Have you ever wanted to share a new discovery?

On a lighter note:

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Fr. Andrew says:

    On his way to say Mass, Father Z meets Father Richard McBrien, who is on his way to complain about Pope Benedict?

  2. Stephen Matthew says:

    Fr. Andrew, I am reluctant to correct a priest on any point, but I think you have that turned around. It is perfectly believable that Fr. Z. should be on his way to say mass and that Fr. McBrien would be on his way to complain about the pope. The opposite on the other hand would be believed by no one at all, and I would propose the following alternate version that would be particularly unbelievable:

    Fr. Z., on his way to say an ordinary form mass, encounters Fr. McB. on his way to say an extraordinary form mass. Truly that is a meeting so exceedingly unlikely that anyone witnessing would be driven to suspect their senses and sanity.

  3. amenamen says:

    The Man in the Cave
    You have a picture of Mr Sasquatch, the cave-man, and Mr. Bunny who has just awakened his winter hibernation in the ground.

    GK Chesterton would have something Catholic to say about this picture, because he always found something Catholic to say about everything, especially new discoveries. In fact, he already said something about it in 1925, in “The Everlasting Man.”

    Discoveries of ancient paintings on cave walls led Chesterton to reflect upon “The Man in the Cave.” Jesus was born in a cave. He rose from a cave.

    “This sketch of the human story began in a cave; the cave which popular science associates with the cave-man and in which practical discovery has really found archaic drawings of animals. The second half of human history, which was like a new creation of the world, also begins in a cave. There is even a shadow of such a fancy in the fact that animals were again present; for it was a cave used as a stable by the mountaineers of the uplands about Bethlehem; who still drive their cattle into such holes and caverns at night. It was here that a homeless couple had crept underground with the cattle when the doors of the crowded caravanserai had been shut in their faces; and it was here beneath the very feet of the passersby, in a cellar under the very floor of the world, that Jesus Christ was born But in that second creation there was indeed something symbolical in the roots of the primeval rock or the horns of the prehistoric herd. God also was a CaveMan, and, had also traced strange shapes of creatures, curiously colored upon the wall of the world ; but the pictures that he made had come to life. “

  4. inara says:

    pray tell what thou didst discover!

  5. asophist says:

    Quite entertaining, Fr Z, and – as observed by others (above) – full of metaphorical possibilities. One that comes to my mind would be: a Zoroastrian on his way to an EF mass meets the Pope on his way to an inter-religious gathering at Assisi. (Oops!)

  6. Kat says:

    This comic reminds me of the old classic by Larson (The Far Side) with the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, and Jackie Onassis together in the forest… and Carl’s camera jammed.

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