Zadock has a good post about the Holy Father’s address to the members of the Pontifical Council ‘Cor Unum’ in which Benedict is probably giving us a glimpse of the encyclical to be released on Wednesday. He beat me to it and so I tip him my biretta!
Here is something of what Zadock put on his site:
The letter will have two parts – one a theoretical analysis of love, the second having to do with eccleisal ‘caritas’. The Pope is particularly interested in the unity of these two themes. He intends to look at how we are created for love and how eros (especially between a man and woman) is interiorly transformed into agape and thus responds to the true nature of eros. On this basis, one can clarify the biblical concepts of love of God and neighbour. He will also show that agape is not simply something individual, but must become an essential act of the Church. He notes too that this is not something that is added ‘by chance’ to the Church but forms part of the nature of the Church. As word of human faith corresponds to the Divine Logos, so to the Agape which is Divine must corrspond the agape of the Church which is its charitable activity. This activity, in addition to practical help for one’s neighbour, includes in its essence communicating to others the love of God which we have revealed. It must make the living God visible in some way. God and Christ cannot be foreign words in charitable organization. They indicate the origin of ecclesial charity. The power of charity (Caritas) depends on the power of the faith of all members and collaborators.