Things that fly at the Sabine Farm

It has been visually interesting around here.

Last night I caught sight of a balloon, of all things.  This is a first.

Also, take a look at the feeder!

What have we here?  I think it is a Rose-Breasted Grosbeak, Pheucticus ludovicianus.

And then…  I think this is a Purple Finch… Carpodacus purpureus.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Blogger says:

    While I admit that these birds are cuter, why are you so opposed to squirrels eating out of your bird feeder? I know that squirrels eat a lot more of the seed in the feeder, but you are feeding a hungry animal either way.

  2. Blogger: First, bird feeders are for birds. Second, I object to squirrels in principle.

  3. Chris says:

    A grosbeak it is! We just started seeing them in our yard (SE Minnesota) last week. They have a beautiful little song.
    Our squirrels go to amazing acrobatic lengths to get into our feeders. That in itself is at least somewhat amusing. :)

  4. Chris says:

    It is indeed a grosbeak! Ours just returned here to SE Minnesota last week. They have a beautiful little song.
    Do you have orioles at the Sabine Farm?

  5. Elizabeth V. says:

    Dear Fr. Z,

    If you think that’s neat, come visit Albuquerque in early October!

  6. Brandon says:

    Father, (at al.) In case you’re curious, Franciscan University is broadcasting all of their commencement activities, including the Baccalaurate Mass (starting RIGHT NOT) in a live feed on their website.

  7. pedro says:

    Cool birds Father!

  8. Great close-up pics of the little birds. Do you hang out hummingbird feeders? If so, please take some close shots of those little guys and post them.

  9. KK says:

    So in other words, squirrels are the liturgical dancers of the animal kingdom.

  10. Kradcliffe says:

    Those are some very cute birds. I hope you’re feeling better.
    The more people say they hate squirrels, the more I like them. Go, squirrels, GO!

  11. JL says:

    Wow, a grosbeak! In person! I’m jealous, Father; I’ve just seen them in the field guides.

    I think the other little guy may be a house finch–I’m always getting them mixed up with purple finches. Actually, I’m not sure what the difference is.

    In any case, it’s a nice sort of Roman purple. :)

  12. JL: Yah… the Grosbeak was a real surprise! I have never seen one. Hopefully he, and maybe his she, will hang around.

  13. Kradcliffe: Go, squirrels, GO!

    I agree… they may go. And I think we should help them.

  14. Marilyn says:

    That second little critter looks like a purple finch to me. I get them at my bird feeder regularly.

  15. david andrew says:

    House finches and purple finches are very difficult to distinguish. I had a pair of what I believe were purple finches that built their nest in a fake palm tree I had on my apartment balcony. Purple finches are a bit more rare, and are being thinned by a peculiar fungal infection that attacks their eyes and by encroachment on their habitats by the more aggressive house finch.

    IIRC, the male purple finch has a short notched tail (as this one clearly does).

  16. Patrick S says:

    Cool pix, I saw my first Rose-Breasted Grosbeak here, just north of Indianapolis this past week. I’ve never seen one in Indiana but the guide said they were to be found. I’m hoping he returns to our feeder sometime. There seem to be a number of birds around that weren’t here when I was younger.

  17. Margaret says:

    First, bird feeders are for birds. Second, I object to squirrels in principle.

    This is a Summa Theologica article spoof just waiting to happen, but I lack the theological and satirical chops to do it…

  18. Peg says:

    If you think squirrels are a nuisance try getting rid of beavers! In the “Peoples Republic of Massachusetts”, if you shoot or otherwise extinguish the life of one of the little critters you could be fined $10,000 for each one and two years in jail. To bad unborn babies don’t have equal protection.

  19. RBrown says:

    Squirrels eating from bird feeders? A friend has a feeder hanging from the roof. Coons climb onto the roof, then hang upside down to eat from the feeder.

    BTW, have you ever seen a Prothonotary Warbler?

  20. Amanda says:

    Too bad you couldn’t get closer to the balloon. It almost looks like one of the ones that flies regularly in Louisiana. My family actually used to own one so I don’t get too excited but if you like them, you should definitely see if there is a Balloon Rally nearby. My dad always said it was one of his ways of getting closer to God.

  21. Tim Ferguson says:

    Okay, tell the truth, Father: you hired the balloon to come so that you could use it tomorrow at Mass, right? After Sister proclaims the Gospel, you’re going to “descend” upon the congregation in that balloon with a “tongue of fire” above your head and preach about the wonderfulness of being in community.

    Using a balloon as a teaching moment in the liturgy – brilliant! You really are taking your game up another notch, maybe next year you can headline at the LA Religious Ed Congress.

  22. Francesco says:

    I think squirrels are reincarnated degenerates from the Dark Ages (1960s) who seek to overthrow Fr. Z in order to stop him from becoming pope!!!

  23. Francesco says:

    I think squirrels are reincarnated degenerates from the Dark Ages (1960s) who are trying to overthrow Fr. Z and stop him from becoming pope!!!


  24. Mike says:

    How come it still looks like winter over there? Where are you exactly?

  25. Jim Dorchak says:

    Fr Z

    How about all that snow!

    We extracted honey from our bee hives that I took off one month ago. Our tomatos and squash are already getting blooms.

    We had 85 degrees here yesterday, and y-all don’t have spring yet.

    Hope you enjoy all that cold..

    When does spring start up there mid August?

    Jim Dorchak

  26. RBrown: BTW, have you ever seen a Prothonotary Warbler?

    O, Lord! The possible remarks are legion.

    So far, at this feeder, I have not seen a Prothonotary Warbler.

  27. RBrown says:

    RBrown: BTW, have you ever seen a Prothonotary Warbler?

    O, Lord! The possible remarks are legion.

    So far, at this feeder, I have not seen a Prothonotary Warbler.
    Comment by Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

    It was the bird involved in the Whitaker Chambers-Alger Hiss matter.

    NB also: The Pumpkin Papers.

  28. RBrown says:

    But I do get your joke about prothonotary warblers.

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