Some posts, as they scroll along.
- Preparing for Good Friday
- A WDTPRS favorite spotted
- WDTPRS REVISITED: The “new” Good Friday prayer for Jews inserted into the 1962MR
- NYC, Manhattan: Extraordinary Form Triduum at Holy Innocents
- Major League Baseball – another Good Friday blown save
- 23 April: Talk Like Shakespeare Day…. POSTPONED?
- Preparing for Holy Thursday Mass
- D. Springfield: revival of the St. Michael the Archangel Prayer
- WDTPRS POLL: Attending Triduum services
- Card. Burke on women covering their heads in church
- Benedict XVI’s sermon for Holy Thursday Mass of the Last Supper
- I’ll bet you thought Jesus died for our sins. HAH! NCR has a new angle.
- QUAERITUR: Can we attend non-Catholic weddings?
- THE list again: Fr. Z’s 20 Tips For Making A Good Confession (and Fr. Z rants)
- Mercilessly grilled under the lights
- Chinese Family Planning Official Kills Man Over Forced Sterilization
- REVIEW: L’Osservatore Romano’s new website and online editions
- If Easter is coming, it time to bash the Catholic Church.
- California church destroyed by arsonist
- Pope Benedict on keeping vigil this Triduum
- QUAERUNTUR: Of several issues, personal and other, with a few rants