Everyone: I slowed down for a few days, as I am sure some of you noticed. I had important house guests, including my mother, here at the Sabine Farm. I had some problems sleeping. There has been a lot to write lately, for things other than this blog, that is! I frankly got a little burned out.
On 12 September I will be heading out of the USA to that sceptr’d isle, that green and pleasant land, England and also to my stomping ground Rome for a few days. Back to the USA on 26 September. I am not sure what sort of connectivity I will have in the UK. I am confident that I will be able to get on line. I am not sure how much time I will have to write lots of posts.
A few more of you have sent donations via the donation button on the left side bar. Thanks! A few days back I brought a list of recent donors with me to the altar and remembered you at the Memento of the Living. Please know that the donations have taken care of a few important things and given me some elbow room. I am grateful.
I appreciate enormously the participation of so many of you readers. I know many of you with blogs are linking here. Many of you post comments. Over time I have also noted that people are being pretty good to each other, all in all, sticking to issues and not attacks on people. That is very gratifying.
I have been receiving and listening to your voicemails, left through Skype (wdtprs). Thank you for these interesting messages! I will surely want to include some of them in PODCAzTs when and if I get back to them. One fellow from my native place mentioned that those little projects made buying an iPod worth it. Thanks for that.
That leads me to another point: I know that the feed for iTunes seems not to be working quite right. I don’t understand precisely why. I have never been able to get it right. Usually, when I post new ones, they appear in iTunes for me and I have no problem with them. Other people say they don’t see them. Someday I will figure this out.
Anyway that’s the latest.
Padre, you should consider a blogger/reader meet in London, if you have time.
I hope you will have a lovely time in my country.
You may wish to attend the Solemn High Mass in the extraordinary rite
of the Roman Missal at London’s Brompton Oratory on Friday 14 September
2007 at 7pm, this will be followed by a reception in St Wilfred’s Hall.
“I am not sure what sort of connectivity I will have in the UK”
Harumph. We are not technologically backward in England; simply hand your message to the boy from Her Imperial Majesty’s telegram service and he will pedal off on his bike to post it for you.
Well, of course you ought to pay attention to your mother when she comes to stay! I’m just sorry you had to do any work while she was there. Enjoy the rest of your vacation, and take some droolworthy pictures of England for us!
Out of touch with us on Motu-day?
For your punishment, I hope Father Finigan makes you sleep here:
God Bless you, Father :) Stay safe on your trip!
Enjoy your travels but please don’t stop the PODCAzSTS!
Father Z has a mother? I thought he was raised by wolves in the Roman hills.
Fr Z, I think many of your faithful followers would prefer a couple of days with fewer (or no?) posts than to have you burned out. Your ministry here is important to me and plenty of others feel the same, so rest some, please. Then come back in force!! Safe journey, Father.
Fr. Z,
I think your podcazts are a classy, informative, catechetical joy!
Please keep up all the good work (and rest).
Fr. Z:
Slowing down a bit can be a good thing. There is no need to be like the Athenienses who “ad nihil aliud vacabant nisi aut dicere aut audire aliquid novi”. (Act. 17:21)
There is a time to digest …
Fr. Z,
Fr. Trugilio on the EWTN roundtable on the Extraordinary Form just referenced you and your “gravitational pull” point you’ve been making! Cool!
Heres some good news, Fr. Trigilio just mentioned you on EWTN!!! o{];-) YOUR FAMOUS!!!
Father Z – gettin’ the mention on the EWTN Roundtable discussion on the M.P.
Safe travels…
Maybe getting someone to manage your blog for you will save you some time and help fix some of those technical problems.
Fr Z.,
Much, now, is in the hands of the Ecclesia Dei Commission. You have done a good job informing people of the MP and how people were trying to “head it off at the pass.” I, personally, think that you have helped ward off a mass upheaval in the Church by reminding the hierarchy to heed the actual wording of the document (and not the spin or misinterpretations of it).
Enjoy a well-earned vacation.
Have a safe journey, Father, and enjoy your trip. Thank you for all of your work on the blog and Podcazts; one of the true treasures of the blogosphere.
btw, where will you be on Friday when SP goes into effect?
Dear Fr. Z,
I just want to thank you for the great podcasts. Great content and you’re a natural for radio – good pitch and tone, pacing – not to mention the pleasure of listening to your Latin (even if I can only understand the odd word here and there). While I know your time is overbooked and precious, please give us a podcast whenever you can. Thanks again.
Mary Jane (in Saint Augustine, Florida – the Nation’s Oldest City and site of the first Mass in the USA)
(from http://the-hermeneutic-of-continuity.blogspot.com/2007/09/14-september-celebrations.html)
“I mentioned a while back that I will be celebrating a High Mass in the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite at Our Lady of the Rosary, Blackfen at 12noon on Friday 14 September, in thanksgiving for the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum. Fr John Zuhlsdorf of What Does the Prayer Really Say? has kindly agreed to preach at the Mass.”
Have a safe trip. Will be thinking and praying for you tomorrow at the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite in Hanceville, AL, when the FSSP celebrate Solemn High Mass for Mother Angelica and the Poor Clare Nuns.
Ciao for now
Father Trigilio
Thanks for the link. I am a regular visitor at Fr. Finigan’s, but missed that post while on vacation. Great to hear. Can’t wait to hear reports of not only the Mass, but of the festivities and meeting of two priest-blogger titans.