When you deal with the press conference for an encyclical, normally you prepare yourself to hear quotes of Church documents and Fathers of the Church. Today I was quite surprised in the comments of His Excellency Archbishop Paul Josef Cordes, President of “Cor Unum” to find a reference to Maurice Sendak…. yep… that Maurice Sendak, of Where The Wild Things Are fame:
4. [Pope Benedict] knows know to take into account, in fact, that earthly means are not enough for men and women to satisfy their needs. As the author Maurice Sendak says: “In life, there is need of more than the most you can have” (It: “Nella vita, c’è bisogno di più del massimo.”)”
I think in English this is, “There must be more to life than having everything!” – which is from Higglety Pigglety Pop! : Or There Must Be More to Life The German title of the same sounds a bit more encyclic-like: “Higgelti Piggelti Pop. Es muß im Leben mehr als alles geben.