Here are a couple links to stories about China’s "one child policy". I think you’ll find them… interesting… as the run-up to the Olympics races forward.
First, read through this piece from John Smeaton, director of the The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children:
Anthony Ozimic, SPUC political secretary, has commented today on how Western media outlets are disseminating misinformation by the Chinese Communist regime allegedly implying that China might scrap or significantly relax its one-child, forced-abortion population control policy.
Reuters and the Guardian have today published reports analysing comments by Zhao Baige, Chinese’s population control minister, to a Beijing press conference. The headlines read "China could scrap its one-child policy" and "China considers ending one-child policy", even though nothing in the minister’s comments suggests such a move.
Anthony comments: "Experts know that the Chinese Communist regime makes misleading statements about human rights when the international spotlight is on China, such as now in the run-up to the Olympics. Such statements are intended for Western consumption only and specifically designed to mislead Westerners into wishful thinking that the regime’s crimes against humanity, such as the one-child policy, are coming to an end.
"The false claim by the Guardian’s Tania Branigan that the one-child policy’s ‘enforcement system is far less punitive than in the 80s and early 90s’ is one such example of how the Chinese regime has been successful in planting such misinformation into the Western media.
"After the Olympics, the Western media should conduct on-the-ground investigations into the one-child policy’s implementation, where they will discover the reality of continuing forced abortions rather than the myths the Communist regime has led them to believe," Anthony concludes.
Pictured is Hui Rong Mesrinejad, a refugee from the one-child policy (read more about her story here).
And from our friend the hermeneutical Fr. Finigan:
Western media falls for commie propaganda
China’s "Population Control Minister" (shouldn’t that title itself put you on your guard just a little?) has been reported as indicating that China might scrap its one child policy. Since his actual comments said nothing of the sort, the spin doctors must have been working hard. See Anthony Ozimic’s comments: One-child policy misinformation being planted in Western media. See also John Smeaton’s post today on one-child policy propaganda.
As the late Dr John S. Aird, former senior China specialist at the U.S. Bureau for the Census (a world expert on China’s one-child policy), said five years ago:
"The Chinese family planning authorities are continuing their old trick of talking tough to their own people while giving a gentle image to the gullible foreigners. It is a clumsy, transparently obvious trick, but it still works as it has in the past. That is why the Chinese authorities still use it! When will the foreigners wise up?"
For a reminder of the sensitive way that the Chinese communist authorities have promoted the one child policy, see my post from last year: Your home will be destroyed and your cows taken away if you don’t abort. Other wall writing included "Better blood flowing like a river than one extra birth." and "One excess birth, whole village sterilized!"
The “Bodies” show in the USA has a fileted, pickled woman’s corpse with a baby in her womb, cut open for people to see, that is, cut open for little school children to see. That’s the reward for having a baby, especially a girl. What hatred of women! What hatred of children! What hatred of men! What hatred of God! China has really changed for the better, says, um… I don’t know… advertisers for the Olympics?
And the Vatican is proposing to abandon the ROC to recognise this state?
I am very ecstatic to see that someone else is concerned
about China’s one child policy. Every time I read an article
about the Vatican discussing diplomatic exchange with China I
steam. Where are the family values in this policy?
Does the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Church in China teach that artificial birth control is a mortal sin. Are Chinese Catholics given an exemption by the PAtriotic Catholic Church for the rule against using birth control so that they may stay in line with the government policy?
I don’t know anything about the official policy, so I can’t comment on that. All I can say is that a Chinese guy I used to work with told me that for most people in the cities (he was from Beijing), there was a hefty fine for the second child, but it was affordable by most middle-class Chinese. My co-worker was also from an ethnic group that had special dispensation, so that he could have a second child with no fine at all. I’m sure he was not employed by the government or was anything more than a nominal member of the party, so I can’t imagine he would have had any particular reason to lie to me, but perhaps so. I can’t say for sure.
China’s communist regime seems to have well learnt from the Russians the art of the Potemkin village. Show sympathetic foreign journalists a place and a facade which gives everything they want to see and hear, and they will receive praise in the Guardian newspaper!
Sorry , haven’t much time to respond to this but I feel a pertinent aspect of it has been ignored ; so I’m just cutting and pasting what I said on my blog:
Chinese posters – enforcing the ‘One Child Policy’ :
– Better blood flowing like a river than one extra birth.
– Abort whether early or late, abort using any method!
– Your home will be destroyed and your cows taken away if you don’t abort.
There is a list of others such as:
– One sterilization honors the whole family! (Xiandong Province)
– One excess birth, whole village sterilized! (Tsuxiong, Yunnan Province)
– Sterilization dodgers wanted! (Tzechuan Province)
Satanic isn’t it…?
China forces the annual murder of tens of millions of the unborn – a significant majority of these are girls [one in the eye for the pro-choice sisterhood eh ? evidently what goes around comes around , but of course it doesn’t affect the lives of the white petit bourgeois chattering class ‘ladies who lunch’ does it ? Not when the genocide they support is halfway round the world] the children who are born ? they’re treated like little princes – demigods spoilt beyond imagining [even amongst the very poor] and they become none the better for it….
Fr Tim over at the Hermeneutic of Continuity informs us that ‘commie’ China is yet again attempting to ‘hoodwink’ the West by intimating it plans to remove the legislation enforcing ‘one child only’ – when it has no intention of doing any such thing. Whether this is true or untrue is a valid point to consider…but I’m afraid Fr Tim is falling into that grim fallacy with which the west hoodwinks us.
China’s policies are undoubtedly pure evil…Evil beyond imagining.
But why are they allowed to thrive ? To persist ? What necessitates it ? what compels it ?
Now, keep that in your mind while I ask you to hearken back to 13th May 1981 ; we’re forever being told that Pope John Paul II’s execution was directly ordered via the Kremlin through the ‘subverted’ neo-fascist Grey Wolves and Mehmet Ali Agca fired the shots – I’m sure there are many informed catholic bloggers out there close to Rome who will tell you that this is simply untrue – Pope John Paul II was disrupting the tyrannising status quo in Eastern Europe – and it was a rich source of cheap goods and resources [produced in an environment of enslavement of whole populations] and the people who profited were rich Multi-Nationalists in the West – it was these ‘secret people’ who ordered His Holiness’s execution; for they had far too much to lose if eastern europe was freed – a vast amount of lucrative ‘fast-bucks’ in the West being the main one…whenever we look for Evil thriving, whether it be third or fourth world poverty, disease, violence, chaos and death – you will invariably find money at the root of it….
So let’s look back at China – and ask why ?
Why was China allowed to persist in its diabolical policies against its own people ?
What country ever stood against it ?
What country ever spoke out , refused to trade or negotiate or withdraw any diplomatic relations with china while this ongoing evil thrived ?
In fact did we not promote, equivocate, excuse, collaborate and conspire in this tyranny , violence and death..whether it be against Tibet, or Taiwan or the students in Tianamen square or the millions of unborn or any political opposition or christians or the millions in rural communities starved to death when resources were low while the stockpiles of arms and nuclear weapons rose higher to ensure they could oppress the people and blackmail the whole world into economic submission ?
The Chinese government are up to their necks in the blood of millions…
But what of us ?
The clothes I wear were made in China , the TV I watch may have a Japanese name but its components came from China , the baseball boots on my feet – from China, the computer in front of me – US brand but its components? yep Chinese – my £27 suit I recently wore to a funeral – China…I’ve made a quick glance through my paperbacks – the majority were printed in China – the dvds ? You got it !
The radio with which I listen with glee to good old merry england personified by Radio 4, and hear John Simpson and James Naughtie in the mornings telling me of another Chinese atrocity ? And then hear Jenny Murray on women’s hour telling me how chinese women are being oppressed ? yep everywhere I look – virtualy everything is made in China !
The company I work for trades $18 billion with China – compelled to as people want their cheap jeans and cheap electrical goods – if it didn’t do it someone else would – it’s capitalism – it’s the way of the world !!!
I vacuumed the living room not long ago – a nice shiny Dyson – good british Inventor – was once a good british company – now it’s in china – it had no choice – the globalisation policies of the New World Order have decreed that the World’s workshop, the world’s factory – is now focussed upon China !
If it were any other way it would be detrimental to our economy wouldn’t it ?
Trudy and Justin wouldn’t have their Tuscan Villa , their little getaway cottage in the highlands or be able to take Caspar and Jocasta to The London Oratory and the Ursuline sisters in the latest 4by4 ?,
The distillery companies would go into liquidation if the billions of extra money was no longer spent on alcohol , but actually having to be spent on food, clothes and goods that weren’t the obscenely low-priced products of the oppressed, underprivileged slaves of China and the Third World.
When I lived in the US they were incensed at having to pay $1.40 a gallon for gasoline – imagine how they would feel if they were paying the near $10 we’re paying here in the UK ? But no, the tens of billions of dollars of trade with China ensure this doesn’t need to happen….
The Code of Canon Law 1329 #2 tells us of those conspiring directly with latae sententiae excommunicable acts should be afforded a severe punishment.
How lucky we are that we can equivocate, squeeze our way out of that one by declaring we are merely indirect participants ? But there is something about the law that makes us uneasy when it implies that if there’s a hint of ‘without whom the acts would not occur’? – there’s culpability….puts us on edge doesn’t it ?
So when Fr Tim [and many others] condemns the murderous Commie bastards and their mephistophelean agenda of violence, tyranny and genocide – I’ll side with him and agree in the condemnation….
…Yet in order to be authentic I have to go one step further and condemn the world who, for a fast buck, allows, conspires and promotes this !
In some way, blood is on all our hands…