A note to parish priests

I had a note from someone this morning saying that the writer’s parish priest in his parish bulletin had urged people to fight against the new English translation of the Roman Missal and sign the a dissenting online petition.

Perhaps parish priests reading this might choose to urge people to sign a better petition, one in favor of the new translation.

I’m just sayin’.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. frleo says:

    I am encouraging select people. An announcement in the bulletin might encourage many of those in my parish to look for the other petition. Many of the folks here who have gone through the diocesan training the past several years have a common idea and it is not obedience to the rubrics. We are taking it brick by brick here. Now, in my former parish where I had served the past 11 years, I would probably put the announcement in the bulletin.

  2. patergary says:

    We haven’t receive yet the instructions from the Archdiocese, when it arrives, the pastor & I have no problem instructing the parishioners and implementing it.

  3. sprachmeister says:

    I counted 172 Britons on the list out of about 9600, only one of which is a priest in my Archdiocese, so it’s not very well known over here. The only mention of it that I’ve heard is a priest telling a relative of mine to hold off buying a missal for her godson until the new translation is published. I suppose that’s a good sign.

  4. Jon says:


    I’ve already signed “the better petition” myself, but perhaps a prominent and perpetual link to it on the sidebar would be in order?

  5. Father S. says:

    How can a priest claim to have any authority if he denies the authority under which he finds himself? The priest who put that foolishness (nay, maliciousness) into his bulletin ought to refer to St. Paul. (Cf., below) What would be poetic justice is if his parishioners started to dismiss his authority by signing a petition to have him removed as pastor.

    1 Corinthians 12: 15-26

    If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would be the hearing? If the whole body were an ear, where would be the sense of smell? But as it is, God arranged the organs in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single organ, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body. The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” On the contrary, the parts of the body which seem to be weaker are indispensable, and those parts of the body which we think less honorable we invest with the greater honor, and our unpresentable parts are treated with greater modesty, which our more presentable parts do not require. But God has so composed the body, giving the greater honor to the inferior part, that there may be no discord in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.

  6. Mike Morrow says:

    “I counted 172 Britons on the list out of about 9600, only one of which is a priest in my Archdiocese”

    Is this sort of detailed forum membership information freely and publically available? Surprising, if so.

    “…hold off buying a missal for her godson until the new translation is published.”

    No need to wait. The Angelus Press and Baronius Press publish excellent MR1962 hand missals that aren’t subject to transient liturgical fads, fancies, fashions, styles, whims, and political correctness. :-)

    For those who must attend the novus ordo, those pulp-paper phone-book quality “missalets” are all over the place. I haven’t seen anyone use a personal missal at those types of services in decades.

  7. Patikins says:


    I see people using hand missals at my NO parish all the time.

  8. patrick_f says:

    I wonder…

    What is OCP’s relationship to some of these situations?

    They make ALOT of money selling “misselletes” to parishes. Jsut sayin

  9. yatzer says:

    I must have missed the link to the better petition. What is it, please?

  10. Gail F says:

    I don’t have a personal missal, but I subscribe to Magnificat, which is a sort of tiny monthly magazine that includes a missal and every day’s readings for mass, daily morning and evening prayers, and devotional reading. I take it to mass all the time, and I first saw the publication being used that way by another man at my parish who is very devout and a national leader and founder of the Right to Life movement.

    We are a NO parish, as are the vast majority of parishes in the world. I appreciate the zeal of many people who love TLM and of people who want the NO in Latin. But I would like to point out to these people that they are not the only faithful Catholics. We don’t need to denegrate each other while upholding and fighting for our church.

  11. chironomo says:

    Would such a priest be putting himself in a really precarious position as regards dissent? He might, for instance, get away with such an action if he were in Bp. Trautman’s diocese, but what if he were in, let’s say, Bp. Vasa’s diocese? Is such an act “over the line” for a priest?

  12. chironomo says:

    BTW… the so-called “dissenting petition” is a gimmick, actually more of a publicity stunt for a particular rector. Who would this “petition” be presented to? Could we make a “petition” demanding that divorced Catholics be allowed full communion with the Church immediately? Can we offer a petition that shows that a majority of Catholics support artificial birth control, so let’s jst allow that? How about a “petition” to accept female priests? There are so many dissenting causes…why not petitions for each of them?

    Actually, there HAVE BEEN petitions for each of these. It’s not a method that has any applicability in the Catholic Church. It is a politiical tactic that is useful to demonstrate to elected officials that they do not have public support. It would be interesting to look into the past of the individuals behind the petition. I’m sure there is some political activity as part of the history.

  13. dominic says:

    Hmm. At least only one person from my diocese (and a layperson at that), in the east of England, had signed that petition when I looked through it yesterday (and they were over the 9,000th signatory). I noticed there were a substantial number of priests (mostly anonymous) from one particular English diocese (Leeds), while another English diocese, Liverpool, and one (relatively small) Scottish diocese, Motherwell, appeared to be rather over-represented compared with anywhere else in the UK.

    I did notice: some of the entries listed as being from the UK and Ireland were almost certainly patently fake: at least two adopted the names of well-known TV comic characters, a few more were of notorious british mass-murderers; another one claimed (by his full name) to be our former Prime Minister who converted to Catholicism after stepping down from office. At least I presume the latter is a fake…

    I just wish the new translation would hurry up and be published and put into use…

  14. doublenan says:

    I went through the “just wait” petition list at 8,097 entries. For my USA Archdiocese:
    Priests: 8 signers, all identified (7 retired; 1 active…I checked our official website)
    Religious: 19 signers, with 15 identified, 4 anonymous
    Lay ministers: 10 signers, all identified
    Lay persons: 15 signers, all identified
    Total # of signers: 52


  15. introibo says:

    Gee, I wonder what reason these priests put in their bulletins when telling their flocks to vote against the new translation..are they telling their people that those big words will be too difficult for them to pronounce or understand? It can’t be that they’ll have to invest in new missalettes – they do thay anyway….

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