We hit the 4,000,000 mark for visits today!
That’s 4 mil since I started using Sitemeter.
Who was it?
It’s done!
Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein
Visitor’s Time Sep 28 2008 10:49:04 pm
Visit Number 4,000,000
We hit the 4,000,000 mark for visits today!
That’s 4 mil since I started using Sitemeter.
Who was it?
It’s done!
Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein
Visitor’s Time Sep 28 2008 10:49:04 pm
Visit Number 4,000,000
Comments are closed.
Coat of Arms by D Burkart
St. John Eudes
- Prosper of Aquitaine (+c.455), De gratia Dei et libero arbitrio contra Collatorem 22.61
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“He [Satan] will set up a counter-Church which will be the ape of the Church because, he the devil, is the ape of God. It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content. It will be a mystical body of the anti-Christ that will in all externals resemble the mystical body of Christ. In desperate need for God, whom he nevertheless refuses to adore, modern man in his loneliness and frustration will hunger more and more for membership in a community that will give him enlargement of purpose, but at the cost of losing himself in some vague collectivity.”
“Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, and the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops act like bishops.”
- Fulton Sheen
Therefore, ACTIVATE YOUR CONFIRMATION and get to work!
- C.S. Lewis
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"But if, in any layman who is indeed imbued with literature, ignorance of the Latin language, which we can truly call the 'catholic' language, indicates a certain sluggishness in his love toward the Church, how much more fitting it is that each and every cleric should be adequately practiced and skilled in that language!" - Pius XI
"Let us realize that this remark of Cicero (Brutus 37, 140) can be in a certain way referred to [young lay people]: 'It is not so much a matter of distinction to know Latin as it is disgraceful not to know it.'" - St. John Paul II
Grant unto thy Church, we beseech Thee, O merciful God, that She, being gathered together by the Holy Ghost, may be in no wise troubled by attack from her foes. O God, who by sin art offended and by penance pacified, mercifully regard the prayers of Thy people making supplication unto Thee,and turn away the scourges of Thine anger which we deserve for our sins. Almighty and Everlasting God, in whose Hand are the power and the government of every realm: look down upon and help the Christian people that the heathen nations who trust in the fierceness of their own might may be crushed by the power of thine Arm. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. R. Amen.
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Visits tracked by Statcounter since Sat., 25 Nov. 2006:
Congratulations for the 4 million, and the same to the lucky 4 millionth.
Otherwise, welcome back to this side of the Ocean.
FWIW: We hit 3 mil on 11 June.
Brick by brick, Padre… :-D
Congratulations and God bless you!
And, when you started this ministry (to use an over-used term…), Father, did you think that the equivalent of a large city would be affected by your wisdom, insight, and good sense?
Brick by brick? More like erecting a cathedral.
bryan: I had no idea.
In that case, Father Z., I offer my hearty congratulations and prayers for your positive and faith-filled service to His body. Ever though of changing your patron saint to Paul of Tarsus?
(That my rosary group considers you a must-read for everyone is only one indication of the far-reaching effect you have. Simple words, truth, and clarity of thought mean everything…one of us reading and contemplating reaches many many more people than just the plain stats would indicate…just my insight….)
Your Reverence, do you use Google Analytics? I like it a lot and provides a lot of information and… it’s free… :)
WOW… 4 million! I got excited when I hit 100,000… ok, actually, I got excited when I hit 100, but 4 million is really quite an achievement… and one million since JUNE !!!
Congrats, Father. Keep Blogging!
. . .the equivalent of a large city. . .
Let’s not kid ourselves. We all know there are really only about a hundred of us; we just come here a hundred times a day!
Kidding! Thanks especially to Fr. Z, but also to everyone who contributes their sometimes-creepy (but always fascinating!), specialized knowledge to make this ‘blog what it is.
Congratulations Father Z!
Father Z
I’ve just bookmarked your site on my toolbar, and I notice there is a little “Z” icon that goes with the text – remarkably similar to the mark of Zorro……
You visitors are the ones who accomplished this!
Many thanks to YOU!
Ad multos adventores!
It has and continues to be a blessing for me having found this site. Continue your fine work. 4 000 000 is a nice number may it continue to grow.
Yay, Fr.Z!!
Congratulations Father Z and may you continue to grow.
Royal Flash!
Very impressive! God is good and so is your blog!
Let’s not kid ourselves. We all know there are really only about a hundred of us; we just come here a hundred times a day!
Hey! I do my part. I\’m probably responsible for 10,000+ hits myself. :)
Congratulations Fr. Z.
Do the stats say how many unique visitors you\’ve had?
Congratulations Father! :-D
Congratulations to the Rush Limbaugh of the Catholic Blogosphere!
What Bryan said x 10!
For every one who comments there are hundreds who read, and not only among so-called “traditionalists”.
I prefer the word “authentic”.
The word is out, Father – anyone who wants to read AUTHENTIC Catholic teaching goes to your blog.
God bless you and give you great joy in your work.
Huh! It’s from Flensburg … which is a diaspora region. That’s another good aspect, father. You are strengtening Catholics who don’t sail on the Mainstream River. Thanks for that! Peter
Fr. Z. What about being made Cardinal and Head of the Holy Congregation for Blogs?
Congratulations and Kudos on a job well done!
This is a fantastic site and one from which I have learned much.
Kudos on a job well done!
Congratulations on your achievement, Father Z!
Although, to pick up on comments earlier on this thread: Four million site visits is a superb achievement, but it shouldn’t be confused with a different metric, unique visitors.
I’m here practically every day, so my site visits number, oh, several hundred at least. The same applies to a whole bunch of other regulars here. All of us would claim several hundred (at least) of those site visits.
Therefore, when you get to the 4,000,000th unique visitor, now that will be an achievement.
Corollary of that: You should be able to figure out how many of your visitors visit every day (or week, or whatever). Figure that out, and you’ll see how big your regular readership is. That’s a useful metric, possibly more so than site visits or unique visitors.
PMGrath: I think that is unique visitors. On Stat Counter, which I started later, I am also closing in on 4 million in the unique visitor category. For page loads/visits we have many more.
“The Schleswig-Holstein question is so complicated, only three men in Europe have ever understood it. One was Prince Albert, who is dead. The second was a German professor who became mad. I am the third and I have forgotten all about it.”
Well done Father and thanks
Wasn’t flensburg the last vestiage of the third reich at the end of the Second World War?
I’ll have to check my history, but I’m sure that when Hitler died, having appointed Doenitz as his successor, the Doenitz administration was pushed back into a corner and effectively controlled no more than a small area and a small amount of troops. This was, of course, only for a matter of days before the inevitable surrender came.
Just a small trivia factoid there :)
Congratulations! That is a marvelous achievement.