or theology of the body. They must fear for their jobs. Better to focus on Global Warming and Kasper/Marx union blessings.

  25. Anchorite says:

    Donato2 and others pointed that out. Bishops are absent because they know better, and they know better because they are political animals, attuned to what Bergoglio SAYS, but also what he DOES. And what he does, is nothing.

  26. Bea says:

    How strange. There were no bishops?
    Maybe the laity should take back the Church. It seems its the laity who are unafraid to defend Christ’s Teachings (with a few hierarchical exceptions, of course).

  27. Matthew says:

    My bishop is liberal and may be gay because he paid off a male employee who accused him of advances.

  28. jacobi says:

    “Where were the bishops ”
    Keeping well out of sight. Anxious not to seen or heard lest they upset anyone, particularly by preaching openly and honestly the doctrine and Faith of the One True Church. Now that would definitely upset lots of people, particularly the trendy leftie so-called Catholics.

    But they wouldn’t upset the Secularist world. It has long since stopped listening having got bored by the compliant silent “Church” and worries about other things.

  29. Mike says:

    While the USCCB threatens once more to burst f0rth as the Democrat Party at prayer, it is heartening that not quite all American bishops fear to commit public witness and imperil their social or political standing. May the example of the courageous and faithful remind their brethren that the eternal salvation of souls must overshadow partisan temporal agendas.

  30. Elizabeth D says:

    “While the USCCB threatens once more to burst f0rth as the Democrat Party at prayer”

    The USCCB is in the midst of trying to lead us in another Fortnight for Freedom. My pastor’s bulletin letter was about that and there was a Sunday Mass intercession for that at my parish.

  31. CrimsonCatholic says:

    Since some people have asked about the US, I must ask that you guys realize this event was in Rome, Italy and not in the United States?

  32. Sonshine135 says:

    They are too busy being Grand Marshals for the Gay Pri…….Saint Patrick’s Day parade to be concerned with such nonsensical gatherings.

  33. Polycarpio says:

    Chris Rawlings is right. The Vatican discreetly supported this rally (which was promoted throughout the last couple of weeks through Vatican radio and the Pontifical Commission on the Family) but was keen to see it come off as a bottom-up and not a top-down affair.

  34. mysticalrose says:

    I think this is the real Francis Effect: our bishops are cowering in fear, lest the iron fist of “mercy” strikes them.

  35. DisturbedMary says:

    Just finished reading the EponymousFlower coverage very stirring coverage which puts the number at 1 milion:

  36. drohan says:


    I hope you are right. However, did that mean the bishops couldn’t show up for moral support. It’s one thing to let the marchers gel organically, but why not send out some prelate to thank the crowd. Offer them succor of Holy Mother Church?

    I think the answer sadly is that among a lot of our bishops and members of the curia, the only thing hetero about them is the doxy.

  37. justfeddup says:

    Let me be the Devil’s Advocate? No Bishops because – “Silence gives Consent”.

  38. Imrahil says:

    the only thing hetero about them is the doxy.

    You couldn’t have said “Here I am! I want a gold star” more clearly :-)

    nicely phrased!

    (though I wouldn’t agree… I don’t think they are, rare exceptions set aside, personally homosexual, for one thing, and I don’t think many of them positively subscribe to heterodoxy… rather they are for “calm down our orthodox talk”, “let’s rather be silent than alienate people”, which, precisely because there are points that can be brought forward in favor of such a policy, because it is, sometimes, the prudent choice of action, may very well be the greater danger.)

  39. JKnott says:

    Maybe some are wary of being asked to resign or be demoted.
    I wonder if Cardinal Burke was told to keep quiet about the Synod.

  40. Joseph-Mary says:

    “Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel!” (1 Cor 9:16)

    Maybe the bishops are more concerned about the temperature of the air???

  41. Joseph-Mary says:

    As I read the comments, I found it sad that the attitude–among faithful Catholics–for “the bishops” is quite negative. Not without reason but what a sad commentary. Our bishops have MUCH responsibility and much to answer for.

    And I give thanks to God for my Archbishop. Not an overly friendly fellow but serious and faithful and I trust him to do the right thing. And our previous Archbishop was also faithful and so our diocese is one of the strongest in the US. The seminary is full and our young priests are just awesome. I live in a town where I have a choice of daily Mass and up to 4 choices a day and confessions 6 days a week at 2 parishes. This is why I live here.

  42. donato2 says:

    The La Stampa piece is directed at one bishop in particular, whose name starts with a G, and was put where he is by you know who. Before being put in his present position, G was, like C in Chicago, virtually unknown.

  43. GenX Laity says:

    Where were the Bishops? Hiding in the Upper Room perhaps? Little changes huh.

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