Raleigh, NC: Bp. Burbidge – “I remain committed to the vision of our Holy Father”

From a reader:

Fr. Z – our Bishop Michael Burbidge continues to be a blessing to his flock, keeping the Holy Father’s "Marshall Plan" always before us, thank God.  See the Bishop’s letter on the anniversary of the Summorum Pontificum, below.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
On this Feast of the Exaltation of the Lord’s Holy Cross, and on this first anniversary of the implementation of our Holy Father’s Motu Proprio, Summorum Pontificum, I express my shared joy with everyone in our Diocese who is devoted to the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. It has been edifying for me, as your bishop, to witness how this great treasure of our Faith has served as a refreshing font of faith and beauty for so many.

During the past year, several priests have received training, both formally and informally, in the proper offering of the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. As a result, the celebration of the Extraordinary Form has been extended to several Parishes throughout our Diocese. I am grateful to Father Paul Parkerson for his leadership and for all those priests who have willingly and graciously made this a part of their parish ministry. They can be assured of my continued support.

I remain committed to the vision of our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, as he shepherds the Church along the path of greater unity, continuity, reform, and renewal. The Motu Proprio, Summorum Pontificum, officially implemented one year ago, today, continues to be an essential part of that vision for which we should all be grateful.

Be assured of my continued prayers for you and all your families, and I ask that you remember me and all the priests of the diocese in your prayers. Additionally, I request that you please join me in praying for a great increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life especially as you form your intentions for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Through the intercession of Mary our Mother, may Our Lord Jesus continue to shower His abundant blessings upon you and keep you always in His care.

Sincerely in Christ,
Most Reverend Michael F. Burbidge
Bishop of Raleigh

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Dan says:

    Thank you and God bless His Excellency Bishop Burbidge.
    Perhaps Rev Father Parkerson or another priest of the Diocese could offer the Gregorian Rite of Holy Mass at the Diocesan Cathedral more than the one scheduled time it is offered per month.

    There is a large community of the Catholic faithful who gratefully assist at the first Sunday TLM, but one Mass per month at the Cathedral, that offers an weekly Spanish Novus Ordo and a weekly English Novus Ordo, is not enough to spiritually nourish the 150-250 souls who want to develop a community around the weekly offering of the Mass of all Ages in the mother church of the Diocese of Raleigh.

    I ask all to please pray for at least a weekly offering of the Gregorian Rite of Sacrifice in Sacred Heart

    Ecce Sacedos Magnus!

  2. Sid Cundiff says:

    The MEF is indeed healthy and well in the two dioceses of North Carolina!

    There is a Sunday MEF every Sunday in Dunn (12 noon) with Fr. Parkerson, and in Mount Airy (vigil) with Fr. Kowalski. Other churches have a weekday MEF, or a monthly Sunday MEF. In Winston-Salem, at St. Benedict the Moor, we have a Sunday MEF fortnightly.

    There remains work to be done, yet a good foundation has been cemented, with two supporting Ordinaries and several enthusiastic priests. The laity also have stepped in to help. Let them help even more, and the next twelve months will be just as productive!

    So I strongly urge laity in North Carolina to offer their services to priests who are supporting and offering the MEF. For example, one priest, last Palm Sunday from the pulpit, said that while he is able to offer Good Friday in the EF, he would need more help to offer Holy Thursday and Easter Vigil. One priest needs some do re mi to help with vestments for the MEF. And, to make the musical reference literal, the women’s schola (Mt. Airy and Winston-Salem) needs more women singers. Also, offering to pay the tuition for the training of priest and seminarians would be one way to foster the MEF. And everyone needs to get the word out! I for my part am attempting to keep current the information at http://honneurs.free.fr/Wikini/wakka.php?wiki=CarolineDuNord

    And numbers are important. I strongly urge MEFers and the otherwise curious to attend MEFs in NC.

    Finally, thank you Bishops Burbidge and Jugis!

  3. Matt Q says:

    Totally. What a great bishop. He’s actually being pro-active!! God bless this bishop.

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