Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos to Celebrate Pontifical High Mass in the Traditional Latin Rite in Westminster Cathedral, Saturday 14 June 2008
The Latin Mass Society is proud to announce that Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, President of the Ecclesia Dei Commission in Rome and Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for the Clergy, has accepted its invitation to celebrate a Pontifical High Mass in the Traditional Latin Rite (the Extraordinary Form) in Westminster Cathedral on Saturday 14 June at 2.00 pm.
Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos is one of Pope Benedict XVI’s closest collaborators and is charged with oversight of the Vatican’s relations with the religious communities and laity committed to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite.
Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos will arrive in London on Friday 13 June in time to attend a private dinner given in his honour by Mr Julian Chadwick, Chairman of the LMS.
The LMS hopes to arrange for Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos to call on Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, Archbishop of Westminster, at Archbishop’s House close to the Cathedral on Saturday morning. Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos will then deliver an address at the LMS’s AGM in Westminster Cathedral Hall later in the morning. He will then take lunch with the LMS’s Committee members before celebrating Mass in the Cathedral at 2.00 pm.
As befits a Prince of the Church, Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos will be welcomed at the Cathedral west door in full cappa magna before processing to the Blessed Sacrament Chapel to pray; he will then vest in the sanctuary whilst the Cathedral choir sings. Pontifical High Mass will then be celebrated at the High Altar with all the breathtaking ceremony and music integral to the Traditional Rite. Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos will also preach.
Julian Chadwick, Chairman of the LMS, said, “This is the highlight of the LMS’s 43 years of struggle on behalf of the Traditional Latin Rite. It will be the first time since the liturgical changes of 1969 that a Cardinal will have celebrated the Extraordinary Form in Westminster Cathedral [Note: Cardinal Alfons Stickler, Vatican Librarian Emeritus who died in December last year, presided at a High Mass in the Cathedral organised by the LMS in 1992 but did not celebrate]. Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos has been unstinting in his work on behalf of the Extraordinary Form and this Mass is a clear signal from Rome that it wants the Traditional Rite reinserted into the heart of the Church’s liturgical activity. We are extremely grateful to Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor for readily agreeing to this Mass and to Mgr Mark Langham, the Cathedral Administrator, and all his staff for their help with all the arrangements. This Mass literally represents the prayers of many thousands of LMS members and supporters offered up through the years and now come true.”
For further information, please contact John Medlin, General Manager, or James Murphy, LMS Office Manager, on (T) 020 7404 7284; (F) 020 7831 5585;
Th fruits of Summorum Pontificum are manifold!
Oh! How I wish we could go! We’ll even be in England on that day, but that’s the day we’re leaving our Devon Holiday camp and heading home… I don’t think swinging over to London is particularly doable. LOL
His Emminence is in the news more than the Holy Father, lately. I’m sure his job is very demanding, and he is in need of many prayers. Sometimes I wonder if he foresaw the volume of work that the MP would generate for his commission. If he did, he is to be commended for staying on as President of the PCED.
I’ll be there. Will try to snap some photos for you, Father.
The Latin Mass Society is hoping for a good sized congregation at this Mass. Thank you Fr Z for giving it publicity.
I do urge all readers in England and Wales to attend if at all possible. Coaches are being arranged from some dioceses. Otherwise there is the possibility of sharing cars. Contact the LMS Office (tel, fax and e-mail details above)for information.
Also, it would be a great help if information about this Mass could be included on more blogs. I know many have already given it coverage, but more would be welcome.
Also, don’t forget about this:
On May 30 , 2008 deacons of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter will be ordained to the priesthood. It is a special ordination for many reasons. For one Cardinal Hoyos the Prefect of Ecclesia Dei, the office of the Vatican that governs all matters related to the extraordinary form of the mass will perform the ordinations. Secondly, for the first time a traditional ordination will be broadcast to the entire world on the only truly global network, EWTN. Finally, ordinations which were orginally scheduled for Saturday, May 31st, because of scheduling problems was moved to the Friday, which happens to be the Feast of the Sacred Heart.
The ordinations will take place at the Cathedral of the Risen Christ in Lincoln, Nebraska at 10:00 A.M (CST).
I do urge as many Catholics from England & Wales to try to make every effort to attend if at all possible.
Paul mentions above some Dioceses are organising coaches to decend upon the Mother Cathedral of the Roman Catholic Church in England & Wales.
Sadly, there are no trains (!) on the west coast main line after this mass for those of us from the North West of England and Western Scotland who might like to be there. Does anyone have specific information about coaches?
Simon: I know! It’s a ser fecht! I am staying over because of this…
I suppose “ser fecht” means “bad thing” in some language which might be related to English. Any more details?
Ser fecht is Scots. It means an awful foutre, a palaver, a bother.
Mark – thanks.