I want every priest and bishop who comes here to read this…
I received this from a reader:
I was confirmed, baptized, and received communion over a year ago (at Easter) and have yet to make a confession.
The priest is supposed to be there from 4-5 PM on Sat., shows up at 4:45 and bustles around getting ready for Mass.
The confessionals are glass walled (frosted) cubicles and not sound proofed in the least.
A coffee clatch of ladies comes and sits a couple of pews up from the confessionals and socializes, stopping to stare at anyone who comes in.
The first time I went I asked these people if Fr was there and they stared at me and turned away without speaking.
I had to leave for work so after coming several times and having to leave just as he came rolling in at 4:45, 4:50, etc. I got disgusted and gave up. I will make no more attempts with this priest. He obviously does not value(believe in??) the Sacrament or care about his flock enough to sit in a confessional for one crummy hour. The only time I have ever heard him refer to reconciliation is when he announced a gang reconciliation Mass around Christmas.
He never fails to insist the parishoners are not giving enough money and every week exhorts people to donate to various collections and charities but never a word about the state of their souls.
I live in a rural area, already drive 16 miles to Church but will drive to the next town tomorrow to see if I have better luck.
I am told many from our parish have left for this Church already. Excuse my venting but I am frustrated with this behavior. I know I am not perfect either but confession is pretty important and to neglect this aspect of his duties is very sad.