My husband will start a new job with a large corporation Monday; this will enable us to eventually live on our own once again. Plus he attended Mass with me last Sunday, which is a VERY big deal because he was raised strict Southern Baptist and now considers himself non-denominational. My family and I have been praying for his conversion for over eight years, this is the first glimmer that he might be interested in the faith. Thanks be to God!
I’m getting married in six weeks to a great woman.
We did a weekend Pre Cana retreat and were quite moved by the experience. The couples & priest running the retreat did a great job. It was the best thing we possibly could have done to help us prepare for marriage.
The Belleville IL diocese is very excited to be ordaining four young men as transitional deacons, plus one permanent deacon, this month. It’s a lot for this small diocese. We continue to pray for God to bless us with more laborers in the field.
This evening the whole kids’ catechism program at the parish where I teach will have a May Crowning procession, with incense, rosary and traditional hymns! The pastor won’t be there, but the young & orthodox DRE has planned the whole thing.
Then we’re having a big end-of-the-year ice cream party!
Traditional devotion after a long hiatus AND ice cream–it’s good news! Let’s pray the pastor will come next year.
Here in St. Louis we are looking forward to two upcoming liturgical events: 1) Bishop Carlson’s Installation Mass on June 10, and 2) Archbishop Burke’s celebration of the Mass in the EF for the Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus on September 19.
I’m getting married in 10 days to the best woman in the world! AND on top of that, our Nuptial Mass is going to be the most baller NO Mass (at least) in Florida!
My six confirmation students were “sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit” by Bishop Clarence Silva (Diocese of Honolulu) last Wednesday – I’m still on cloud 9! I’ll have at least seven new students starting classes in the Fall.
My ultrasound on Monday showed that the baby is growing well. So even though we lost one of the twins, the other is doing fine and if we get to 24 weeks we should be home free! AND I think I did fine on my final exam on Tuesday, and am ready for tomorrow’s final then I am done until after the baby comes!
My daughter made her First Communion this past Sunday. I could swear I saw a halo around her head. It was amazing, she was so radiant, so pure, so joyful. What an angel!
We are at a wonderful parish, we have just discovered we are expecting our fourth child (our oldest is almost six), and my employment looks secure for next year which is VERY good because my wife stays home and we homeschool. Homeschooling is going well (we love Kolbe Academy). The priest at our parish is supportive of the Catholic faith and homeschooling. And it is SPRING!!!
Doctrinal discussions have begun betwixt the Holy See and the Fraternal Society of Pope St Pius X.
We pray that faculties for over 600 priests are around the corner as well.
Here in Rochester, New York, we are as pleased as punch. The Diocese’s interfaith, ecumenical work abounds.
That is why I am so encouraged by events such as this anniversary celebration. Having attended many of these programs, I am always struck by the marvelous scene before me: that people of two faiths, which sadly have been no strangers to long-ago historic tensions and ongoing issues, can so openly and honestly discuss in peace, friendship and mutual respect the similarities and differences between them and look constructively for ways they can make our community a better place. Catholics and Muslims in our community are saying yes to peace and tolerance and yes to opening the lines of communication.
That is why I am so encouraged by events such as this anniversary celebration. Having attended many of these programs, I am always struck by the marvelous scene before us: that people of two faiths, which sadly have been no strangers to long-ago historic tensions and ongoing issues, can so openly and honestly discuss in peace, friendship and mutual respect the similarities and differences between them and look constructively for ways they can make our community a better place. Catholics and Muslims in our community are saying yes to peace and tolerance and yes to opening the lines of communication.
What wonderful news around here! My good news: our new pastor wants to have a Corpus Christi procession. He asked my to find a baldachin (canopy), and after finding nothing, someone found me a great site with a great deal!!! (Thank you, CDUguy!)
My fiance and I will be joined in the Sacrament of holy Matrimony with a Traditional Latin Mass this June 13th, 2009! We are thrilled! Prayers are requested and appreciated.
My family has been attending the TLM since the beginning of the year(thank you FFotI).
Our small diocese is ordaining 5 men to the priesthood this month.
My son made his First Holy Communion two Sundays ago, he begs me to take him to Confession each week. I think he has made 5 Confessions so far! We are going to start a Bible reading each night for the children. I am hoping that all 4 of my children will have a religious vocation… 2 Popes and 2 Abbesses, a father can dream, can’t he?
The candidates for confirmation at our parish had a great retreat this past weekend. I think God was really able to reach them through us in a way that hadn’t been done so far. At the least, there was some very high praise from one of the teens who exclaimed, “Wow, this wasn’t boring at all.” On a more personal note, my wife and I are expecting our first (a girl!) to be born in the coming weeks, and just in time for that I got a job in the airline industry and start training next week.
Over 400 people showed up for a Rosary Procession last Sunday in Minneapolis, of all places! (More than double that, as was to be expected, in St. Paul).
MC’ed for the Bishop at Confirmation this past Sunday: first time with a Bishop. Read the entire Caeremoniale prior, and everything went off perfect. I feel proud at that fact that I’m only a teenager. And our diocese is having Ordination to Transitional Diaconate and Priesthood in the coming weeks!
Last Sunday I attended an OF Mass at Our Lady of the Fields in the Archdiocese of Baltimore, which I believe is in Millersville, Maryland. At the beginning of the Mass the priest told the congregation that the opening gesture of greeting your neighbor at the start of the Mass on cue would henceforth cease and desist. “The Bishop said ‘no'”, he told the congregation.
May Almighty God bless this bishop! Brick by brick.
Tommy Reese & Ricky McBrien both spontaneously combusted today when they were advised by their superiors that they would both henceforth be required to distribute communion only on the tongue.
Several well-prepared individuals who co-incidentally happened to be present were treated to an impromptu marshmallow roast. Champagne was strangely available to wash down the marshmallows….
Bishop Conley (Denver) led a May crowning of Our Blessed Mother at Holy Family High School. The talk he gave the kids was tremendous! Holy Family HS has not had a May crowning in 10 years!
When he was alive, Professor Robert Vasoli, retired then from the Sociology Dept at Notre Dame, would tell me during our phone conversations that things were “going well” whenever Fr. McBrien was moaning about something.
So you gave us some “up news” yourself, Father Z. I am sure that Bob Vasoli put in a good word for you, in heaven, as a result of your blog.
I became a grandfather for the fifth time a few weeks ago.
I read your blog, regularly.
My son studied Latin with Fr. Reggie, who gave him a personal tour of the Vatican. I always pass links to your updates in his regard on to my son, who prays for him and remembers him kindly. If you have any contact with him, let him know that even his youngest former students are grateful for his efforts.
It was just a few years ago that my son studied in Rome with him, in about 2005.
I have just been informed by Her Honor that today Judge Martin Feldman (judge of the federal dictrict court in New Orleans) is being received into the Church today with Hon. Antonin Scalia and Hon. Edith Clement as his sponsors. Please pray for him and all other new members of the Church.
Daughter #4 will be confirmed in the extraordinary rite this Saturday! And daughter #5 will receive her First Holy Communion in 2 1/2 weeks in the extraordinary rite.
Although Utah is not Capistrano we have swallows building their nests somewhere on my street…and dive-bombing any living creatures that comes within 50 meters of them…including innocent evening-strollers..
1. My son is graduating from college on Sunday! He is a good Catholic.
2. The Lord has forgiven my many sins.
3. Christ is risen from the dead, alleluia.
2. will award full scholarships to 8 deserving agriculture students, sponsored by our company and the program is under my watch. the first for the company!
3. my baby daughter’s first day at school (summer class)!
My good news which in all honesty dovetails with the post concerning Fr. Reese’s comments is that the bishops are pulling no punches with confronting President Obama re: his positions on life issues. I am amazed and so pleased re: Cardinal George’s blunt comments to Obama in their 30 minute meeting in March: From Catholic News Service (4/24):
Cardinal George offered a candid assessment of his 30-minute meeting with the president at the White House March 18.
“I think on the life issue he’s on the wrong side of history,” the cardinal (Georege) said. “I think he has his political debts to pay, and so he’s paying them.”
Cardinal George said his conversation with the president was polite but substantive.
“It’s hard to disagree with him because he’ll always tell you he agrees with you,” he said. “Maybe that’s political. I think he sincerely wants to agree with you. You have to say, again and again, ‘No, Mr. President, we don’t agree (on abortion).’
Cardinal George said he told the president he was concerned about his decision to rescind the Mexico City policy, which resulted in providing taxpayer money to fund abortion overseas.
“He said we weren’t exporting abortion,” the cardinal said. “I said, ‘Yes we are.’ He would say, ‘I know I have to do certain things here. … But be patient and you’ll see the pattern will change.’ I said, ‘Mr. President, you’ve given us nothing but the wrong signals on this issue.’ So, we’ll see, but I’m not as hopeful now as I was when he was first elected.”
So, I am grateful for what Cardinal George is doing and how he is shepherding the USCCB. You know, the Cardinal was known as Francis the Corrector when he first came to Chicago and I sense that he was in this role when he met with Obama….oh to have been a fly on the wall…
“going to Japan on Sunday! Does anyone know of any beautiful churches to visit around Tokyo”
I’m jealous – may I ask why are you going to tokyo? I lived in chiba and saitama (2 yrs in Japan total). The first year I didn’t really go to Mass, sorry to say, because I didn’t know of any Catholic churches around me. And I was lax about looking (*hanging head in shame*) I just assumed there wouldn’t be any, and I worked on Sundays anyways. The second year I often went to a very small Catholic church in my little town. tatami mats on the floor and everyone took their shoes off at the entrance. And I don’t really like the sign of peace any longer, but in Japan, people bow to each other during that part of the Mass instead of shaking hands. :)
Both of our mothers are in good health (both are in their 70s too), the children (no longer children, but young adults) are doing well in their lives. My husband and I are healthy, the dogs are all healthy, and I earned an “A” in my Statistics course and will graduate from college next weekend (the weekend after Mothers’ Day)
The drought in Maryland appears to be over and the watersheds and water tables are being replenished. Friends sent into countries and into harms’ way are returned, safe healthy and whole.
There is much to be thankful and to rejoice to God.
One of my sons has been accepted to the seminary, and will begin his pre-theology studies at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio this fall!
My niece, born prematurely at 28 weeks, lived 13 days in the NICU and was received into our Lord’s open arms on Sunday night (the family is not Catholic but they do believe in regenerative baptism, I am hopeful they baptized her, and maybe it’s the former protestant in me, but I really have no doubt about where she is).
Now, you ask me, what kind of sick freak are you, posting that in a good news combox? Here’s why. I have a cousin who works for an organization with eugenic roots (don’t think too hard on that one) and we hope and pray that the life and death of this tiny baby will impact her way of thinking about things; the catalytic potential of this to change her mind is great.
Semi-retired, every day now I drive a first grade foster child back to her old neighborhood to attend school, the state’s way of maintaining some continuity in her life. Also I am trying to learn Italian. So…last week I had the bright idea of asking this bambina if she would mind reading my vocabulary words out loud in English while we were driving, and I would say the meaning in Italian. She was agreeable, but in a few minutes she handed my notebook back to me with the lament, “I can’t read these words!”
“That’s fine,” I said. “Thanks anyway.”
A few minutes later the little voice piped up from the back seat, “Guess what! Why don’t I just say stuff and you can say it in your language!”
“The man went into the store to buy a fish….”
“There is a man on the sidewalk eating an orange….”
It was a complete riot, often challenging, and we both had a lot of fun.
“Arrivaderci, signorina Audrey,” I said as I opened the door for her when we arrived at school. She looked very pleased with herself, I must say, deservedly so.
She suggested that we make Thursday “Study Italian Day,” so I am looking forward to tomorrow, which promises to be un’altra bella giornata.
I’m going to Japan on Sunday! Does anyone know of any beautiful churches to visit around Tokyo?
Matthew, St. Mary’s Cathedral is not beautiful, it is very modern and made of concrete (my husband and I mentally paint frescoes on the walls every time we go to Mass there), but it is still worth a visit for the reproduction of the Pieta and the interesting bust of St. Francis Xavier. Also, there is a lovely Lourdes grotto outside. Here’s the English version of the Archdiocesan website: (sorry, I don’t know how to make the link live). If you click on Churches under the Information section, you will see church names and locations. You can also Google the church names and sometimes find directions in English. Hope this helps. Enjoy your visit to Japan.
ive reordered my college chapel to ad oreintem , bought a gong and a set of bells and we are having a procession and benediction on the feast of the sacred heart june 19th
A priest to whom I owe my comittment to the Catholic Faith, has just celebrated the 60th aniversary of his First Holy Mass. He lived in times when the Church was persecuted. Pray for him.
Spring is here in Alaska. My forsythia has blooms on it, the lilacs are budding, the robins are back, and my tulips are emerging from the mulch. And I passed all my finals, so no more school until fall.
In less then three weeks I’ll be going on a 3day pilgrimage from Paris (France) to Chartres (100 km southwest of Paris). TLM every day! And even more good news: I’ve found a spiritual director to descern what God wants from me…
I think there are at least three “Christinas” posting here. I am not the one having a baby soon, but I am the one with the daughters receiving the sacraments soon. I think henceforth I shall post as “Christina W”
This Sunday is Mothers Day (and also my mom’s birthday)–I’ve been blessed with such a wonderful mom!
My dad is holding up well with radiation and chemo and has some of the best doctors in the nation working to keep him healthy and on top of cancer.
I’m so grateful for my parents!
Also, I make my temporary profession as a Lay Dominican on 17 May! I’m grateful for my wonderful Dominican family too!
OH, and just this minute, I got a letter from the dean saying I got my promotion to Librarian II! And an extra $1000 per year, on top of my regular raise! Whew, I sure can use that!
I know it’s ‘late’-this happened on April 30-but I was at the North American Martyrs Shrine in Auriesville, NY, and a pilgrimage group from Rouen, France visited. It was probably the first time in over 100 years that a group from the Martyrs’ home country had been to Auriesville. There were about 25 or 30 people in the group-all ages- led by a young priest in his thirties. He wore his CLERICALS, which is pretty surprising in French priests not in ‘trad’ groups.
I have a devotion to St. Joan of Arc, and so I was really excited to meet people from France, especially since it was from Rouen, the city of her trial and death at the stake. I always wear a medal of St. Joan, and brought along an icon of her that I have. I showed it to some of the pilgrims, and two in particular: a man from Paris who was originally from Lebanon [a writer and musician-he played the organ at their Mass later that day, and he made it sound like Notre Dame de Paris!], and a woman from Orleans who teaches French.
Well, after I talked with the writer about presentations I’ve done on St. Joan, he suggested I do an article on how she is perceived by Americans! Another thing I found out is that he lives in a house in Paris once owned by Renee Falconetti, who played the title role in the classic silent movie ‘THE PASSION OF JOAN OF ARC’! He met her daughter in the process of buying the house.
But the biggest surprise came from the teacher! When she saw my medal and was examining it, she told me she was…are you ready for this…a descendant of St. Joan’s family! I was so stunned!
I got the writer’s email and snail mail addresses and phone number, and the teacher’s email address and phone number-but no snail mail address.
I went home that day on cloud nine…I kept repeating, ‘I can’t believe I met someone related to St. Joan’!
My two oldest brothers and their wives are both expecting their second babies this fall. My second brother’s wife just sent round the news (by way of an ultrasound photo) a moment ago. Yay!!!
I started my first class at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit this week. What a great place–scholarly and orthodox. Our teacher’s first words, before discussing some Platonic dialogues: “Let’s begin with a prayer.” Indeed!
I have been studying Latin since September, and have reached the point where I can follow (mostly) the prayers at our montly “mostly Latin” mass. (Yes, it’s Novus Ordo, but it’s much better in Latin.)
Our parish just unveiled a most beautiful statue of Our Lady of Mercy in time for First Holy Communions and Mothers’ Day. The surrounding altar, pedestal and marble accents are nicely done. Finally an image worthy of the parish in her name!
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“This blog is like a fusion of the Baroque ‘salon’ with its well-tuned harpsichord around which polite society gathered for entertainment and edification and, on the other hand, a Wild West “saloon” with its out-of-tune piano and swinging doors, where everyone has a gun and something to say. Nevertheless, we try to point our discussions back to what it is to be Catholic in this increasingly difficult age, to love God, and how to get to heaven.” – Fr. Z
Fr. John Zuhlsdorf on Daily Rome Shot 1115: “jaykay: Good eye! Regarding the very place where Julius Caesar was killed we have to move over from the V.…”
Sandy on YOUR URGENT PRAYER REQUESTS: “Praying that my husband remains free of cancer, and for healing of body and soul for all the family. God…”
Everyone, work to get this into your parish bulletins and diocesan papers.
The most evident mark of God’s anger and the most terrible castigation He can inflict upon the world are manifested when He permits His people to fall into the hands of clerics who are priests more in name than in deed, priests who practice the cruelty of ravening wolves rather than the charity and affection of devoted shepherds.
St. John Eudes
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“Until the Lord be pleased to settle, through the instrumentality of the princes of the Church and the lawful ministers of His justice, the trouble aroused by the pride of a few and the ignorance of some others, let us with the help of God endeavor with calm and humble patience to render love for hatred, to avoid disputes with the silly, to keep to the truth and not fight with the weapons of falsehood, and to beg of God at all times that in all our thoughts and desires, in all our words and actions, He may hold the first place who calls Himself the origin of all things.”
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“He [Satan] will set up a counter-Church which will be the ape of the Church because, he the devil, is the ape of God. It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content. It will be a mystical body of the anti-Christ that will in all externals resemble the mystical body of Christ. In desperate need for God, whom he nevertheless refuses to adore, modern man in his loneliness and frustration will hunger more and more for membership in a community that will give him enlargement of purpose, but at the cost of losing himself in some vague collectivity.”
“Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, and the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops act like bishops.”
“The modern habit of doing ceremonial things unceremoniously is no proof of humility; rather it proves the offender's inability to forget himself in the rite, and his readiness to spoil for every one else the proper pleasure of ritual.”
- C.S. Lewis
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A monthly subscription donation means I have steady income I can plan on. I put you my list of benefactors for whom I pray and for whom I often say Holy Mass.
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As for Latin…
"But if, in any layman who is indeed imbued with literature, ignorance of the Latin language, which we can truly call the 'catholic' language, indicates a certain sluggishness in his love toward the Church, how much more fitting it is that each and every cleric should be adequately practiced and skilled in that language!" - Pius XI
"Let us realize that this remark of Cicero (Brutus 37, 140) can be in a certain way referred to [young lay people]: 'It is not so much a matter of distinction to know Latin as it is disgraceful not to know it.'" - St. John Paul II
Grant unto thy Church, we beseech Thee, O merciful God, that She, being gathered together by the Holy Ghost, may be in no wise troubled by attack from her foes. O God, who by sin art offended and by penance pacified, mercifully regard the prayers of Thy people making supplication unto Thee,and turn away the scourges of Thine anger which we deserve for our sins. Almighty and Everlasting God, in whose Hand are the power and the government of every realm: look down upon and help the Christian people that the heathen nations who trust in the fierceness of their own might may be crushed by the power of thine Arm. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. R. Amen.
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Please use my links when shopping! I depend on your help.
My husband will start a new job with a large corporation Monday; this will enable us to eventually live on our own once again. Plus he attended Mass with me last Sunday, which is a VERY big deal because he was raised strict Southern Baptist and now considers himself non-denominational. My family and I have been praying for his conversion for over eight years, this is the first glimmer that he might be interested in the faith. Thanks be to God!
My older sister has started to attend mass again after more than a decade.
The lilacs are in bloom!
My fourth child was born this morning. Deo Gratias!
All of my seminarians are doing well on their finals!
I’m getting married in six weeks to a great woman.
We did a weekend Pre Cana retreat and were quite moved by the experience. The couples & priest running the retreat did a great job. It was the best thing we possibly could have done to help us prepare for marriage.
I have decided I want to become a priest.
After a year of trying, we’re pregnant!
The Belleville IL diocese is very excited to be ordaining four young men as transitional deacons, plus one permanent deacon, this month. It’s a lot for this small diocese. We continue to pray for God to bless us with more laborers in the field.
Christ is risen from the dead, by death trampling death, and to those in the tombs granting life!
And it’s been sunny in Yorkshire, relatively speaking, for nearly a whole week. Clearly a miracle!
This evening the whole kids’ catechism program at the parish where I teach will have a May Crowning procession, with incense, rosary and traditional hymns! The pastor won’t be there, but the young & orthodox DRE has planned the whole thing.
Then we’re having a big end-of-the-year ice cream party!
Traditional devotion after a long hiatus AND ice cream–it’s good news! Let’s pray the pastor will come next year.
On Monday I was officially accepted by the Canons Regular of St Augustine to join the novitiate.
Here in St. Louis we are looking forward to two upcoming liturgical events: 1) Bishop Carlson’s Installation Mass on June 10, and 2) Archbishop Burke’s celebration of the Mass in the EF for the Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus on September 19.
Wednesday is almost over! Only two more early wake-ups to go!
I only have 2 finals left!
I just saw this news story on fox news about the “hand of hope”. It made my day.
I’m getting married in 10 days to the best woman in the world! AND on top of that, our Nuptial Mass is going to be the most baller NO Mass (at least) in Florida!
My cousin just had their 5th child today and they’re not even Catholic – praying on it though!
I just booked my trip to Rome/Italy for the fall!
I love these posts!
H.E. Archbishop Chaput was recently in Edmonton, AB to speak to a packed cathedral! Good things are happening north of Montana!
Paul, Edmonton
I’ve just started reading Josef Pieper’s Tradition.
My six confirmation students were “sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit” by Bishop Clarence Silva (Diocese of Honolulu) last Wednesday – I’m still on cloud 9! I’ll have at least seven new students starting classes in the Fall.
My ultrasound on Monday showed that the baby is growing well. So even though we lost one of the twins, the other is doing fine and if we get to 24 weeks we should be home free! AND I think I did fine on my final exam on Tuesday, and am ready for tomorrow’s final then I am done until after the baby comes!
I’m attending the workshop for priest on the EF Missal in just a little over a week with the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius. Can’t wait!
My daughter made her First Communion this past Sunday. I could swear I saw a halo around her head. It was amazing, she was so radiant, so pure, so joyful. What an angel!
We are at a wonderful parish, we have just discovered we are expecting our fourth child (our oldest is almost six), and my employment looks secure for next year which is VERY good because my wife stays home and we homeschool. Homeschooling is going well (we love Kolbe Academy). The priest at our parish is supportive of the Catholic faith and homeschooling. And it is SPRING!!!
My wife and I just found out yesterday that our third child is going to be a boy! That makes 3 boys!
My friend is going to the doctor today to find out if her unborn baby (her first) is a boy or girl. She thinks its a girl.
We are moving the Tabernacle from a scruffy little side chapel where it was moved in the 70s back into the centre of the Sanctuary
I’m almost done with finals and my first year in the seminary. Deo Gratias!
I can’t stop laughing after reading the article on Fr. Reese. What a joke (LOL).
I got accepted to Franciscan University’s Theology MA program!
Doctrinal discussions have begun betwixt the Holy See and the Fraternal Society of Pope St Pius X.
We pray that faculties for over 600 priests are around the corner as well.
In a little bit more than a month I’ll be finished with my exams and home for the summer.
The Diocese of San Jose (CA) will see seven deacons ordained to the priesthood in a few short weeks, the highest number in its short history.
I have one son getting married to a wonderful young lady next month and my other son just submitted his application to the diocese for the seminary.
And the Royals are in 1st place ;-)
Here in Rochester, New York, we are as pleased as punch. The Diocese’s interfaith, ecumenical work abounds.
That is why I am so encouraged by events such as this anniversary celebration. Having attended many of these programs, I am always struck by the marvelous scene before me: that people of two faiths, which sadly have been no strangers to long-ago historic tensions and ongoing issues, can so openly and honestly discuss in peace, friendship and mutual respect the similarities and differences between them and look constructively for ways they can make our community a better place. Catholics and Muslims in our community are saying yes to peace and tolerance and yes to opening the lines of communication.
That is why I am so encouraged by events such as this anniversary celebration. Having attended many of these programs, I am always struck by the marvelous scene before us: that people of two faiths, which sadly have been no strangers to long-ago historic tensions and ongoing issues, can so openly and honestly discuss in peace, friendship and mutual respect the similarities and differences between them and look constructively for ways they can make our community a better place. Catholics and Muslims in our community are saying yes to peace and tolerance and yes to opening the lines of communication.
What wonderful news around here! My good news: our new pastor wants to have a Corpus Christi procession. He asked my to find a baldachin (canopy), and after finding nothing, someone found me a great site with a great deal!!! (Thank you, CDUguy!)
I’m going to Japan on Sunday! Does anyone know of any beautiful churches to visit around Tokyo?
My fiance and I will be joined in the Sacrament of holy Matrimony with a Traditional Latin Mass this June 13th, 2009! We are thrilled! Prayers are requested and appreciated.
Last Saturday we had many adults return to the confessional after decades of being away. Deo gratias!
My family has been attending the TLM since the beginning of the year(thank you FFotI).
Our small diocese is ordaining 5 men to the priesthood this month.
I didn’t have to teach the quatrième (14/15yos) yesterday… :)
A seminarian friend sent me soil from the Holy Land – soooo nice to have something in the post that isn’t a bank statement or bill!
The first-years I help with their prep now have notes above 50%.
My Jewish wife has become a Christian.
My son made his First Holy Communion two Sundays ago, he begs me to take him to Confession each week. I think he has made 5 Confessions so far! We are going to start a Bible reading each night for the children. I am hoping that all 4 of my children will have a religious vocation… 2 Popes and 2 Abbesses, a father can dream, can’t he?
My pastor asked me to serve Mass for the Bishop this weekend (even though I’m old!) and in two weeks for Confirmation. I was touched!
Msgr. William Shipley of San Diego celebrated the 55th Anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood yesterday on May 5th.
Seems Apb. Nichols will be celebrating his mass of installation ad orientem at the original high altar of Westminster (Hat Tip: NLM)
The candidates for confirmation at our parish had a great retreat this past weekend. I think God was really able to reach them through us in a way that hadn’t been done so far. At the least, there was some very high praise from one of the teens who exclaimed, “Wow, this wasn’t boring at all.” On a more personal note, my wife and I are expecting our first (a girl!) to be born in the coming weeks, and just in time for that I got a job in the airline industry and start training next week.
Over 400 people showed up for a Rosary Procession last Sunday in Minneapolis, of all places! (More than double that, as was to be expected, in St. Paul).
MC’ed for the Bishop at Confirmation this past Sunday: first time with a Bishop. Read the entire Caeremoniale prior, and everything went off perfect. I feel proud at that fact that I’m only a teenager. And our diocese is having Ordination to Transitional Diaconate and Priesthood in the coming weeks!
No more handshaking at the beginning of Mass
Last Sunday I attended an OF Mass at Our Lady of the Fields in the Archdiocese of Baltimore, which I believe is in Millersville, Maryland. At the beginning of the Mass the priest told the congregation that the opening gesture of greeting your neighbor at the start of the Mass on cue would henceforth cease and desist. “The Bishop said ‘no'”, he told the congregation.
May Almighty God bless this bishop! Brick by brick.
Tommy Reese & Ricky McBrien both spontaneously combusted today when they were advised by their superiors that they would both henceforth be required to distribute communion only on the tongue.
Several well-prepared individuals who co-incidentally happened to be present were treated to an impromptu marshmallow roast. Champagne was strangely available to wash down the marshmallows….
Bishop Conley (Denver) led a May crowning of Our Blessed Mother at Holy Family High School. The talk he gave the kids was tremendous! Holy Family HS has not had a May crowning in 10 years!
I had a double surgical extraction!!
My youngest Daughter is receiving her First Holy Communion on Pentecost Sunday in the Traditional Roman Rite.
I received an inquiry in my job search (not an interview, but a request for more information)…a step in the right direction.
My brother and his bride-to-be will be married in June; the anniversary month of 8 happy years together with my wife and our beautiful children.
Deo Gratis
As it turns out, writing 40 pages in four days might not actually kill me. For now I think that qualifies as good news :)
I passed thermodynamics!
Laughing so hard @ “Matthew”‘s comments, I just can’t stop. Is your last name Clark by any chance??? ROFL! Thank you for that!
After a year and a half of classes and paperwork we are licensed by the county to foster/adopt. Going to an adoption meet and greet tonight.
Matthew — for church in Tokyo you can try:
1) Our university Catholic center is moving the tabernacle from the side to the middle. That part of construction begins tomorrow!
2) My sister and her husband are pregnant with their second child.
3) I graduate with an undergraduate degree on Saturday.
It’s currently raining cats and dogs here in the south.
When he was alive, Professor Robert Vasoli, retired then from the Sociology Dept at Notre Dame, would tell me during our phone conversations that things were “going well” whenever Fr. McBrien was moaning about something.
So you gave us some “up news” yourself, Father Z. I am sure that Bob Vasoli put in a good word for you, in heaven, as a result of your blog.
I became a grandfather for the fifth time a few weeks ago.
I read your blog, regularly.
My son studied Latin with Fr. Reggie, who gave him a personal tour of the Vatican. I always pass links to your updates in his regard on to my son, who prays for him and remembers him kindly. If you have any contact with him, let him know that even his youngest former students are grateful for his efforts.
It was just a few years ago that my son studied in Rome with him, in about 2005.
See, lots of good news.
I have just been informed by Her Honor that today Judge Martin Feldman (judge of the federal dictrict court in New Orleans) is being received into the Church today with Hon. Antonin Scalia and Hon. Edith Clement as his sponsors. Please pray for him and all other new members of the Church.
Daughter #4 will be confirmed in the extraordinary rite this Saturday! And daughter #5 will receive her First Holy Communion in 2 1/2 weeks in the extraordinary rite.
Although Utah is not Capistrano we have swallows building their nests somewhere on my street…and dive-bombing any living creatures that comes within 50 meters of them…including innocent evening-strollers..
I will hold my baby in my arms (and not my abdomen) any day now…any day.
I finally got a job! Deo Gratias!
I’ve moved out of my parents’ place and this means that I will be able to start the ‘official’ process of converting to Catholicism! I can’t wait!
Also, my new place has an FSSP parish a ten minute bus ride away! I had to travel two hours to get there before.
1. My son is graduating from college on Sunday! He is a good Catholic.
2. The Lord has forgiven my many sins.
3. Christ is risen from the dead, alleluia.
1. will join the St. Isidore the Farmer Festival of Lucban, Quezon next week.
2. will award full scholarships to 8 deserving agriculture students, sponsored by our company and the program is under my watch. the first for the company!
3. my baby daughter’s first day at school (summer class)!
4. my wife’s doing well at nursing school
5. my boy is doing well in math class!
Our house hasn’t burned yet in Santa Barbara. The firefighters have surrounded the Old Mission.
My good news which in all honesty dovetails with the post concerning Fr. Reese’s comments is that the bishops are pulling no punches with confronting President Obama re: his positions on life issues. I am amazed and so pleased re: Cardinal George’s blunt comments to Obama in their 30 minute meeting in March: From Catholic News Service (4/24):
Cardinal George offered a candid assessment of his 30-minute meeting with the president at the White House March 18.
“I think on the life issue he’s on the wrong side of history,” the cardinal (Georege) said. “I think he has his political debts to pay, and so he’s paying them.”
Cardinal George said his conversation with the president was polite but substantive.
“It’s hard to disagree with him because he’ll always tell you he agrees with you,” he said. “Maybe that’s political. I think he sincerely wants to agree with you. You have to say, again and again, ‘No, Mr. President, we don’t agree (on abortion).’
Cardinal George said he told the president he was concerned about his decision to rescind the Mexico City policy, which resulted in providing taxpayer money to fund abortion overseas.
“He said we weren’t exporting abortion,” the cardinal said. “I said, ‘Yes we are.’ He would say, ‘I know I have to do certain things here. … But be patient and you’ll see the pattern will change.’ I said, ‘Mr. President, you’ve given us nothing but the wrong signals on this issue.’ So, we’ll see, but I’m not as hopeful now as I was when he was first elected.”
So, I am grateful for what Cardinal George is doing and how he is shepherding the USCCB. You know, the Cardinal was known as Francis the Corrector when he first came to Chicago and I sense that he was in this role when he met with Obama….oh to have been a fly on the wall…
The Diocese of Spokane Wa just opened its new Seminary facility
The great apostasy, currently active, ends in a reign of peace. We know the end of the story.
“going to Japan on Sunday! Does anyone know of any beautiful churches to visit around Tokyo”
I’m jealous – may I ask why are you going to tokyo? I lived in chiba and saitama (2 yrs in Japan total). The first year I didn’t really go to Mass, sorry to say, because I didn’t know of any Catholic churches around me. And I was lax about looking (*hanging head in shame*) I just assumed there wouldn’t be any, and I worked on Sundays anyways. The second year I often went to a very small Catholic church in my little town. tatami mats on the floor and everyone took their shoes off at the entrance. And I don’t really like the sign of peace any longer, but in Japan, people bow to each other during that part of the Mass instead of shaking hands. :)
I started my discernment process yesterday. Perhaps this time next year or so I’ll be getting ready for seminary (by the grace of God).
I’m making reservations to go home and visit my hubby for two weeks../woohoo
I cheated and went to the end of the book.
The good guys won.
Speaking of bishops, we’re up to 66 who are doing the right thing in re Notre Shame
Both of our mothers are in good health (both are in their 70s too), the children (no longer children, but young adults) are doing well in their lives. My husband and I are healthy, the dogs are all healthy, and I earned an “A” in my Statistics course and will graduate from college next weekend (the weekend after Mothers’ Day)
The drought in Maryland appears to be over and the watersheds and water tables are being replenished. Friends sent into countries and into harms’ way are returned, safe healthy and whole.
There is much to be thankful and to rejoice to God.
One of my sons has been accepted to the seminary, and will begin his pre-theology studies at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio this fall!
I just got my mom, a cafeteria catholic, hooked onto Don Camillo and will be introducing her to your podcasts soon.
My niece, born prematurely at 28 weeks, lived 13 days in the NICU and was received into our Lord’s open arms on Sunday night (the family is not Catholic but they do believe in regenerative baptism, I am hopeful they baptized her, and maybe it’s the former protestant in me, but I really have no doubt about where she is).
Now, you ask me, what kind of sick freak are you, posting that in a good news combox? Here’s why. I have a cousin who works for an organization with eugenic roots (don’t think too hard on that one) and we hope and pray that the life and death of this tiny baby will impact her way of thinking about things; the catalytic potential of this to change her mind is great.
My husband and I celebrated our second wedding anniversary last week on the memorial of St. Louis de Montfort.
I just returned from Spiritual Direction and Father didn’t kick me out!
Driving Miss Audrey
Semi-retired, every day now I drive a first grade foster child back to her old neighborhood to attend school, the state’s way of maintaining some continuity in her life. Also I am trying to learn Italian. So…last week I had the bright idea of asking this bambina if she would mind reading my vocabulary words out loud in English while we were driving, and I would say the meaning in Italian. She was agreeable, but in a few minutes she handed my notebook back to me with the lament, “I can’t read these words!”
“That’s fine,” I said. “Thanks anyway.”
A few minutes later the little voice piped up from the back seat, “Guess what! Why don’t I just say stuff and you can say it in your language!”
“The man went into the store to buy a fish….”
“There is a man on the sidewalk eating an orange….”
It was a complete riot, often challenging, and we both had a lot of fun.
“Arrivaderci, signorina Audrey,” I said as I opened the door for her when we arrived at school. She looked very pleased with herself, I must say, deservedly so.
She suggested that we make Thursday “Study Italian Day,” so I am looking forward to tomorrow, which promises to be un’altra bella giornata.
Our first child, in April, 18 years ago, 3 months premature, lived only three hours: a most marvellous three hours of our life!
Baby #9 is due at Christmastime!
I’m going to Japan on Sunday! Does anyone know of any beautiful churches to visit around Tokyo?
Matthew, St. Mary’s Cathedral is not beautiful, it is very modern and made of concrete (my husband and I mentally paint frescoes on the walls every time we go to Mass there), but it is still worth a visit for the reproduction of the Pieta and the interesting bust of St. Francis Xavier. Also, there is a lovely Lourdes grotto outside. Here’s the English version of the Archdiocesan website: (sorry, I don’t know how to make the link live). If you click on Churches under the Information section, you will see church names and locations. You can also Google the church names and sometimes find directions in English. Hope this helps. Enjoy your visit to Japan.
ive reordered my college chapel to ad oreintem , bought a gong and a set of bells and we are having a procession and benediction on the feast of the sacred heart june 19th
Today is my last day of a great school year, filled with lots of memories, good grades, good health and many blessings. Praise be God for all things!
A priest to whom I owe my comittment to the Catholic Faith, has just celebrated the 60th aniversary of his First Holy Mass. He lived in times when the Church was persecuted. Pray for him.
Spring is here in Alaska. My forsythia has blooms on it, the lilacs are budding, the robins are back, and my tulips are emerging from the mulch. And I passed all my finals, so no more school until fall.
I was just called to Orders to the transitional diaconate. Deo Gratias.
Liturgical normality to return (brick by brick) to Westminster Cathedral:
In less then three weeks I’ll be going on a 3day pilgrimage from Paris (France) to Chartres (100 km southwest of Paris). TLM every day! And even more good news: I’ve found a spiritual director to descern what God wants from me…
I think there are at least three “Christinas” posting here. I am not the one having a baby soon, but I am the one with the daughters receiving the sacraments soon. I think henceforth I shall post as “Christina W”
This Sunday is Mothers Day (and also my mom’s birthday)–I’ve been blessed with such a wonderful mom!
My dad is holding up well with radiation and chemo and has some of the best doctors in the nation working to keep him healthy and on top of cancer.
I’m so grateful for my parents!
Also, I make my temporary profession as a Lay Dominican on 17 May! I’m grateful for my wonderful Dominican family too!
OH, and just this minute, I got a letter from the dean saying I got my promotion to Librarian II! And an extra $1000 per year, on top of my regular raise! Whew, I sure can use that!
Thank you Lord!!! :D
I went to confession this afternoon, heard mass and received holy communion
I know it’s ‘late’-this happened on April 30-but I was at the North American Martyrs Shrine in Auriesville, NY, and a pilgrimage group from Rouen, France visited. It was probably the first time in over 100 years that a group from the Martyrs’ home country had been to Auriesville. There were about 25 or 30 people in the group-all ages- led by a young priest in his thirties. He wore his CLERICALS, which is pretty surprising in French priests not in ‘trad’ groups.
I have a devotion to St. Joan of Arc, and so I was really excited to meet people from France, especially since it was from Rouen, the city of her trial and death at the stake. I always wear a medal of St. Joan, and brought along an icon of her that I have. I showed it to some of the pilgrims, and two in particular: a man from Paris who was originally from Lebanon [a writer and musician-he played the organ at their Mass later that day, and he made it sound like Notre Dame de Paris!], and a woman from Orleans who teaches French.
Well, after I talked with the writer about presentations I’ve done on St. Joan, he suggested I do an article on how she is perceived by Americans! Another thing I found out is that he lives in a house in Paris once owned by Renee Falconetti, who played the title role in the classic silent movie ‘THE PASSION OF JOAN OF ARC’! He met her daughter in the process of buying the house.
But the biggest surprise came from the teacher! When she saw my medal and was examining it, she told me she was…are you ready for this…a descendant of St. Joan’s family! I was so stunned!
I got the writer’s email and snail mail addresses and phone number, and the teacher’s email address and phone number-but no snail mail address.
I went home that day on cloud nine…I kept repeating, ‘I can’t believe I met someone related to St. Joan’!
That’s my good news!
Seems Apb. Nichols will be celebrating his mass of installation ad orientem at the original high altar of Westminster (Hat Tip: NLM)
Comment by Timbot
Timbot – the Mass will be versus populum (I believe the website has been updated).
My son got a job! With health benefits and vacation and retirement package! My prayers have been answered. Now he can start paying for his own gas..:)
My two oldest brothers and their wives are both expecting their second babies this fall. My second brother’s wife just sent round the news (by way of an ultrasound photo) a moment ago. Yay!!!
St. Therese “answered” my novena prayer.
I started my first class at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit this week. What a great place–scholarly and orthodox. Our teacher’s first words, before discussing some Platonic dialogues: “Let’s begin with a prayer.” Indeed!
Fr. Thomas Berg of the LC will be joining the Archdiocese of New York.
I have been studying Latin since September, and have reached the point where I can follow (mostly) the prayers at our montly “mostly Latin” mass. (Yes, it’s Novus Ordo, but it’s much better in Latin.)
I thought that this story was particularly inspiring…
I went on pilgramage today with my school to Our Lady of La Sallete in Twin Lakes WI and it was a beautiful day!
Our parish just unveiled a most beautiful statue of Our Lady of Mercy in time for First Holy Communions and Mothers’ Day. The surrounding altar, pedestal and marble accents are nicely done. Finally an image worthy of the parish in her name!