Keep this is mind

“More tears are shed over answered prayers than unanswered ones.”

St. Theresa of Avila (+1582)

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Gives one a lot to think about.

  2. Dr. Eric says:

    What is the context, Father? Is it that there are more tears of joy shed, or is a caution to be careful what one prays for? (Which doesn’t quite seem right, because Our Father wouldn’t give us snakes or stones.)

  3. Dismas says:

    Perhaps it means that when we receive wholesome things, we rather grieve that we didn’t receive excess or an object of unwholesome desire.

    In short, because we are sometimes so blinded, that we would prefer to have snakes and stones.

  4. California Girl 21 says:

    This reminds me of the country music song that states “Some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers”. Sometimes we pray for things that we think are good, but later we can realize how wise God was in telling us “No”.

    (But I’m not sure why *answered* prayers would cause tears…)

  5. Thomas G. says:

    But I thought ALL prayers are answered – God just sometimes says “no”.

  6. bernadette says:

    I asked Our Lord to teach me how to be frugal because I tend to waste money. Now it turns out we need extensive repairs on the house which are mind boggling expensive. So, I am going to be forced to be frugal, cutting out everything in the budget that is not absolutely necessary. So, I guess I had my prayer answered and yes, there have been tears.

  7. AGA says:

    California Girl,

    Garth Brooks must be a Teresa of Avila devotee.

  8. Dove says:

    Sometimes the answers are rather hard to take even when we know God has our best interests in mind.

  9. thereseb says:

    God gives me what I need – which is not the same as giving me what I want.

  10. Girgadis says:

    Tough to know what St. Teresa meant without seeing this in its entire context. Perhaps she is alluding to things that people pray for which are no good for their spiritual well-being. They may receive what they asked for, but not necessarily from God, which would put them on a path to personal ruin and their souls in mortal danger.

  11. A few years ago, while committed to service in the Navy, I asked a priest to offer a Novena of Masses for the intention of my early release from my commitment so that I could enter the seminary, if it be God’s Will that I become a priest. A year later, I was diagnosed with brain cancer and was medically discharged from the Navy. I begin seminary in 3 weeks.

    Some people say “be careful what you ask for,” but I think God knows what is best for us, and answers our prayers in His time and according to His plans. His plans rarely coincide with our own, but He knows what is best for us! Now, I try to spend more time praying that my imperfect will be conformed to God’s Perfect Will, no matter how hard or confusing His Will may be at the time. It will all eventually make sense.

  12. Agnes says:

    God bless you, Philip. We can be confident that God knows what he’s about even in the midst of our culture and the suffering in our families and personal lives.

    I’ll join you in that prayer of conforming to God’s will. We can trust our loving Father.

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