Kenrick Seminary: Mass in Latin, newer and older!

Biretta tip to NLM:

Another Seminary Introducing the Usus Antiquior into Seminary Liturgical Life

Recently it was reported on the NLM that Holy Apostles Seminary has introduced a weekly Mass in accordance with the usus antiquior.

In addition to that seminary, Kenrick Seminary in the Archdiocese of St. Louis is also offering Holy Mass in Latin weekly, alternating between the Missal of Pope Paul VI and the Missal of Blessed John XXIII. (Mass is also celebrated in Spanish weekly to prepare the seminarians to meet the needs of the growing number of Hispanic faithful.) In light of the recent Motu Proprio, the seminary desided to expand the its use of liturgical Latin and to integrate the classical liturgy in the liturgical life of the seminary.

A part of the philosophy behind this is quite pragmatic: just as in the case of the growing need for American parish priests to have the ability to celebrate the Mass in Spanish, so too will there be a greater need to have the ability to celebrate the Mass in Latin, both in the Pauline missal and in the usus antiquior. But in order for this to most effectively happen, the seminarians need to receive some exposure in the seminary to this.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. TJM says:

    The news just keeps getting better. I imagine, Father Z, given your comments the other day about the “Eucharistic Theology” you were exposed to in the seminary, that you were never exposed to a Latin Liturgy at the seminary. Those old loons, if still alive, must be apoplectic about developments such as this. The 1960s are over. Deo Gratias. Tom

  2. Timothy James says:

    AMEN to that!

    Father, here is a video on GodTube on Summorum Pontificum, its great!

  3. Father Wymer says:

    I think that the good Archbishop may have had a push in this wonderful news. In anticipation of the MP a few of us at St. Vincent Seminary gathered in secret to learn the rubrics to the Mass in the extraordinary form, and I found that my liturgical formation as a priest was more complete because of it. Although we had a fantastic Latin schola in the seminary there was something still missing, and I found it in our quasi-underground society. I think that we will see more and more seminaries doing this in order to better form priests for the growing liturgical needs of our people. So, I applaud His Excellency for pushing for this to happen and I pray that other bishops and seminary rectors do the same.

    P. Wymer

  4. Joseph DeCaria says:

    I’d like to know what everyone thinks about the possibility that a diocesan bishop would use the extraordinary rite (including minor orders) to ordain his seminarians. Is this something we might see in the near future, or am I dreaming in technicolour?

  5. Matthew Mattingly says:

    Sadly, I checked out if the Tridentine Latin Mass of St. Pius V would be celebrated at my area Archdiosecen seminary…the huge and very beautiful (if you like the Italian Renaissance style like I do), seminary of Saint Charles Borromeo in Overbrook, Pa. This is the seminary of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
    I asked the receptionist who said She didn’t know, and didn’t think so.
    Unbelievable. This place is absolutely huge….could acomodate over 600 seminarians and at one time it was packed….before Vatican II and the NO of course (LOL).
    But such a great setting and to deprive the barely 100 sems left (most from other than Philly) of the beauty of the Tridentine Latin Mass is a tragic and unfortunate misjudgement by the seminary staff…if disallowance of it proves to be true.

  6. Ole Doc Farmer says:

    Apropos of Matthew Mattingly’s comments, has anyone heard anything from the Basilica of the National Shrine… in D.C.? I’ve sent two e-mails asking about the Extraordinary Use and gotten nuttin back.

  7. doug says:

    Mount St. Mary’s in Emmitsburg, MD isn’t going to be doing anything with the extraordinary rite, either. A bit shocking, that.

  8. Brian Crane says:

    I asked the receptionist who said She didn’t know, and didn’t think so.

    Matthew: call and try to speak to the Rector himself. Of course the receptionist doesn’t know. If calling doesn’t work, address a letter to him.

  9. John Spangler says:

    I, too, have e-mailed the Rector of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and received no reply.

    The Wanderer had an item recently that daily and Sunday Masses under the usus antiquior to be offered by priests of the Fraternity of St. Peter were going to be regularly scheduled at Lourdes.

    One wonders if the former official restriction of the 1962 Roman Missal to the Hungarian chapel altar at St. Peter’s will now be eliminated, although I gather it hasn’t been enforced for some time.

    What about monastic communities? Any news of monks’ private Masses that will be offered regularly under the extraordinary form, or of conventual Masses that will be occasionally offered under that form in communities now exclusively using the ordinary form? Does anyone remember Sacrificium Laudis from Paul VI — about as much observed as Veterum Sapientiae.

  10. RBrown says:

    Mount St. Mary’s in Emmitsburg, MD isn’t going to be doing anything with the extraordinary rite, either. A bit shocking, that.
    Comment by doug

    The bishops* on the Seminary Committee (of the Board of Trustees) will make the decision, with input from bishops who send their seminarians to the Mount:

    His Eminence, William Cardinal Keeler, chair (replaced by Msgr O’Brien Oct 1st)

    Mr. Daniel F. Curtin
    Ms. Martha K. DiNardi
    Rev. Gerard C. Francik
    Most Rev. William E. Lori*
    Most Rev. Paul S. Loverde*
    Most Rev. W. Francis Malooly* (auxiliary of Baltimore)
    Mrs. Sandra McMurtie
    Mrs. Suzanne Nicholson
    Very Rev. Edward J. Quinlan, III
    Most Rev. Kevin C. Rhoades*
    Most Rev. Donald W. Wuerl*

  11. David M.O'Rourke says:

    Joseph Decaria asks if any bishop might confer Minor orders on his seminarians. I would think that if the bishop in question is sympathetic to the Usus Antiquior he might do so upon request. Such ordinations were almost invariably done in the seminary chapel with the exception of the subdiaconate which, in Toronto at least, was conferred in the Cathedral at the same Mass at which the priesthood was conferred (usually Ember Saturday in Whitsuntide.

    Time will tell and it might not happen right away but I presume it’s the individual bishop’s call.

  12. Mike says:

    Yes, Archbishop Raymond Leo Burke has done great things for Kenrick-Glennon Seminary and I am proud to be a seminarian there. Last year we had 80 seminarians–this year we have 112, proof that we are doing well. Pray that the great archbishop (soon to be Cardinal) will stay for a long time.

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