Folks: A couple notes.
You can always tell when you are back in Roma. The first thing that happened tonight is that a cabbie tried to rip me off. Boy, did he make a mistake. I explained the situation and he became very happy to take me where I needed to go at the proper rate. It is amazing how addressing them by their operator number, from the plate on the inside of the door in on the driver’s side in the back, focuses their attention and alters their attitude.
I said that I would say a Mass for some of you who have been benefactors for the WDTPRS project. Tomorrow I promised someone else an intention. I will remember you who contributed on probably Wednesday morning, I think, probably in San Pietro.
I may be internet connection challenged during my time in Rome. I am once again in the clutches of the benighted. Their blockheaded sense of what technology is here and that the 20th century is over, never ceases to amaze me.
If you are a friend, and must reach me… use my e-mail for now and, if you call my 204 number, it will forward to one of my cellphones here. I have so many phones and numbers I am starting to feel like a drug dealer.
So… I warmly recommend a measure of self-editing in the comboxes. The mood I am in right suggests to me that if you post anything disrespectful about legitimate authority or another person participating here, when I get online and find your comments, I’ll probably just block your access. It might not happen immediately, but it will happen. I simply don’t need the headache and the extra work.
In any event, I am in Roma until Saturday morning, then back to London.
Londoners, et al… remember we are trying to get that blognic hammered out.
While here I will participate in a conference on Summorum Pontificum and see lots of friends.
Eating just may be involved.
Last time I was in Rome I think I was partially “taken” by a cabbie. I was quite stern with him once I got the sense that he might be a bit dishonest so I don’t think he “did his worst”. But I must say that my one and only time taking a cab in Rome (it was too late to ride the bus that I normally took) was not the most pleasant. I need to learn some more Italian so as to be able to use the Fr. Z. method of cabbie discipline.
A cabbie trying to rip off a priest in the Eternal City?! The end of the world must be near! You’d think they’d know better! My goodness.
Una delle cose che sono eterne nelle Citta\’ Eterna: tassisti che ti fa pagare troppo.
I’m relieved to hear that this even happens to priests. One time in Rome I had to wave my fist right under a taxi-driver’s nose to get the correct change. That made him pay up. I think a lot of the cabbies still think they are living in the bewildering currency world of the lira. Fr Z, Do make sure to enjoy yourself.
So here’s a question for you Father : of all the big cities you have ever visited, which is the nicest in terms of how the people behave? Disregarding how exciting or historic or pretty the place is – where are the citizens the most pleasant?
I would definitely say Helsinki – very expensive, but the average Finn would die rather than be thought dishonest. Lovely place.
Is Fr. Z attending all of the lectures at the Summorum Pontificum conference organised by Giovani e Tradizione in Rome ?
I’d be most interested to hear what Dom Nicola Bux and Fr. Uwe Michael Land have to say.
Hopefully, Father might be posting on the subject ?
Oops !
I meant Fr. Lang !
Geoffrey: A cabbie trying to rip off a priest in the Eternal City?! … You’d think they’d know better!
What would be better? A bishop?
but Father, but Father, you can’t EAT in Rome! I mean, haven’t you as a priest made a vow to stay as unhappy and detached from the things of the world as possible? It’s not as though God has given us dominion over creation and creativity to turn the things of this world into tasty and pleasant snacks.
Or, at least if you eat, show us some pictures so that we can gain virtue by training ourselves to keep our jealousy in check. ;)
I was there one time for a strike of the taxi drivers (of course it was the day that I needed one of them to get me to the airport). First, they announce that they’re spending the day on strike. Then they spend that day driving their taxis around town, not picking up anyone while proudly announcing to you that they’re on strike, just so they can hang out with other taxi drivers gathered at a piazza. Then they read the newspaper, smoke, make calls on their cellphones, make eyes at any female, and generally complain how bad their lives are.
Fr. Jay,
How does that differ from any other day? In all the time I lived in Rome, I don’t know that I was ever able to tell the difference between a strike and a normal workday. I only knew based on the newspaper announcements.
Have a good time, Fr. Z.
Fr Z I was in Rome only once, we stood round the clock to pay our respects to JPII. Give our regards to any members of the Faith Group you happen to meet especially Fr Burke. I dance on oil rigs even now, recalling his lecture in Aberdeen several years ago, great stuff.
That is one cabbie who will never assume that a priest coming from the airport would know something about Rome.
It’s the old SVV story all over again. Some of you will remember my SVV story!
The cabbie who ripped us off had a little shrine to Padre Pio on his dashboard.
Sorry for the off-topic comment, but this deserves to be brought to people’s attention:
I suppose some have already noticed this very interesting (and in some ways troubling) story that appeared today at the website of Catholic News Service (agency of the USCCB):
“Cardinal: Some not satisfied even after pope’s Tridentine Mass decree”
First, there is some good news, of sorts, about the long-awaited Clarifying Document:
But the article also asserts:
But the process of reconciliation [between the Church and the SSPX] broke down in late June when Bishop Bernard Fellay, superior of the Society of St. Pius X and one of the four bishops ordained by Archbishop Lefebvre, failed to meet four conditions posed by Cardinal Castrillon for moving the process forward.
That contradicts previous reports and statements of Cardinal Castrillon.
The article in general fairly reeks of the general disdain for the traditional Latin Mass that one often encounters from the USCCB apparatus. Note what the writer emphasises, giving five of the first six paragraphs to the subject of how “some just aren’t satisfied” with SP. Not that those paragraphs are inaccurate (I have no reason to doubt their accuracy) or deal with something that is inappropriate — it’s just that the article’s slant on Cardinal Castrillon’s talk is decidedly negative.
Jordanes, that’s totally off-topic for this post, but you may want to repost the link on the next post just above this one.
On the other hand, I think we should all be very careful to mind our p’s and q’s while Fr. Z is unable to moderate as usual.
Jordanes, that’s totally off-topic for this post
Must be an echo in here. ;-) Fr. Zuhlsdorf hadn’t posted on this subject until after my comment, but, you know, important news sometimes has to interrupt the regularly scheduled programming. Now that he has posted on it, my comment here can be deleted.
Father, Kevin Koster is my dad and you might remember me as well: Ryan. Anyway, I too am in Rome and am here for the semester. I would love to get together with you if you are available. Please let me know! Thanks!
We’re here in Rome too and laughed at an offer from a cabbie yesterday to take us from St Peter’s to Sant’Andrea della valle for 15 euros–usual price is 5-6 euros. Nothing has changed. It’s the same as it was 40 years ago. There will always be enterprising cabbies who want to get a bit of extra money. It’s caveat emptor with them. It pays to have an idea of how much it is going to cost, and you must always insist that they run the taximeter.
I will be saying Mass at the Vatican Basilica in the morning, Thursday. I must meet Mr. Sonnen in the sacristy around 7:30 and, therefore, would come out of the sacristy to find an altar, about, say 7:45 if everything goes well. Sometimes it is hard to get a chasuble or chalice, etc.