2013 Ordo from Canons of St John Cantius

I posting from my mobile phone in an airplane, so I must be brief.

The canons at St John Cantius in Chicago sent me a spiffy new Ordo for the Usus Antiquior.

Here are some photos to give you an idea of what it is like.

May I depend on one of you kind readers to provide the proper link to their site if I am unable to get it posted before they close the door on me?







About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. fvhale says:

    Their online store is here: http://birettabooks.com/go/webstore/
    The wall calendar for 2013 is pretty spiffy, too. I already have it hanging under their 2012 wall calendar.

  2. acardnal says:

    Per your request Fr. Z, herewith the link: http://birettabooks.com/go/webstore/product/2013_ordo_for_the_1962_missale_romanum/

    I particularly enjoy the color copy as opposed to the black and white Ordo of the FSSP.

  3. Jerry says:

    Note that if you want to order both an ordo and a calendar, there is a special page to order both for a $5 discount.

  4. Ttony says:

    If “pastoral circumstances” justify saying a Confiteor before Communion, contra the rubrics, does that not make it OK to do anything if pastoral circumstances dictate? “We’ve always had a Clown Mass on the first Sunday in February: it would be pastorally insensitive to stop saying one now, even if it is unrubrical.”

  5. RichR says:

    I would love an explanation of feast tables like the ones above. My Monastic Diurnal and Diurnale Romanum have them, but they are a bit too complex for me to interpret.

  6. Jack007 says:

    If “pastoral circumstances” justify saying a Confiteor before Communion, contra the rubrics, does that not make it OK to do anything if pastoral circumstances dictate? “We’ve always had a Clown Mass on the first Sunday in February: it would be pastorally insensitive to stop saying one now, even if it is unrubrical.”

    Really? Isn’t that a bit dramatic? Clown Masses have ALWAYS been an abuse. I don’t think that compares with the centuries old Second Confiteor. There have been minor customs allowed in the Sacred Liturgies throughout the history of the Church.
    Now, the SPIRIT may be another matter. If its done out of pure spite or rebellion, then perhaps you may have an argument. Blatant disobedience is never okay.
    I might add, numerous Church officials have openly officiated and used the Second Confiteor. One Cardinal Ratzinger comes to mind, amongst many others. I’m just sayin’…

    Jack in KC

  7. Suburbanbanshee says:

    Re: clowns/Confiteors —

    What has long been sacred will always be sacred.

    What has never been sacred doesn’t get much slack.

  8. AnnAsher says:

    Thanks ! We need a calendar like yesterday.

  9. tominrichmond says:

    Re: second confiteor, according to the FSSP this practice is no longer suppressed, but has been formally approved by PCED.

    I asked about it because our diocesan priest who had been celebrating Mass for us omitted it for the 20 years he was with us. When the FSSP came in they re-instituted it, and this was the explanation I received after I said “but Father, but Father” to our pastor.

  10. Hidden One says:

    tominrichmond, it would be nice if someone could provide documentation to that effect.

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  12. Michael J. says:

    People, please do not forget about the 2013 Liturgical Ordo and F.S.S.P. Directory. While I saw it mentioned in a previous post, I prefer the choice of black and white and it is a complete Ordo that also lists numerous prayers, a section on Indulgences, and prayers important to all who attend Mass at F.S.S.P. Churches and members of The Confraternity of Saint Peter. I am not criticizing the Ordo From The Canons Of Saint John Cantius. The 2013 Ordo from the F.S.S.P. is available from http://www.fraternitypublications.com, or at (570)842-4000 ext.401/402. Thank you.

  13. Michael J. says:

    The 2013 Liturgical Ordo and F.S.S.P. Directory states, regarding the Second Confiteor, “The Confiteor and absolution preceding the Communion of the faithful was suppressed. (However, where it is currently established practice, its continuation may be tolerated.) This is found on page 7 of The 2013 Liturgical Ordo and F.S.S.P. Directory, under the heading, “The 1962 Roman Missal.”

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