UPDATE Fr. Z Swag: Pope Clement XIV (Ganganelli 1769-1774) – NEW ITEMS

Here is an IMPORTANT UPDATE about the new Clement XIV (Ganganelli) swag that is now available.  >>HERE<<

Clement_XVI_Mug_01 Clement_XVI_Mug_02

First, Fr. John Hunwicke of the great blog Mutual Enrichment reports:

Mugs! Popes! Jesuits!!
They have arrived!! I am immensely grateful to two kind and generous benefactors who have made me possessor of a mug and of a stein commemorating Papa Ganganelli, alias Clement XIV. Thank you! They are very fine indeed; I would encourage all readers to avail themselves of these impressive monuments to a great pontiff.

I have recently read a 1914 biography on Cardinal Allen, and some chapters in Eamon Duffy’s new collection of his papers, both treating of the Jesuits. We all know and deeply admire such Jesuit martyrs as the erudite, sparkling, courageous S Edmund Campion, but it is fascinating to peruse the internecine warfare which existed between the Jesuits and the secular clergy in the recusant period of English Church History.

There must have been many people, down the centuries, who have longed for the Society’s suppression! When Papa Ganganelli did suppress them, many brimming steins must have been raised to him in many countries!

Father must now send us a photo of the swag “in the wild”.

Speaking of Papa Ganganelli suppressing the Jesuits – a good day’s work that – I knew that you would not be satisfied with just coffee mugs.  Ergo

Reflecting the Jesuits themselves, there are light Tees and dark.

But wait!  There’s more!   What do we find on the back?


The salient bits from Clements 1773 Bull Dominus ac Redemptor Noster by which he extinguished the Jesuits.  I took me a while to find the Latin, let me tell you!  I found the whole thing in the Bullarium but there are excerpts on the Vatican website HERE (there is a slight variation in that in the Bullarium the word “gymnasia” is omitted… I follow that text).

The text on the dark shirts is in white… and for technical reasons I won’t bother to explain it has a slightly different format.

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About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Poor Yorek says:

    Suppress the Jesuits

    Change the World: Again!

  2. Venerator Sti Lot says:

    “I have recently read a 1914 biography on Cardinal Allen”: my guess is, Martin Haile, An Elizabethan Cardinal, William Allen (London: Pitman) – scanned in the Internet Archive – where, surprisingly, I can discover no English biography of Pope Clement XIV – though there are various collections of his letters in English translation…

  3. Joe in Canada says:

    I Cor 4:12b-13

  4. Grant M says:

    Strange. I remember not so long ago traditionalists lamenting the suppression of the Jesuits because it cleared the way for the Freemasons et al to engineer the French Revolution.

  5. Cicero_NOLA says:

    In the Lenten spirit of increasing our gifts of clothing and drink to others, this information may be useful to the readership:

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    America Media
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    New York, NY 10023

  6. frmgcmma says:

    I know a community of Conventual Franciscans who have a chalice that once belonged Pope Clement XIV — they used it annually on July 31, the feast of St. Ignatius Loyola.


    Fr. Z's Gold Star Award

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