Since today, in the post-Conciliar calendar, it is the feast of the Apostles Phillip and James, and since I did a PODCAzT on the reading for the Office of Readings last year, as an experiment I resurrect the audio files of last year’s audio project and integrate into this new version. So, we will hear about Tertullian’s De praescriptione haereticorum.
Then we hear Fr. George Rutler’s review in First Things of the book under H.E. Archbp. Piero Marini’s name A Challenging Reform, which gives a picture of the work of the Consilium in the reform of the liturgy during and after Vatican II.
I add lots of my own comments about this very interesting book. Suffice to say that I don’t share the views of H.E. Piero Marini, or with the editors of this book, which tellingly exists only in English at this point.
This is a long one, but I don’t think you will be bored.
Father: Excellent PodcaZt. I think you are a good teacher. I think you would be a great college prof-not like you don’t already have enough to do! :-)
A thought occurred to me while listening to this PodcaZt (3 times!): Is it entirely possible that the Holy Father deliberately intended the obvious contrast in Mass styles during his visit here? (Apologies, if you discussed this elsewhere and perhaps I missed it)
Several have noted how much they disliked the Mass at Nationals Stadium compared to the Masses in New York.
Well, let me clarify that a bit: conservatives disliked the Mass at Nationals but progressives like the Nationals Mass and dislike the other ones.
The Holy Father being, at heart, the teacher that he is probably knows that it is, sometimes, better to illustrate the point rather than state it. Now, both sides have something to think about and, hopefully, discuss with each other.
The Holy Father is aware that change needs to be organic and gradual, not sudden, like it was after VII. You want to bring people around gradually, not scare them away with sudden shock. It’s sad to say but a Mass reverently and properly celebrated is startling to many.
Where I think the Holy Father’s “Marshall Plan” could fail is if neither “camp” approaches the opposing Commander’s tent for cigars and gentlemenly discussion. If each side just remains in their respective camp, inflexible, I fear that reunification around what the Mass should be and can be will not happen.
The Holy Father has given us the canvas. We need to paint it. He can’t do it all himself.
Cathy: Is it entirely possible that the Holy Father deliberately intended the obvious contrast in Mass styles during his visit here? … better to illustrate the point rather than state it.
That occurred to me too. We shall have to watch more closely what happens with Masses on his other apostolic visits.
Fr. Z:
Tremendous Podcast! Thank you for compiling Fr. Rutler’s commentary on this book with the editors’ actual text and your own commentary. Thank you as well for your always attentive production quality, and for your tireless labor of love for the Church’s liturgy.