Dominican Sister associates B.V. Mary with pro-“Choice” position… no… really!

From The Catholic Dictionary:

BLASPHEMY.  Speech, writings, gestures or thoughts which show contumely to or contempt for God or detract from his honor whether such contumely, contempt or dishonour be intended or not.  Intentional blasphemy is always a grave sin against religion; and efforts should be made if necessary to eliminate unintentional blasphemy from one’s speech, etc.  Blasphemy against God is committed indirectly by speech, etc., showing contumely and dishonour to or contempt for his Church, the saints or sacred things; the gravity of this sin depends on the kind of blasphemy.

This is what I rise to this morning.

Biretta tip to CMR for this Chicago Tribune story about pro-abortion "Catholic" … Sinsiawa Dominican Sister Donna Quinn, who helps women overcome their fears at abortion clinics, so that they will go through with it.   [We have written about her before, as I am sure some of you remember.]

Full Disclosure: I have never met a Sinsinawa Domincan who wasn’t an off-the-rails man-hating…. xxxxx.  I and several of my friends suffered under one of these, who ran our lives in my US seminary.  When I see the word "Sinsinawa", I cannot help but make the association.  There may be wonderful sisters in that community.  I have never met one.   Their founder’s cause for beatification has been proposed, FWIW.  I believe a decree of heroic virtue was given for Ven. Fr. Samuel Mazzucchelli, OP.  That said…


Pro-choice nun still fighting for women’s care [Be wary of something.  First, don’t accept the premise that abortion rights are part of "health care".   Abortion must be a separate issue.  Second, don’t accept that abortion is exclusively a "women’s rights" issue.  It affects everyone.]

December 08, 2009

By Manya Brachear

Despite a public reprimand from her religious order last month, Chicago’s pro-choice Roman Catholic nun, Sister Donna Quinn, is not backing down from her support of abortion rights, applauding the defeat of an amendment today that would have added restrictions to the health care bill for women seeking abortions.

On the day the church honors the Immaculate Conception, or conception of the Virgin Mary, Quinn sent a thank you note to those who lobbied their senators to vote against the Nelson-Hatch Amendment, [sick] which lost in a 54-45 Senate vote earlier today.

The amendment would have prohibited funds authorized or appropriated under the health care bill, including the tax credits used to help individuals purchase health coverage, from being used for abortions, or for benefits packages that include abortion. America’s Catholic bishops had pushed for the amendment.

“The Amendment lost today but now the work will be to take this Bill and come out with the same good news when the Senate and House work together,” Quinn said.

Citing a poem about the Virgin Mary, Quinn noted the providential [What the…?!?] date of the amendment’s defeat.

“I was reminded of being with men and women from the Unitarian faith tradition last year [Who I am sure would welcome her into their community.] as they celebrated Mary who by her [ascent], they believed, was one of the first women in the New Testament to express Choice,” Quinn said.  [Let’s get this straight.  Sr. Quinn, Sinsinawa Dominican, is associating the Blessed Virgin Mary with a pro-abortion view.  Mary = pro-choice = pro-abortion.   That’s it, right?  If that is right, isn’t that blasphemy?]

She also referenced the Vatican’s crackdown on dissenting voices, citing an article in the magazine "Conscience" published by the organization Catholics for Choice[Why am I not surprised they raise their ugly heads here.]

Quoting writer Jeannine Gramick, [of "New Ways Ministry" which affirms homosexual acts] Quinn wrote: “Faithful and respectful dissent is vital to the life of the church. It enables the church community to think, to deliberate, to debate and to grow in relationship to one another and in relationship to God. We cannot afford to let our dissenters be silenced. [They see themselves as prophetic.] They are a gift to our church."  [That keeps on giving.]

Last month, Quinn’s Wisconsin-based Sinsinawa Dominican order announced that she had been rebuked for escorting patients into a Hinsdale clinic that provides abortions. Quinn said patients needed her protection because of the threat posed by anti-abortion protesters.

A few weeks later, a previously approved "bubble zone" ordinance went into effect in Chicago, creating 8-foot zones around people within 50 feet of a medical facility.

What do you think? Do dissenters like Quinn strengthen the church?

See what Sister Anne Flanagan says about the bubble zone ordinance in Bubble Trouble?

This is what I think. 

I think that Donna Quinn – bad apple – should enter into a prophetic discussion with both her superior, of the Sinsinawa Dominicans, as well as the local diocesan bishop, who is – I think – Cardinal George of Chicago.

CMR posted contact information for the Prioress of the Sinsinawa Dominicans.  Don’t be stupid or nasty if you write.  Be brief and matter of fact, without over-the-top language.

Sr. Patricia Mulcahey, OP


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. This whole thing is beyond the realm of the ridiculous, blasphemous, apostasy…it is straight from the bowels of hell.
    The good Sister should thank her luck stars that the Inquisition is not in action; a good old-fashioned ‘auto de fe’ is in order here…not burning witches, mind you, but a good back seat kickin’…Jesus, mercy!

  2. Michaelus says:

    ““I was reminded of being with men and women from the Unitarian faith tradition last year as they celebrated Mary who by her [ascent],”

    Wow – I never knew the Unitarians had anything to say about the Assumption i.e. the “ascent” of Mary…

    I suppose that a small laugh in the face of the immense evil of these people is all I can muster.

  3. Heh. He meant “assent”. :)

    So when David spared King Saul, the Lord’s anointed, he was really supporting the right of all Israelis to murder the Lord’s anointed?

    Yeah. That’s what I got out of that story. “Once I’m King David, everybody, it’s open season on David, too! Enjoy!”

  4. JonM says:

    It is personally hurtful to me, and I am sure to most others of the faithful, to see Mary invoked for such abominable purposes.

    I know that during my conversion process, since Confirmation, and through the present that Mary has interceded for me even while I was in error. She is the most perfect mother and more than that – not a wife in the strictest sense, but offers that kind of spiritual companionship in a most perfect manner.

    This discussion shouldn’t, despite the temptation, become an Amazon Excommunication Wish List; I increasingly understand that there is a well-founded aversion to formally excommunicating people. Many of us former Protestants come into the Church very excited and ready to support the 12 Swiss guards ordered to arrest bad Catholics.

    Using a Star Trek analogy, we need Bones and Spock as senior commanders because each offers vital ingredients to good command – and each tempers the other.

    It appears the event horizon in this regard comes when Catholics say and do things so completely incorrect, they need to be formally removed from Church life (until they confess their error). Some women dressing as priests and claiming to consecrate the Eucharist is good example of this.

    Given the fruits of the ‘pastoral education and heart winning’ approach, I think that the event horizon is being re-calculated for the protection of all of us. To suggest that Mary, in any way, was, is, or would be supportive of abortion is heinous and, as you write Father, blasphemy.

    Words are meaningful and powerful. Forty years of unrestrained so-called intellectual inquiry has confused people into thinking that this is not the case. And so, people are more disposed to say truly absurd and dangerous things.

  5. jpacold says:

    Mary did make a choice at the Annunciation. She chose to accept a Child, not kill one.

  6. Hamburglar says:

    Something that jumped out at me was the capitalization of “Choice.” To the “pro-choice” folk, so-called choice is more of a dogma to them than most De Fide dogmas of the Church.

  7. FrCharles says:

    It is disconcerting, depressing, and blasphemous, but I don’t think negligible among religious. In the parking lot of the religious house where I live, one of us–I have resisted the temptation to find out which–has used masking tape to cover a pro-life bumper sticker on the car he uses.

  8. This is really sad and disgusting.

    Equating Mary with pro-choice is problematic because it is blasphemous. The Gospels clearly state what that choice was and it wasn’t what the good sister is twisting it into.

    I know of some Sinsinawa Dominicans who are in my diocese. Mosto f them are extremely old and will be living soon for the motherhouse in Wisconsin. One of the younger ones works in the diocesan Office of Evangelization and runs religious ed down at the cathedral. I’ve heard stories, but I can’t come to a judgment myself. Still, though, I believe that it is a sign that Godi s taking away the Dominicans from our diocese.

    Also, I do wonder why so many liberal sisters used to be put in chargeo f passing potential seminarians. It seems to me like the only reason why would be to get rid of those who are too rigid and orthodox whow owuld actually be doing a great service to Holy Mother Church.

  9. Kimberly says:

    This so-called nun is part of what went wrong with V2. [Not sure that follows.]

  10. Rob Cartusciello says:

    I knew it was just a matter of time before an abortion supporter would invoke the BVM as a pro-choice advocate.

    Excommunication would not be an overt act to expel Donna Quinn, but merely an acknowledgement that she has already done so through her actions.

    Much damage has been done to the Church by those who have “defected in place”.

    Would that we were more prone to acknowledge the self-separation these people have already undertaken.

  11. Aaron says:

    If this is “faithful dissent,” then I’m wondering: what would unfaithful dissent look like? Seriously, is such a thing even possible in their view?

  12. JohnE says:

    There was a driver who annoyed me this morning. I was in favor of the choice not to kill him or do him any harm. According to Sinister Quinn, that would mean I support others’ right to choose to murder such a driver if they are in a similar situation. What evil twisted logic.

  13. irishgirl says:

    Oh. my. word…..and on Our Lady’s feastday, of all things….

    Bishop Samuel, founder of these Dominicans (?), please join St. Dominic and give this errant ‘daughter’ of yours a great big SLAP!

    Is Cardinal George going to do something about this woman? Please, Your Eminence, be a man, not a mouse!

    Yeah, nazareth priest-a good swift ‘rear kicking’ is what ‘sister’ needs! Where’s the Inquisition when you need it?

    [Okay…. this is the sort of thing we don’t need when writing to the interested parties. Right?]

  14. My email:

    Your Eminence Cardinal George and Sister Mulcahey:

    I am writing to you regarding this article:

    A quote by Sister Quinn is reported in this article: “I was reminded of being with men and women from the Unitarian faith tradition last year as they celebrated Mary who by her [assent], they believed, was one of the first women in the New Testament to express Choice.”

    I find this comparison — of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s fiat to accept God’s will for her to be the Mother of our Savior on the one hand, to choosing to keep or abort an unborn child on the other hand — utterly disgraceful. From a purely technical point of view, the Blessed Mother’s “choice” was to conceive in the first place, not to carry a conception to term. Her expression of “choice” is the model that should be followed — that is, obedience to God’s will and openness to life — not an option among many. She chose life, she did not simply choose. Mere “Choice” is being put forward as an idol and attention is being drawn from the importance of making the proper choice, which is to choose life.

    I beg you to make a public statement on this continuing disaster!


  15. JosephMary says:

    The Nazareth priest used a normal term and said this blasphemer is a ‘good sister’. No , she is NOT. She is a disgrace and and scandal maker. This congregation as a whole should be investigated and probably suppressed. This ‘religious sister’ (what religion and who is worshipped?) should be ousted immediately.

    A few years ago I obtained relics from these sisters. They have no use or love for them after all. I am happy I am now guardian of a few of these precious holy items with the papers of authenticity to go with them.

    Many convents in Europe and other places haave allowed their sacred items to go to the highest bidder, no matter who they are, because they no longer care about them.

  16. Salvatore_Giuseppe says:

    This all comes back to the saying “some choices are wrong”.

    Notice that Zachariah chose not to believe God concerning the conception of a son, and he got punished.

    Just because Mary physically could have said no, doesn’t mean that she could have morally.

  17. gloriainexcelsis says:

    I actually have tears in my eyes. How have these people come to such complete blasphemy? Of course, we know, and the “Diabolical Disorientation” continues. Pray, pray, pray the Rosary for these, for now, lost souls.

  18. JaneC says:

    I knew a good Sinsinawa Dominican, but she’d been teaching in another state for twenty years or more, and seemed to have little contact with her motherhouse. Perhaps that’s why she didn’t go ’round the bend, like Sister Donna Quinn.

  19. Nathan says:

    Aaron: “If this is “faithful dissent,” then I’m wondering: what would unfaithful dissent look like?”

    I’d venture to guess that, in Sister’s view, unfaithful dissent looks a lot like The Remnant and The Wanderer. Or worse, “Sister, why did Father let the big puppet make up and say the Eucharistic Prayer? Can’t we have a Traditional Latin Mass?”

    All the really good and valuable comments on blasphemy aside, it really frosts me to hear the radicals go on about noble dissent when they mercilessly crushed any questioning of their agenda for decades, when they controlled many parishes and chanceries.

    In Christ,

  20. Nathan says:

    A note for clarity. I meant to say “All the really good and valuable comments ON THIS BLOG on SISTER’S blasphemy aside…”

    In Christ,

  21. irishgirl says:

    I guess that’s why I won’t be doing any writing to this ‘sister’s’ superior….I might lose my temper and say something that I’d have to go to confession for!

    Sorry for my intemperance in my above post, Father Z…am I forgiven?

    I know I get mad when I hear or read such things, especially when the honor of Our Lady is concerned. A child should go to the defense of its mother when she is attacked.

  22. EXCHIEF says:

    This is a no brainer. She needs to be removed from the order ASAP.

  23. To quote Chesterton, attacks on Mary have “a familiar sound: a hiss out of hell.”

  24. Bede says:

    I’m just flabbergasted. Speechless.

  25. Oneros says:

    “Faithful and respectful dissent is vital to the life of the church.”

    I dont disagree with this.

    Like Nathan implies, however, the problem with her view is that it is actually UNfaithful dissent.

    Faithful dissent would involve matters of prudential policy or discipline, and in this field I think traditional Catholics should be a little more outspoken or engage in a little more protest or “civil disobedience” (though not to the degree of Schismatic Acts ala the SSPX ordinations).

    If the people using puppets and improvised eucharistic prayers and all manner of liturgical abuse (“abuse” because it is UGLY and often heterodox, in my mind, NOT because it merely breaks some legalistic “rubric” set by an over-centralize bureaucracy) get away with it, if Communion on the Hand went from being an unauthorized experiment to being allowed by Indult after-the-fact…I dont think a traditional priest should feel ANY qualms whatsoever about wearing a maniple or crossing his stole at the Novus Ordo, or even trying something as “radical” as just going ahead and celebrating a vernacular Old Mass ala the Anglican Missal.

    It can never involve dissent on issues of Faith and Morals, however.

  26. caterham says:

    “Sister Donna Quinn: Putting the “sin” in Sinsinawa.” Maybe that could be her campaign slogan or something.

  27. marymartha says:

    I attended a college run by the Sinsinawa’s in the 90s. Fr. Z is absolutely spot on in his description of them. I will add that in my experience they really, really don’t like priests in particular. My Theology professor kicked me out of the class for defending the all male priesthood.

    I will say that I have known one (just one) Sinsinawa sister who is WONDERFUL. I have never gotten the courage to ask her what she is doing with the Sinsinawas… but I have wondered.

    The saddest part for me is that Virtually all of my family was educated by the Sinsinawas (from the 1920s until the 1990s). They really were once a wonderful order of women who loved to serve the Lord. I do think that Fr. Mazzuchelli was an important pioneer in bringing Catholicism to the region… it’s a shame what has happened to the order he founded.

    I don’t know what happened to them… evidently one Christmas break all of the students came back to school and the sisters had stopped wearing their habits, and reverted to their baptismal names. It was all downhill from there.

    I have called and spoken to the Prioress about Sr. Quinn to no avail. It was one of the most frustrating conversations I have ever had. In the end, my mother removed the Sinsinawa run HS and college she attended from her will and we as a family will no longer financially support them.

    It’s interesting that after the last Sr. Quinn news stories the Sinsinawas put out that they were ‘working to resolve the matter appropriately’. Evidently… that did not include telling Sr. Quinn to stop with the public heresy and blasphemy.

  28. Magpie says:

    Just when I think I’ve heard it all, I log onto Father Z. This is completely insane. What planet are these people on?

  29. MichaelJ says:

    As my Priest said yesterday, how can one support abortion and not (implicitly, at least) deny the Blessed Virgin Mary’s Immaculate Conception?

    Seriously, if a fetus is not human, then it would not be possible to preserve Mary from the stain of original sin from the moment of conception. It would have had to have happened at some other time when “ensoulment” took place

  30. Pledger says:

    The Ordinary for the Motherhouse (which is insane) is Bishop Robert Morlino. It’s interesting that he doesn’t do anything with them….I mean, I know he has a lot on his plate, but this is pretty extraordinary.

  31. Cricket says:

    Let’s remember, friends, that every soul is precious in the eyes of the Lord–even misguided ones, like Sister Quinn. She is much in need of our prayers & sacrifices right now.

  32. Phototoxin says:

    Isn’t this what EXCOMMUNICATON is for?

  33. MichaelJ says:

    Don’t disagree, Cricket. What is in danger of being overlooked, though, is that if we did not care for her soul – and the souls of those whom she is leading astray – we would not be angry about what she has done.

  34. Rob Cartusciello says:

    It is true, that Mary gave her her fiat to become the Mother of Our Lord.

    The first woman to “express” choice in the Bible, however, was Eve.

  35. John Hetman says:

    Sr. Donna Quinn has been a nut case in the Chicago area for decades. She’s part of the 8th Day Center for Justice, progressive Catholic crowd of heterodox religious from a number of orders dedicated to the usual “peace and justice” touchy-feely, radical feminist nonsense that has permeated our society for decades. And the Sinsinawa Dominicans along with the Adrian Dominicans are a part of 8th Day Center.

    His Eminence is generally a man who will cross the street rather than face the barking poodle in front of him, so I would be wonderfully surprised at his really firmly invoking his authority here.

    It is a pity that the media look to mentally disturbed and morally corrupt individuals for a bit of sport especially when many millions more innocent unborn infants’ lives hang in the balance. But when it comes to the rites of abortion in a secular society, slaughter and profit will triumph over mercy and justice every time.

  36. Melody says:

    So angering.

    Isn’t it obvious that the fiat means that the Lord began life on earth at conception? Mary wasn’t asked several weeks along if she’s like her blob of tissue to get ensouled with Jesus or something.

  37. EnoughRope says:

    This is the second time I have written to her prioress. Each time gets more and more depressing and more and more frustrating. Hopefully it will be the last.

  38. Susan the Short says:

    Is it possible that Sinsinawa is pronounced as an encouragement to
    “Sin, Sin away!”

  39. JosephMary: Just to clarify, I was being sarcastic when I used the term ‘good sister’. Just so ya know!
    And this is why I will not be writing any of the superiors involved today . Like ‘irishgirl’ my “Irish” gets up dealing with atrocities like this and so I refrain from opening my big mouth or if I do write something I let it sit for a few days before I send it.
    I do agree that Sr.Quinn needs to be disciplined. ASAP.

  40. ealberico says:

    Dixit Maria ad angelum: Ecce ancilla Domini, fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum.
    How sad that the BVM’s acceptance of God’s will is taken here to mean “Choice.”

  41. JimGB says:

    I think that this excerpt from the Congregation’s website says all you need to know about these gals. It is truly a scandal that this is being allowed to continue:

    Vision Statement
    The Sinsinawa Women’s Network includes those who are willing to work toward a feminist vision of inclusivity and justice for all peoples and respect for all creation.


    to provide educational opportunities in eco-feminist principles and feminist theology so as to rediscover and deepen the fundamental spiritual values which motivate us;
    to work to achieve full participation for women in the church and society by striving to eliminate sexism, racism, classism, and heterosexism; and
    to challenge and change patriarchal behavior and structures in ourselves, in our ministries and in our institutions in order to build solidarity and bondedness with all women.

  42. The stupid thing here is that Mary’s choice was of whether or not she would become pregnant in the first place, so now she (Sister Quinn) makes the huge leap to saying that means ALL choices are good.. like, the right to kill your baby! This nun is a good example of how the gradual Orwellian dumbing-down of our language that our culture forces upon us really does start to affect people’s “reasoning”. Things like abortion are basically just labeled as ‘goodthink’ (aka freedom of choice) and the liberal sheep never bother to question why.

  43. Matter of fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was possessed.

  44. Chairman says:

    This is why we need the apostolic visitation that is currently underway.

    Where is Archbishop Burke when you need him!

  45. An American Mother says:

    Here’s another and very sad aspect of this scandal:

    Last week’s Archdiocesan newsletter had a big front page story on a retiring Dominican sister who had spent 50 years working with the homeless and with food banks here.

    But . . . as I read along in the article I discovered she was a Sinsinawa Dominican.

    And I just can’t help wondering if she’s infected with the same craziness as Quinn. If she’s not, then the scandal that Quinn is creating has caused me to think ill of a hardworking, faithful Dominican sister.

    And that’s a real shame.

  46. ghp95134 says:

    Rob Cartusciello says, …The first woman to “express” choice in the Bible, however, was Eve….

    A Chinese friend of mine said, “if Eve as Chinese we’d still be in paradise; she would have eaten the snake instead of the apple.”


  47. Hamburglar says:

    What are “eco-feminist principles” and “heterosexism?”

  48. catholicmidwest says:

    Jon M, you said, “Forty years of unrestrained so-called intellectual inquiry has confused people into thinking that this is not the case.”

    What has been going on in the Church for the last forty years has been neither intellectual nor inquiry. It’s been a case of primitive sparring over fixated ideas all around. Only now are we starting to recognize the truth in new ways with Benedict XVI.

    I do love your phrase “Amazon Excommunication Wish Lists.” =) Sounds like a big rock-throwing party to me.

  49. catholicmidwest says:

    No point in trying to reason with the likes of this “sister.” She’s not one of ours and everyone needs to know this. She’s a clown, a parody, a stranger.

    Matthew 18:15:
    If your brother sins (against you), go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have won over your brother.
    If he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, so that ‘every fact may be established on the testimony of two or three witnesses.
    If he refuses to listen to them, tell the church.
    If he refuses to listen even to the church, then treat him as you would a Gentile or a tax collector.

  50. Gail F says:

    Catholicmidwest: No, she’s a daughter of God who needs our prayers. She needs correction, yes. She needs to be STOPPED, yes. But still.

  51. catholicmidwest says:

    Of course, we pray for non-Catholics all the time, and that’s fine. But what do you think the scripture passage means in this context?

  52. Oneros says:

    “As my Priest said yesterday, how can one support abortion and not (implicitly, at least) deny the Blessed Virgin Mary’s Immaculate Conception?

    Seriously, if a fetus is not human, then it would not be possible to preserve Mary from the stain of original sin from the moment of conception. It would have had to have happened at some other time when “ensoulment” took place”

    Not to make too fine a point of it, MichaelJ, but as Catholic Encyclopedia explains:

    “Neither does it concern the passive conception absolutely and simply (conceptio seminis carnis, inchoata), which, according to the order of nature, precedes the infusion of the rational soul. The person is truly conceived when the soul is created and infused into the body. Mary was preserved exempt from all stain of original sin at the first moment of her animation, and sanctifying grace was given to her before sin could have taken effect in her soul.”

    The Immaculate Conception thus does not answer any question about when ensoulment takes place, which is almost certainly not a subject of Public Revelation. The “Conception” referred to is not the “passive conception” of her body, as the Catholic Encyclopedia explains, but refers to her ensoulment/animation.

  53. Rev. Philip-Michael says:

    This is very sad and the gravity of her actions are incredibly profound in that if Catholics, especially those who are viewed to be the official representatives of the Church, cannot speak with a unified voice on abominations such as Abortion we will never be able to show the world that we really do mean what we say. This “sister” needs prayers and she needs to be properly rehabilitated into the bosom of the Church which aches at her loss. She has placed herself outside of the Church by her words and actions and in order to protect the faithful from further scandal and the outsider’s view of the Catholic Church she should be formally punished and suspended from the Order of Preachers, a wonderful and holy Order, until she has made public reparation for her actions and humbly admits her errors!

  54. quietbeginning says:

    Father Zuhlsdorf,
    Would this not be a case of latae sententiae excommunication? I mean, this woman, like the many “Catholic” pro-choice politicians we have in the U.S., MUST know the Church’s teaching on abortion and yet she pertinaciously continues her advocacy of murder of the unborn. IMHO it’s way past time SOMEBODY in the hierarchy (please, just one of you men? please?) should begin officially excommunicating these people.

  55. Melody says:

    I’m tempted to write them, but fear I will end up sounding either mean or unconvincing. How is this?

    Dear Sr. Mulcahy,
    I’ve been hearing the recent news about your order and wish to offer my condolences. Scandals such as these are surely going to hurt vocations. As a young women discerning her vocation, it’s my experience that young Catholic women today either want to be readily identified as Catholic, or they don’t care about religion at all. This means all the people who are looking to join religious orders tend to follow Church teaching on matters like abortion.
    It doesn’t sound like Sr. Donna Quinn even likes the Church, and now she’s saying such blasphemous things about our Blessed Mother. I will pray for her. I wonder if she is unhappy or burnt out and needs a change?
    In any case, her words will be the most common knowledge known of your order. I wonder if something can be done to change that?

  56. Michael in NoVA says:

    Anyone else notice that Donna also confuses the Immaculate Conception with the Annunciation? Mary didn’t really have a choice in her own conception, Donna, or maybe the Unitarians forgot to mention that?

  57. bernadette says:

    With all the pro-choice Catholic politicians and those such as Sister Donna Quinn being quoted in the press, I fear that the Catholic Church is coming to be associated with the pro-choice position.

  58. Melody,

    I think that is a respectful response. Sad thing is that many of these heterodox religious orders know that their dissent and hatred for the Magisterium is hurting their vocations and jeopardizing the future of their order….yet they don’t seem to care.

    It won’t be a sad day when many of these orders disappear from the American Catholic landscape (other than the sadness for the faithful women that founded the orders and worked so hard on behalf of the Church for so many years….but I’d imagine most of them are already receiving their reward…)

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