5 May – Roman Martyrology

In the 2005 Martyrologium Romanum we find this entry.

3.  Commemoratio sancti Maximi, episcopi Hierosolymitani, qui a Maximino Daza Caesare, post oculum effosum pedemque ignito ferro adustum, ad metalla damnatus est; atque, liber inde abire permissus et Ecclesiae Hierosolymitanae praepositus, ibi, confessionis gloria praeclarus, in pace tandem quievit.


Consider that when you are worked up about how tough things are at your parish.

You readers can work together to provide your own, flawless version in English.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Ioannes Andreades says:

    The commemoration of Saint Maximus, bishop of Jerusalem, who was condemned by deputy emperor Maximinus Daza to the mines, after his eye was gouged out and his foot burned by red-hot iron; and moreover, permitted to depart in freedom from that place and put in charge of the Church of Jerusalem, at last found peaceful rest there, distinguished for the glory of his confession.

  2. I think I’d almost rather be strapped to a chair and forced to listen to “Gather Us In” over and over again for eight straight hours…

  3. Henry Edwards says:

    I think I’d almost rather be strapped to a chair and forced to listen to “Gather Us In” over and over again for eight straight hours…

    Of course, this would constitute torture that is prohibited under the new administration’s anti-torture policy.

  4. Fr. Charles says:

    The commemoration of St. Maximus, bishop of Jerusalem, who, after having his eye put out and his foot burned by an iron, was condemned to a mine by Caesar Maximinus Daia, but was then allowed to go free and was made bishop of Jerusalem, where he, by the glory of his confession, at last found peace.

  5. That’s pretty bad – but at least he could be absolutely certain that he suffered for Christ and had the support of his flock.

    Fighting your own Priests and prelates, along with 90% of your brothers in the faith, at the same time as fighting an increasingly hostile secular environment – all that feels rather terrible too.

  6. Andrew, medievalist says:

    Perhaps “incandescent” for ignito? A later usage, but more powerful than “red-hot”. Or, perhaps in the same vein, we could use “white-hot” to describe an incredible heat that can actually be seen emanating from the iron?

  7. inillotempore says:

    At Jerusalem, St. Maximus, bishop, whom Maximian Galerius Caesar condemned to the mines, after having plucked out one of his eyes and branded him on the foot with a hot iron. He was afterwards freed, and allowed to rule the church at Jerusalem, where he died in peace, renowned for the glory of his confession.

  8. A Random Friar says:

    We OP’s tend to transfer the Memorial of St. Vincent Ferrer, “The Angel of the Apocalypse” today, to elevate it from a commemoration or simple suppression.

  9. Precentrix says:

    ***OP thread drift***

    ??? What happened to fra Michele??? ;-)


    Incidentally, gotta love the stained glass window in the Minerva…

    ***end of drift***

  10. stigmatized says:

    we know that the earliest form of the roman liturgy began as the liturgy of good friday still does…with a silent entrance, prostration and opening prayer. the holy father could easily revise the opening of the novus ordo mass in order to restore this type of simplicity, especially at the daily mass. the priest would enter in silence and then kneel before the altar. the people would kneel also at that point for a period of silence. then he would go to the altar and read the opening collect (as translated here…) this is all the people need to properly enter into the day’s celebration. the evangelical hymns, the humorous opening remarks by the priest, and the jumbled penitential rite which people believe is equivalent to going to confession are all unnecessary additions. by the time the opening collect arrives the people are too distracted to pay attention. the church has forgotten the spirit and feeling of its own form of worship.

  11. Rob F. says:

    Stigmatized seems to be sensitized to a meme that is going around in some circles that the current form of the mass has too many “introductions”. There are those today who would like to abolish the Introitus, the Confiteor, and the Kyrie.

    I am curious as to the origin of this meme. Were not these most excellent and glorious chants pre-pended to the mass for a reason?

    I am in wholehearted agreement, though, concerning his objection to the chirpy and phatic social greetings that are currently in vogue in too many parishes.

  12. stigmatized says:

    i was referring to the daily mass in the ordinary form…that the daily mass in the novus ordo should begin with a silent entrance and then with priest and people kneeling penitentially in silence to reflect on their sins followed by the priest reciting the collect of the day from the altar. i do not believe the introit should be abolished for sunday. in fact, i believe it should be the only permitted musical entrance at the sunday mass. the act of kneeling in silence allows for more profound contrition than reciting some robotic prayer. it also allows people to enter into a more contemplative state so that they may take in the words of the opening prayer and receive them properly. there is no evidence of any other type of opening in the roman rite prior to the 5th or 6th century. if there were prayers of the people they were likely in the form found in the eastern rites, not in a form of miniature psychoanalyses or political statements. there was not even an agnus dei at the conclusion of the canon…just the breaking and distributing of the bread and communion while singing the antiphon taste and see.

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