Today is Tuesday in the Octave of Pentecost, or at least it ought to be in in the Novus Ordo as it is in the older, Traditional Roman Calendar.
This is the second PODCAzT for the Pentecost Octave.
Thanks to your feedback after yesterday’s I decided to do another.
Today we dig into John Paul II’s encyclical on the Holy Spirit Dominum et vivificantem and what he teaches about the unforgivable sin, "blasphemy" against the Holy Spirit.
I add a few digressions, of course, including one where I connect the sinner’s closing off to the redemptive power of the Holy Spirit and the self-enclosed circle created in versus populum worship rather than the opening out to the coming of the Lord in ad orientem worship. I might be on a limb with that, but… hey! Food for thought.
Then we hear Our Lady of Fatima, on this her feast day. We hear Lucia’s description of the vision of Hell, which Our Lady showed the children.
Just in case you were wondering what closing yourself off to the Holy Spirit comes to….
Again, your feedback will determine if I keep this up for the rest of the Octave.
I hope you keep it up, Father. Teaching about, and devotion to the Holy Ghost seems so lacking in many places.
Your podcasts are very helpful. I loved yesterday’s and I think that the sermon from St. Augustine will help when converting the protestants and other heretical/schimatic groups. I am listening to today’s PODCAzT as I type and I’m sure I will enjoy it. Also, when you get a chance, please reply to your email from me entitled NOVUS ORDO Question.
Keep em comin’ Father. Don’t abandon us for the Ember Days of Whitsuntide!
Excellent PODCAzT, Father! I am so happy you are making so many of these for Pentecost. You have been truly filled with the Spirit!
Thanks for the great podcasts Father Z! I hope you continue throughout the rest of the Octave of Pentecost (and beyond!). The Holy Church needs to hear about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in the context of this important Feast – esp. at a time (I sense) of great renewal (or shall I say Reform of the Reform) :) Keep up the good work!
The PODCAzT for today was excellent. I only wished you talked more on rest of the vision of Lucia when she talked about souls falling into hell like snow flacks. Considering the stated of the world to day that is one of the most sobering parts of the vision. Lord have mercy on us all.
Thank you Father Z – I look forward to the next one.
Thank you for another Podcazt, Fr Z.
I think you do go out on a limb to compare versus populum to the unforgiveable sin; yet, as a hyperbole, it does work for me, but then I was ready to understand it. I wonder about those who would be less receptive to such an overstatement.
That was a celestial piece of music to open the Podcazt, Father. I would like to have a copy of it. Is there any help out there?
On my way home from work riding the bus again, I listened to this terrific podcast. Thank you and please do more!
Then tonight I went to a wonderful Cenacle given by a Priest of the Marian Movement of Priests. His meditations on the rosary were amazing. What a day!
Thank you Father, Please continue.
Thank you, Father Z. These are wonderful. Please continue!
Thank you!! :)
More please, Father! I love listening to your podcasts and always learn something.