Today’s PODCAzT, on the eve of my trip to the USA for Msgr. Schuler’s funeral, features s. 3 of St. Leo the Great (+461), on the anniversary of his election to the See of Peter. In light of what we hear from St. Leo, I also talk about Msgr. Schuler.
In a providential coincidence, as I recorded the last segment, the bells of the Church of St. Agnes at the Navona began to peel. I opened the window so you could hear the bells in the background. This beautiful church, which I see out my window, is where you can venerate the skull of St. Agnes herself. Sant’Agnese in agone is thought by some to stand at the place of St. Agnes’s martyrdom. How appropriate that it should be the lead out for this PODCAzT, no?
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Now that’s a podzcast! Bravo! Macte virtute, pater, macte virtute.
Father (or somebody)
How ’bout a tip for a geezer who will never buy an iPod, but who wants to listen?
I see four choices here. I assume “download” also means “save.”
What are the differences between “Audio MP3”, “Play Now” and “Play in PopUp?”
Will you be saying Mass while you are in St Paul?
Well, I don’t have an ipod, but I have the i-tunes player for my computer. It was free, and it allows me to listen to podcasts.
I’m pretty sure that if you click on Play Now the audio will play on whatever sound software you have in your computer. iTunes didn’t open up here and I’m still listening.
“Audio MP3” will open a new browser window and play the PODCAzT, “Play Now” will play right on the screen that the button is on, and “Play in PopUp” (my favorite method) will open a mini-window specifically for playing the PODCAzT. :)
Thanks “Quant!”
The “PopUp” version worked just perfectly for me. And just a tiny window so I can leave it up.
You do realize we are neighbors? I was at Nativity this p.m.
These podcazts just get better and better. (Although I caught a technical glitch as you included two versions of the transition from Pope Leo into talking about Msgr. Schuler…a minor mistake) The Latin of Leo is truly strong and magnificent.
I had the rare pleasure of attending Latin high mass at St. Agnes today, joining four of my kids and my wife to hear the soaring, majestic words of the mass put to music by Schubert (Mass in A-flat). A bit long for the little ones, but truly an event to remember.
Since these old ones are dying off, we younger folks have to step up and take on the challenges they left behind to us. My memory of Msgr. Schuler: my first visit to St. Agnes, how he approached me, a pony-tailed young man, then a director of pop-litugical music at a suburban parish, and asked me if I wanted to join the schola. Did he know I had some Gregorian chant training from college? Did he know I longed for a more coherent view of Catholic liturgy and music? How did he know I wanted a closer connection with the vast patrimony of Catholic sacred music.
I didn’t matter how he knew. I sang with the schola off and on for several years. I now direct a more traditional choir at that same suburban parish, and this summer I plan to start a schola. Where we will sing I’m still investigating, but I want to honor the memory of the one the guys in the schola affectionately called Schwann.
Ah, Mozart’s Requiem… I have never known any other compositions to touch my emotions as this one does. Quite apt for this time of mourning for Msgr. Schuler.
Pope Leo’s sermons are a true treasure of the Church. Is there anywhere where I can purchase full english translations of them?
I had no idea we were neighbors! I shall heretoforth seek you out at Nativity (I go to 8:15 daily Mass there). :)
Everyone else-
Sorry for the digression.
Which orchestra was featured in this recording of the Requiem, Father? Sounded nice, although the ‘Tuba mirum’ was a bit static for my liking. How many times I’ve played the introduction on bassett clarinets, and it still produces that unique atmosphere. *sniff*
How ‘bout a tip for a geezer who will never buy an iPod, but who wants to listen?
Ray, you’re a real man after my own heart. Forget all this stuff about iPods, Popups … we don’t need it. And if like me you have only a slow modem, none of it works anyway. Real men do it only one way — Download, Save this Link, whatever it says, save the file on your own hard disk, however long it takes. Then you’ve always got it there, can just double-click and listen to it whenever you want to, and again a month or year from now if you want to.
Fr. Z,
These podcasts are greatly helping my ability to pronounce latin correctly, especially when you post within the message the latin portion you are reading. Many thanks for this very enjoyable latin lesson! (I’m trying to learn latin well enough to participate better at EWTN’s mass for now and for later when the TLM is freed and available in Birmingham.)
Keep the podcasts coming, please! And especially if you have the time to ‘cut and paste’ the latin segment into the message, that’s a HUGE help and is much appreciated by raw beginners like me.
I just listened to my first “podcast”…ever! Was not even sure what one was until now. Oh, how marvelous. Probably my first podcast will be my best. Thank you very much.