Okay guys, "continuing education" should cover this.
Priest Training Latin Mass Workshops Announced
Bellevue, WA, Sept. 11, 2007 – The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, in collaboration with Una Voce America, in response to overwhelming popular demand is happy the announce two additional workshops for training priests in the "Extraordinary Form" of the Roman Rite, to be conducted at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary during the Fall Semester of 2007. The first workshop will take place from Friday, October 5th through Tuesday, October 9th. The second will take place from Friday, November 2nd through Tuesday, November 6th. Available placements are limited so priests are urged to contact the seminary at their earliest convenience. The cost for each of these five day workshops is $300.00. All the fundamentals involved in learning the Traditional Latin Mass will be covered. Priests will receive a complete explanation with hands-on practice of the rubrics of the 1962 Missale Romanum as well as an introduction to Latin, traditional liturgical principles, and Sung Mass. A comprehensive materials packet will be provided including translations of the rubrics, audio CD’s with the recited texts of Low Mass and Celebrant’s chant for Sung Mass, and a demonstration DVD with examples of both Low and Solemn Mass.
To receive more information or to make a reservation, interested priests should contact:
Fr. Goodwin at (402) 797-7700 or email: seminary@fsspolgs.org
or write to: Attn: Mass Workshops, O.L.G. Seminary, P.O. Box 147, Denton, NE. 68339.
A wonderful offering. Our Schola is working on how to get the pastor to such a conference. How odd that they choose to run it Friday through Tuesday. Monday through Friday would leave us our priest for Mass on Sunday!
I participated in last week’s workshop offered by the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. This is just a tremendous workshop! What a wonderful service the Priestly Fraternity is offering to priests! The reason for the Friday through Tuesday workshop is because of their academic schedule, at the seminary, where the workshop takes place. Those who provide this workshop are faculty and students at the seminary. So, while not ideal, Friday through Tuesday works better with their academic schedule for the months of October and November.
A new site dedicated to the training workshop information should, hopefully, be online tomorrow night (Sept 12th). It will provide info on the dates, travel arrangements, forms, schedule, etc. and will also include a FAQ and testimonials as it is developed further. The site address will be http://www.fssptraining.org.
Not as large, however, the Diocese of Peoria is having a workshop for priests wishing to say TLM on this Friday, and on three consecutive Fridays after that. I believe they have 8 priests signed up. Please pray for them. I’m very excited for my diocese.
That’s interesting Bryan – Bishop Jenky taking the lead there. That’s fascinating.
I was also at the FSSP’s workshop last week and it is outstanding. For any priest who is seriously interested in learning the Extraordinary Form and gaining the necessary foundation to build on, plus get many helpful resources and share priestly fraternity, it is the perfect program. You get more than your money’s worth (it is the only worthwhile seminar my ‘continuing education’ money ever went for).
Although it takes you out of the parish for a few days and the next workshops will overlap weekends, it is WORTH THE SACRIFICE! We don’t need any more “Tridentine Posers” so please don’t put it off Fathers! Get moving and find replacements now for your Sunday Masses if you want to go because you won’t be disappointed.
Do priests generally have $300 lying around plus travel expenses to
attend this type of thing? Or, does the money come out of the parish budget? If so, can that expense be justified? What if a priest is not currently attached to a parish?
Possibly ignorant questions but I’m just wondering if there are
priests out there who may not be able to attend these kinds of
training sessions due to lack of funds. Also, if there’s a way
laity can help them attend if they want to (i.e. a collection or
scholarship fund somewhere).
father i am from india studying first year theology. already in my diocese there are many priests, so now i want join in any diceses of the usa to work servent of god. so father tell what is the procedure and how to contact to join in usa diocese.. father if you know any vocation are availble in any diocese please recomend and mail to me….father please kindly do this favour for me..
your’s in christ