The Church in Madison is alive! VIDEO

Tomorrow, 26 June, His Excellency Most Reverend Robert C. Morlino, Bishop of Madison, will ordain 6 men to the holy priesthood.

In the last decade or so, since Bp. Morlino has been in Madison, a fairly rural diocese, the number of men in formation has grown from 6 to 35, nearly all of them home boys.  HERE

What a difference a bishop makes!

Here is a short video about the ordination tomorrow.

His Excellency will use the portable throne which the TMSM built for Pontifical Masses. Also, tomorrow we will see in use custom made linen manutergia, made by a reader here!

To make a donation to the Diocese of Madison and to earmark it for seminarians, click HERE.

Once you click the “one time” or “monthly” button, you’ll get a menu. The St. Joseph Fund is for seminarians. Otherwise, there is a diocesan fundraising project going on that Part 1 of the WSJ article explains. Thanks in advance!

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. acardnal says:

    “What a difference a bishop makes!” Amen!

    Orthodox bishops seem to have the most seminarians thanks to the Holy Spirit.

  2. Papabile says:

    I don’t understand this. The manutergium was abandoned in the new rite, and replaced by a purificator. In fact, there was an instruction on this very issue which came from the NCCB in the mid 90’s.

    Am I missing something? I didn’t think the Rite of Ordination had been re-translated or touched since then. I may be wrong. Not sure.

    My grandmother was buried with my uncle’s manutergie wrapped around her hands. It was made from his baptismal gown, which had been worn for four generations of my family.

  3. Agathon says:

    I got goosebumps watching this and was compelled to make a prayer of thanksgiving. God be praised for these men and all the seminarians in Madison.

    And thank you, Father, for posting it. I’ll bookmark it for a donation later.

  4. drohan says:

    Good for Bishop Morlino. A true and faithful servant of the Lord. My home diocese ordained eight this year, so keep up the good work and you might just catch up with Bishop Conley!

  5. Elizabeth D says:

    I like how the ordination has its own trailer.

    I was able to line up my ride to the ordination, though I do not have a ticket to be seated and I highly suspect it will be standing room only with 6 men to be ordained. If people know about the men to be ordained they would see why it is right and just and natural for this ordination to involve manutergia. Maybe Bishop Morlino wrote to Cardinal Sarah and said “may I have permission to use the manutergium for our ordinations, multiple ordinands are asking for this,” and Cardinal Sarah wrote back saying “placet.” Why would Cardinal Sarah say no? Or maybe Bishop Morlino is just confident he is the chief liturgist in his diocese.

    I hope to be at the 1st Mass of Fr Chris Gernetzke though I have not arranged a ride yet, and I know I will be at the 1st Mass of Fr Gabi Lopez.

  6. Sonshine135 says:

    This is proof that Our God loves us, and he will not abandon us! New Lieutenants have been forged to lead the Church Militant into battle.

  7. Auggie says:

    It’s heartening to hear about such great young men in the heartland!

  8. frsbr says:

    The local Carmelite nuns sewed the manuturgia for my ordination class. It is in safekeeping until the day comes when my mother’s hands will be wrapped with it. The purificator from my first Mass went to my father, who was buried with it – RIP.

  9. SpesUnica says:

    They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? Maybe it was the same production company? But more importantly, may God continue to bless Bp. Morlino and these six men. Ad multos annos!

    Congregation of Holy Cross Final Vows Video – posted 10/9/2014

  10. Colm says:

    This is great to see! Though, for the record, Chicago just had 14 men ordained last month. ;)

  11. Pingback: T -114: The Lefebvrists | The Deus Ex Machina Blog

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