Was there a good point in the sermon you heard for your Mass of obligation for Sunday?
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Was there a good point in the sermon you heard for your Mass of obligation for Sunday?
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St. John Eudes
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“He [Satan] will set up a counter-Church which will be the ape of the Church because, he the devil, is the ape of God. It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content. It will be a mystical body of the anti-Christ that will in all externals resemble the mystical body of Christ. In desperate need for God, whom he nevertheless refuses to adore, modern man in his loneliness and frustration will hunger more and more for membership in a community that will give him enlargement of purpose, but at the cost of losing himself in some vague collectivity.”
“Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, and the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops act like bishops.”
- Fulton Sheen
Therefore, ACTIVATE YOUR CONFIRMATION and get to work!
- C.S. Lewis
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"But if, in any layman who is indeed imbued with literature, ignorance of the Latin language, which we can truly call the 'catholic' language, indicates a certain sluggishness in his love toward the Church, how much more fitting it is that each and every cleric should be adequately practiced and skilled in that language!" - Pius XI
"Let us realize that this remark of Cicero (Brutus 37, 140) can be in a certain way referred to [young lay people]: 'It is not so much a matter of distinction to know Latin as it is disgraceful not to know it.'" - St. John Paul II
Grant unto thy Church, we beseech Thee, O merciful God, that She, being gathered together by the Holy Ghost, may be in no wise troubled by attack from her foes. O God, who by sin art offended and by penance pacified, mercifully regard the prayers of Thy people making supplication unto Thee,and turn away the scourges of Thine anger which we deserve for our sins. Almighty and Everlasting God, in whose Hand are the power and the government of every realm: look down upon and help the Christian people that the heathen nations who trust in the fierceness of their own might may be crushed by the power of thine Arm. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. R. Amen.
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Almighty and eternal God, who created us in Thine image and bade us to seek after all that is good, true and beautiful, especially in the divine person of Thine Only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we beseech Thee, that, through the intercession of Saint Isidore, Bishop and Doctor, during our journeys through the internet we will direct our hands and eyes only to that which is pleasing to Thee and treat with charity and patience all those souls whom we encounter. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Our visiting priest, formerly assigned to our parish, chose to lecture us on the evils of the “market economy”, somehow tying that in to the multiplication of the loaves. I was waiting for him to say that it was the people present who performed the miracle by their sharing of what they had brought with them. But while that seemed to be implied, he never quite made it explicit.
He also said we are supposed to “receive” something, grace maybe? that will transform us. Never made clear what that was, or how we are to receive it.
Mercifully short, though. And his extravagant hand gestures and vocal inflections were a little more restrained than usual. But the trendy sung “Gloria” was something I just had to suffer through and offer up.
Some top shelf observations from a monsignor who will be a new semi-regular at the parish.
In the Gospel according to St. John, every detail is meaningful. The reference to Passover isn’t simply saying something happened in the springtime, but it calls to mind how God delivered the children of Israel and provided Manna for them. Passover was a sacrifice of a lamb which gained forgiveness: it was a foreshadowing of the Eucharist. The reference to the mountain isn’t merely a scenic touch, but it calls to mind other great mountains: Sinai where God gave the covenant, Carmel where Elijah defeated the prophets of Baal, Zion where the temple was built, the Mount of the beatitudes and even Calvary itself.
When the Lord feeds this crowd, it isn’t merely addressing physical hunger. The Bread of Life discourse, which continues for the next few weeks, is the foundation of Eucharistic theology.
Faith comes through hearing. The city of Jerusalem heard, saw, and refused the Word of righteousness and was destroyed. If we keep the Word, the Word will keep us.
Let us pray for the grace to persevere until the visitation comes.
The priest on Sunday spoke about generosity and how God can use whatever we give in love. He then spoke about the needs of the church and how many minisites need our time and talent as well as money.
Fr. John Hardon’s quote: “Nothing Blinds the intellect like sexual mortal sin”.
At the local EF, Fr. Sirico exhorted us to develop a life of prayer, go to confession, and hope in God, who will not tempt us more than we can bear.
I went to a church in Northern New Jersey yesterday. Sermon was given in Polish with English translation. Father related breakfast (it was 7 AM) to our physical hunger to our spiritual hunger to the Eucharist to their new perpetual adoration chapel. Good stuff.
There was so much to take away from our priest’s homily yesterday – so much!
First he addressed the naysayers who question whether Jesus actually performed miracles and/or said what He is quoted as saying. I almost felt like he was reading “FishWrap” :-) He used this Gospel in particular, mentioning that this miracle is mentioned in each of the Gospels….oh! so much to process about what he said……
But the phrase that I took away – as did those with whom I had breakfast following Mass – was simple and to the point: “Jesus simply said “Give me what you have…..and I will give you what you need,”‘ and then Fr. R continued to speak of trust and prayer. Wow.
Fr Z
Our Parish celebrated Her Patronal saints’ day St Joachim and St. Ann. Besides that magnificent description by Charlemagne of the Tomb of St Ann in Apt and the great shrine that grew from it., Our parish priests homily explained what I have not heard for “ages unto ages” as a Byzantine would say, he explained we live, “Love is Patient etc.” in First Corinthian,s with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. In the letters before Vatican 2, the word used in the Douai versions of the letter was not Love but Charity the supernatural virtue, a stronger form of that emotion than Love. We were taught this opinion of Paul’s was the love comprising god and our neighbour. It was not sentimental but a true deep contemplation of the value of God in our lives and Him in Himself. The Love described in the Beatific Vision that proceeds from the Father to the Son and the Son reflected back to the Father. That Love the Holy Ghost, the Divine Eternal Spirit of Supernatural Love and Sanctifying Grace, which in the reality of the Catholic Faith and the teachings on grace and faith by Augustine and Suarez is the only way by which we possess Christ in Us and thus the Father and the Holy Ghost, the Love that cannot be seen.
At least it was until the sixties.
Fr’s main point (at least as far as there was one – slightly rambli this week I felt but all in a pretty orthodox and straight down the line way, maybe more scattergun than rambling) was actually primarily from the second reading (or epistle if your prefer) which in and of itself was a treat. It was more or less “what are you doing in your own life to work for the unity of the Church and the spreading of the Gospel, never mind thinking what you would do if you were Father etc.”
He managed to imply that anyone who says Jesus did not really miraculously multiply the loaves and fish is talking rubbish and in fact is contradicting the message of the Gospel. So that should put the parish priest from the neighbouring parish in his place. In and of itself it was a delight to hear this.
Our Rector at the Cathedral began a 5 week series on the Eucharist (he will be giving the homilies at all the Masses). He began by explaining the meaning of the liturgy beginning with the procession up to the liturgy of the Word. He is trying to catechize those who missed it over the past 45 years. It was wonderful. Attendance at the Masses, both daily and the weekend, is increasing. This past Saturday the lines for Confession were amazing. Backup had to be called in!
Peace and God bless.
We make a lot of fantastic claims–that a virgin gave birth, that God is one but also three, that Jesus is God Na man, that the bread and wine become Christ, etc–but do we really believe? It is hard to our minds that are trained in skepticism and the scientific age.
Father recommend we pray “Lord I believe, help my unbelief”.
We have a transitional deacon with us for a few weeks before he returns to Mundelein seminary. I don’t remember the finer points, but he said something similar to what one of the above posters noted about how none of the details in John’s gospel are insignificant, and carried that point in several directions, including some on how we know the multiplication of the loaves was not sharing or some other natural explanation, but a genuine miracle.
He also talked a little bit about prefiguring the Eucharist. He closed by reminding us that the readings for the next several weeks are all closely related and we should try to pay attention to each and remember the others as we see how John 6 plays out.
He also said the feeding of the multitude was written about six times between the four Gospels, with some differences in the details, but that the major details were consistent. Is that correct?
Maybe I misread, but I’ve thought for years that the additional mentions of feeding a multitude were a separate instance of Jesus doing so.
Unrelated question – going back over the readings now, I noticed the USCCB website does not capitalize pronouns referring to God: “Jesus went across the Sea of Galilee. A large crowd followed him.” Many other Catholic publications do the same these days.
Since the practice was formerly so well established, I assume this was a deliberate decision. If it was deliberate, there was a reason for it. What was the reason?
We can be like Philip, paralyzed by the magnitude of the task we have been given and only able to say how impossible it is. Or we can be like Andrew, and present the Lord with whatever we have to work with, even if it’s just some humble peasant food, and let Him work miracles with it.