Tradition = More Fun

The only thing that would make this better is if they also were wearing saturnos.  HERE

I received this from a reader…

The annual firing of the “potato cannon” with the men of Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary in Denton, Nebraska! [FSSP] With Bishop James D Conley, The Ninth Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Lincoln.

16_12_16_potato_cannon_01 16_12_16_potato_cannon_02


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. dans0622 says:

    Are we supposed to guess what they were shooting at? I could think of a few appropriate targets.

  2. I’m guessing Kansas?

  3. APX says:

    These pictures need video.

  4. bombcar says:

    Well, it’s not an edged weapon!

  5. VexillaRegis says:


  6. un-ionized says:

    Potato bazooka?

  7. Confitebor says:

    “I’m guessing Kansas?”

    Looks like they’re out in front of Apostle’s Hall, on the south side of the building, and the Hall is to the east of the chapel — so it looks like Bishop Conley has declared war on Iowa.

  8. pelerin says:

    Good to see seminarians having fun! Priests deserve to have fun too and for the last nine years there has been a ‘Padre Cup’ in France when Priests compete in go-karting competitions. Some even en soutane though saturnos would not be advisable as they career around the course!

  9. benedetta says:

    It may be better with saturni, but just that, the saturnos, and not the standing around admiring in the mirror part…which involved only one allegedly rigid worldly fellow…but could easily have been a rigid worldly fellow who stood around admiring his liturgical undergarments before saying the weekday OF, no?! Of which there could be more than one. But I digress.

    With their cassocks and saturnos, the Catholic world is better for their action! It’s too bad there aren’t even more of them around, to take on parish leadership in many more areas in the U.S. One can continue to pray.

  10. benedetta says:

    P.S., There are also some great photos going around Facebook this week of some young Dominican friars in full habit and hockey gear playing hockey outside in Alaska going around Facebook. Pray for more of them also, that they may take on many more schools and parishes and apostolates!

  11. Semper Gumby says:

    Perhaps they’re taking aim at the 1973 ICEL.

    Then again, a colleague points out that Fr. Fox and Confitebor could be on to something- Kansas and Iowa might be coveting Nebraska’s wheat crop.

  12. Seattle Slough says:

    Love my Fraternity priests.

  13. Matt Robare says:

    I’m sure that, like the crew of a man-o-war, nothing bring a seminary together like exercising the great guns.

  14. spock says:

    would have been more fun if they had targets from the Fishwrap.

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