UPDATE: White Pontifical Vestments Project


UPDATE 29 March: Progress

I received photos from Gammarelli.  They are cutting the fabric.

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And so the process has started!

UPDATE 14 Feb: The next phrase

I just finished, with the help of the Vocations Director and his assistant, the unfurling, cutting, and folding of the last bolt of fabric that remained here in The Cupboard Under The Stairs.  As you may remember, I sent a huge amount to Rome through the kind intermediary of a seminarian.  This batch is going with the VD on his way to visit our guys at the NAC.

This means that Gammarelli will now have plenty of fabric to work with, even to make all the extra chasubles and dalmatics for ordinations, etc: an additional 23m!

Many thanks to all of you who contributed money to this Vestment Project!

Don’t worry… I’ll be back for more!

We still have to make sets in black and rose… and the famous blue.  The vestments in those sets won’t be as numerous, however.

You can still make tax deductible donations at any time!  Mail your large, generous checks to us (or to me!):

Tridentine Mass Society of Madison
733 Struck St.
PO BOX 44603
Madison, WI 53744-4603

UPDATE 24 Jan:  We are making progress.

I’ve exchanged email with Gammarelli.  I told them to GO AHEAD and to begin making the vestments!

I hope to receive even more donations so that we can have matching copes made for the servers who bear the instruments for the bishop (miter, bugia, etc.).  We could then use these copes for Solemn Vespers, etc.

ALSO: I am thinking about having two over-sized dalmatics made. XL.  That can give us more flexibility about whom we can vest.  So… kick in some cash!

A priest friend is going to Rome in February and he will deliver another large quantity of the same white fabric.  Hopefully we will be able to make additional chasubles and dalmatics for ordinations.  We saved a lot of money by providing our own fabric.

Click HERE to make a (generous) tax deductible donation to this project.

The Tridentine Mass Society of the Diocese of Madison is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

We will have the coat of arms of the Diocese embroidered on the dalmatics and cope.  Bp. Morlino’s (aka The Extraordinary Ordinary) coat of arms will be on the chasuble.  And, yes, I will have a chasuble made for myself with my arms.

Because the diocesan arms will go on the dalmatics, I may have them made all as dalmatics including stoles for each one so that they could be used for ordinations to the diaconate.  Maybe… maybe…  Otherwise, I would have 3 dalmatics made and 2 tunics, but with one diaconal stole only.  And, of course, the maniples.

Once again, we will get everything, down to the last bit: gremial, antependium, extra trim so we can make tabernacle veils (for Solemn Masses), buskins, gloves, the works.

I have a big Pelican case for transporting an entire set for when we need to take it on the road, as it were.  It’s heavy, but super tough and water proof.  Here it is filled with the red set.

What sorts of things are we doing?

Here are a few shots.

In the future I want to have made a full set in ROSE.  I suspect there aren’t make of those around.  Also, we have a black set, but it is less than optimal.  I very much want to replace it.  This last year we used it twice, once for All Souls and once for the Requiem of a wonderful priest.  There will be more opportunities in the future to donate.  But NOW is a really good time!

How do we fight against confusion and eroding Catholic identity here?  Beauty.  Fidelity to the Church’s teaching.  Worthy sacred liturgical worship.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. mobrien says:

    I would love to donate to this project. However, I am unemployed and sort of broke. If I find paid employment, I will send you some money for these vestments.

  2. Nan says:

    mobrien, don’t worry about these vestments. There will be more vestments. Prayers to you for paid employment appropriate for you.

  3. Joe in Canada says:

    Perhaps in the meantime you could borrow some rose vestments. http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3714/1602/1600/palmar05.jpg

    [I think not.]

  4. CradleRevert says:

    Joe in Canada,

    Actually, if those vestments were a little more rose and less pink, I think they’d be quite beautiful.

  5. jskelley says:

    Father Z or anyone who can answer,

    Do the servers who carry the bugia and Pontifical/Missal properly wear copes according to tradition or is this just a practice of Solemn Vespers? Or does this only apply to clerics having received minor orders?

  6. jskelley: Copes can be used for Solemn Vespers by clerics. However, it is also customary to put copes on the servers who carry bugia, etc.

  7. VexillaRegis says:

    The fabric is very beautiful and classy. May I ask if it’s pure silk or silk and cotton? It’s hard to determine from the pictures :-).

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