Good news from Tacony, PA

This is good news from the blog Philadelphia Roamin’ Catholic.  My emphases:

To-day we had a new celebrant for the Traditional Latin Mass at Our Lady of Consolation in the Tacony neighborhood of Philadelphia. Until now the 2 p.m. Latin Mass has been said by a rota of three priests who had been ordained prior to the institution of the Novus Ordo. To-day, however, we were glad to welcome the pastor of the parish as one of our new celebrants. Father Dennis Carbonaro has been at the parish for just a little over a year, but has been very welcoming to the TLM community–so much so that he decided to learn how to say Mass according to the Extraordinary Use. When he was ordained to the priesthood the Novus Ordo had been well in use for many years, so he comes to this without any experience. To-day was a bit of a "trial by fire" since the priest scheduled for to-day was sick and no one else could make it. Thus, Father Carbonaro decided to say the Mass though he had just begun learning how to say Mass according to the Extraordinary Use two weeks ago! (And he did a very good job I might add.) Please keep Fr. Carbonaro in your prayers, as well, pray for more pastors like him.


WDTPRS applauds Fr. Carbonaro! 

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. danphunter1 says:

    God bless Father Carbonaro.

  2. dcs says:

    The scheduled priest (Fr. Kehoe, one of the oldest priests in the Archdiocese, if not the oldest) actually had a bit of a fall and hurt his back. Please keep him in your prayers as well.

  3. Brian Day says:

    Thus, Father Carbonaro decided to say the Mass though he had just begun learning how to say Mass according to the Extraordinary Use two weeks ago! (And he did a very good job I might add.)

    Only two weeks? Hmmm. It seems that short of a successful training period would blow any bishop’s restrictions out of the water.

  4. Al says:

    Wonderful news for that community. Sorry to hear about Fr. Kehoe. I
    will keep them both in my prayers..

  5. Father Bartoloma says:

    When I was in the Seminary at St. Charles Fr. Carbonaro was one of the formation advisors as well as a professor and, for some time, the director of the permnanent diaconate program in Philadelphia. He is a fine priest and his deep love of the Holy Eucharist and the Church’s liturgical life has always been inspirational to those around him. This is a great blessing of Summorum Pontificum, that good and faithful priests who have always loved the Mass and done their best to bring about the necessary sense of the sacred have the whole dimension of the Extraordinary Form accessable to enrich their own priesthood and the people they serve.

  6. Brian Day says:

    Oops. That should be “sort”, not “short” in my comment above.

  7. Brian Day says:

    I need some coffee. As soon as I hit the ‘submit’ button, I realized my “correction” was wrong. I’ll go away now. (Hangs head in shame.)

  8. Derik Castillo says:

    It is good to see that learning to pray the
    Extraordinary Form is not an impossible task,
    and it is heart-warming to learn how fast it
    is possible to become proficient in this form
    when the love for the Eucharist is the motivation.

    God Bless all the priests, and help Fr. Kehoe
    to recover!

  9. John says:

    Fr. Z,

    Would you be so kind to post that there will be a Traditional Latin Mass on Christmas day at 1:00 at St. Walburga’s in Rogers, MN.(About 20 minutes west of Minneapolis) Fr. Cloutier from St. Mary’s in Waverly will say the Mass. It is also held the first Sunday of the month, same time and place. This will be our 4th Mass since the restrictions were lifted and hopefully soon it will be offered weekly. Updates and directions are available on my website.

    Thank you

  10. I attend the TLM in Tacony, and have told Father Carbonaro how beautiful the monthly High Masses have been. He seemed delighted and spoke with excitement about it. To learn now that he will be saying the TLM at Tacony, is to see Father living the spirit of being truly pastoral. His example is Living Faith in action. Ad multos annos!

    William A. Torchia, Equire
    Latin Liturgy Association

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