About the upcoming vote by the bishops on the draft translation, I tip my hat to American Papist o{]:¬) for the following predictably muddled AP story:
"My big concern is people are going to feel like they’re being jerked around. They finally got used to the English translation and now they have to get used to another translation," said Rev. Thomas Reese, a senior fellow at the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University and a Jesuit priest.
"It’s going to cause chaos and real problems and the people who are going to be at the brunt end of it are the poor priests in the parishes who don’t need any more problems."
To which I respond: COWARD!
Friends, the good of the Catholic faithful require that we have new translations. Rome has given norms. The task is set before the entire Church.
Pastors of souls who love their flocks will put their backs into explaining and presenting the changes properly. Do parents of children simply curl up in little balls and WHINE about how hard it is going to be to educate their children, feed them, shelter them, see to their needs? "*Sniff*… It’s soooooo harrrrrrrrrd!"
I am tempted to put this in terms more suited to Tony Soprano, but "Boo hoo!"
Are these the same priests who were concerned about how difficult it would be for people to accept Mass in the vernacular in the 60’s and 70’s? The same folks who were concerned about how difficult it would be for people to come up with the funds to wreckovate their “worship spaces” in the 70’s, and again in the 80’s, and again in the 90’s? The same ones who were concerned that people would have a difficulty accepting communion in the hand? altar girls? banjos as liturgical instruments?
Tim: You got it in one. At the table today here with my Roman colleagues this was a topic of conversation. The same ones responsible for ripping out statues and altars, change the entire orientation of churches, eliminating the music people knew, are now saying “Change is too hard!” It would be risible if it weren’t so feeble.
Indeed, Tim. Not only are the corrections the right thing to do on every level, but think of the benefits that will be derived from the clergy having to “explain” the changes to the people. It will be the most comprehensive catechesis that most of us have ever received. A win-win situation.
When he left America magazine I’d call him
Fr. Reese-ign… …now it’s going to be Fr. Reese-ble.
Just when you think they can’t sink any lower…
I welcome the translation changes. For folks like me that attend both Latin and
English Masses it’s easier to switch back and forth if the translation in the
English were cleaner. As it is, I already find myself changing the English
words inadvertantly to more closely mirror the Latin.
For me, (and for others) the translation will come too late: – in the meantime, out of sheer frustration, I’ve learned to speak Latin.
I’m with Cathy and Rick.
I know just enough Latin to know when something is missing when we switch back and
forth or when I’m following along in a missal that gives both languages.
So I welcome that this will hopefully be less distracting during Mass, and I look forward to the explanations that I know our pastor will give us as we make the shift.