26 Dec: St. Stephen the Protomartyr, his Archconfraternity, and the Octave

In addition to Boxing Day, and the day good King Wenceslaus went out, it is the feast of St Stephen. I hope all your snow is neat and crisp and even.

St. Stephen’s feast has been celebrated this day since the earliest centuries of the Church’s life.

We are also in the Octave of Christmas. Octaves are mysterious. For Holy Church time is suspended so that we can rest in the mystery of the feast.  In her wisdom, Holy Church “stops” her clock so that we contemplate the mystery of the feast from different angles, through different lenses.

St. Stephen reminds us of the consequences of discipleship.  

He is usually depicted surrounded by people who are beating him to death with rocks.

Today, agents serving the “mystical body of Satan” – witting and unwitting – use Fishwrap, Amerika, and Twitter/X  to do that.

As I said, there are consequences of discipleship.

Are you ready for consequence in the days remaining to you?   Consequences can be more or less dramatic.  I think we need to get our heads into mental places wherein we can imagine even dire consequences.

I also congratulate all the members of the Archconfraternity of St. Stephen!  This is a guild of altar boy that started in England.  The first chapter ever outside of England was at my home parish of St. Agnes, in St. Paul.  In the sacristy there was a letter from the Archbishop of Westminster approving the chapter and each year on this day the new boys were enrolled.

I am enrolled!  Just after I entered the Church.

May all liturgical service at the altar be reverent, competent and… male.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. BW says:

    “St. Stephen reminds us of the consequences of discipleship.

    He is usually depicted surrounded by people who are beating him to death with rocks.”

    That gave me a grim chuckle.

    Fr Z, your frequent reminders to get to confession and be prepared are useful for all around the world.

    My wife went to confession during advent. Due to various reasons, I’ve been not in a good place mentally and spiritually, but St Christopher gifted us with clear roads before driving to Mass on Christmas morning and I managed to get into the confessional before 10.30 Mass.

    Needless to say, peace in this household. Praise be.

    Prayers for all the users and frequenters of this blog.

  2. Pingback: Saint of the Day: St. Stephen - Catholic Family News

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